
I believe it's $5.00 for adults and $1.00 for children to enter. That's extremely cheap and you can spent the entire day there seeing all sorts of breeds of dogs.
There are also vendors there selling all sorts of animal specialty items. Give it a shot, you'll not regret it.
The last 4 photos are of one of our puppies entered into the show yesterday.
interesting photo, i notice there are a miriad of ceiling tiles missing. are these no longer available or has no one else noticed they are missing.
Whats up with all the missing ceiling tiles in the civic center that is in your first picture.
That ceiling looks terrible!
I'll have to bring it up with Mr. Mackes and see what they say. I have no clue why those tiles are missing. It wasn't that bad last year.
Didn't a couple tiles at some point fall from the ceiling and land on spectators? Was there a lawsuit?
They would need to build up some heavy duty scfolding to repair all of those empty tiles, that may also be in violation of the fire code.......
Well gang..
If you gave the support to the civic center that you say you do you would know why they are missing.
During several events they have to hang stuff such as lights, speakers from the cieling, so they have to remove tiles. They also fall during events such as the monster truck shows.
Maybe you would know all this if went there and spent some money!
Maybe they could use that fire aerial truck to replace the tiles -- no scaffolding needed, Tim
What fire aerial truck? I hear they're down to one. Blown tranny in the newest one. OOS for likely 60 days! OUCH!
The way they drive it, did you ever expect anything different?????
Good comeback Joe.. We didnt expect anything different from YOU!
who is the nice looking lady in the photos?
In the 20 years I have lived here I have attended 5 events at the Civic Center. I paid entry for every one three were concerts, one an art show and one an ecumenical gathering of many churches. Each time I went the bathrooms were beyond disgusting, the acoustics for the concerts were terrible and the seating was very uncomfortable.
Unless God Himself or maybe one of my children will be headlining there in the future, I don't believe I will spend another dime their, so I guess you won't be able to count on my money to replace ceiling tiles.
I doubt OSHA would approve of replacing the tiles with a ladder truck. Also the side jacks that hold the truck stable while the boom arm is extended would completely tear up the floor.
please let the firemen come do the job. there is no heat at station 16 this weekend and may not be until later this week. at least if they were at the civic center replacing tiles they would have some source of warmth.
you dont think osha would approve them using a ladder truck to replace tiles. WOW, you actually believe they will call OSHA to ask permission. What good is OSHA anyway. That ladder truck has injured the foot of 2 fire fighters and OSHA was never involved.
Why isn't there any heat at the fire station.
Did anybody call OHSA when the injuries occurred? Was there an internal "Incident report" written up to document said injuries?
If not then I guess the injuries never happened.
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