Take ONE guess what the SFD would name their boat?
Early last summer I did a story about the SFD, (mainly Deputy Chief Gordy) trying to go after a Homeland Security Grant to purchase a $800,000.00 Boat.
Fire Fighters used some BS excuse that it was to protect waterfront homes and that it was required by their Insurance Companies. Like Fire Trucks can't get to waterfront properties! Notice how in today's article there was no mention of that!
Nevertheless, The Daily Times is way behind in the news and the Salisbury Fire Department wants to screw the Taxpayers and Federal Government out of money not necessary for real Homeland Security.
And we have the Coast Guard for??????????? I know, I know, the fun of it! Get a grip Fire Fighters of Salisbury, you blew your wad on a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station and now you greedy SOB's want more? Oh, they mentioned Baltimore and Annapolis. GET A GRIP! This is NOT either major port, so go sell it to someone who wants to listen to your BS. Greedy/Gordy, pretty close, eh?
I say, send out donation envelopes and let them stand for how the Taxpayers of Salisbury feel about this request?
Ebony! lol
Salisbury is the 2nd largest port in Maryland. This was told to you the last time you fussed about it this summer.
Also the Coast Guard isn't near by, it would take them too long to get here to put out a fire.
Do tell everyone just how many fires have happened in the past, oh, let's say, 10 years that required a Fire Boat???????
You guys LOVE TOYS and get a hard on whenever you think you can blow cash to get one. Just like the new Fire Station. It's a warehouse for vehicles, yet Salisbury spends $10,000.000.00 to have one.
So in the end, who are the Idiots here? The Taxpayers. That's right, you Idiots keep voting in complete Idiots and allow Developer reimbursements, irresponsible TIF's and funding for Fire Stations and cry the blues when you get a 14% tax increase.
My guess, from here on out, is that taxpayers aren't going to be stupid any more. The Fire Fighters have taken more than their fair share when it comes to, (as Comegys always says) taking a bite out of the apple. And as Bill Hearne said, just how many bites do you want Gary, there's only so much apple there!
This is completely unnecessary and the Fire Department knows it.
Oh, might I add, you asked the University to help fund the Ladder Fire Truck the City so conveniently hasn't ordered. Yet, why doesn't the City ask the petroleum companies to pick up the total tab above and beyond what Homeland Security can pay?
Nope, screw the taxpayers! If you don't need Bridge Tenders, if the current Fire Boat is rarely used, there's no reason for a new one. By the way Folks. The ONLY time that boat is used anyway is for The Dive Team. Yes, it leaves the dock every so often but NOT for fires.
You tell me what freakin expert YOU have in the Fire Department? Come on now, tell me what education See or Gordy have?
Are you denying some of these party animals don't attend seminars while they're out of town because they partied too much the night before?
Come on, answer how many fires have been on waterfront properties in the past 10 years? Then tell EVERYONE how there are no roads to those homes in order for a Fire Truck to get to them. COME ON, LIE TO THE TAXPAYERS RIGHT HERE AND NOW!
You guys are so full of shit it isn't funny. Toys and more toys, that's all you know.
If you were smart enough, you would know the City will discuss the new fire engine (Which SU will pay a part of) Monday at the work session.
It's your news site, you find the facts yourself.
How overdue is it? The City didn't have their share of the funding, just like they're now begging the County to pony up some cash for the Boat. It will never end.
Oh, my sources tell me the City better watch out because the University could back out of their end of the deal.
Joe you have no idea on how the fire service works!
At least See and Gordy have something like 60 years combined fire service time, how much do you have?
Who are you to say what the fire service needs?
I think there are a few very large fuel tanks sitting on the Wicomico River.
I know lets wait till after the fire and then wish you had protection.
Its just like your "sprinkler" debate. You hope that you never need it but if you do its there for your use.
All the fire departments wish they never have to use anything, but we all know fires will happen and no one knows when so we all have to be prepared.
Another thing, Have you been in the new firehouse? Nope.. they won't allow you in there. Your boy from "Fire in the Hole" has, just look on his site. The firehouse is very nice and built to last! I'll bet you will be there for the open house, but you will be scared to death!
Also looks like there are some pics of your "chosen one" Cropper on the watch desk of not being able to fit in a hazous mat suit last Thursday. But we heard all about Gordy, See and others not being able to do sit ups. If you look at the pictures you will clearly see where cropper is well over weight and unable to proper fit his gut in the suit.
Pictures don't lie! But you won't say anything negitive about him! A true PROFFESINAL. (OVER WEIGHT THAT IS)
i see you didnt post the last post. It was very well written and no cussing what so ever.
man your a one sided motherfucker!
There was a waterfront home of SAPOA member and realtor Bill Martin that burned because they had their BBQ grill on too close to their McMansion--how about telling everyone what was in the room that didn't burn down all of you firefighters that were there? Why don't the firemen tell about the many matresses that are in the rentals of SAPOA memebers "housing stock" that prove extreme over-occupancy? Is the new firehouse and boat enough to buy your silence on these things?
How can you say that about me. I don't even know who YOUR Mother is?
Great post, Joe, but the article does have stuff about the riverfront McMansions burning down unless we get a new fireboat.
It's just ducky -- after Barrie and her bozos waste millions to build a new fire station, complete with a museum, on a site for which the City overpaid, located on a former swamp and landfill, now this nonsense.
What absurd hype -- like it will be a "regional asset." Imagine how long would be needed for it to get to bivalve or Sharptown.
Then these's the spokesman for Cato Oil (Tim Enge). Since the petroleum operations cause the risk perhaps he can tell us how much Cato wants to contribute.
Let those who really want the upgrade pay for it -- both to buy and to operate a new fireboat.
Sorry,I am not buying it.River traffic apparently wasnt heavy enough to warrant a HUMAN to remain posted at the drawbridges.As far as the "houses on the river" See mentioned,seeing as how they are multimillion dollar homes they should have sprinkler systems and if they do not,then its the homeowners chintziness.Enough is enough-they got a new station already.Besides,what good is a water pumping boat going to be if there IS a petroleum fire?You need special chemicals to extinguish such blazes,perhaps the FD thinks the rest of us are too ignorant to know that.
And before anyone bashes me,I lost a dear family member in the line of duty so I respect firefighters-just not greedy bureaucratic fire officials.
You need to correct your post for one ,its not the firefighters that want that new boat it the higher ups that do.Also we already got the money from SU for the ladder truck!!
Diminishing the losses at ONE fire at a waterfront home would be worth having a new fire boat. If it was your house, life, or possessions that were saved then you wouldn't be able to place a price tag on that boat and the equipment on it. I havn't heard anything about an $800,000 boat. Yes, I would agree that would be extravagant/overkill and a waste of my money. The current fire boat is not capable of delivering adequate gallons per minute to combat any type of fire. Hell it probably wouldn't even put your cigar out (LOL). It is a left over relic from the Higgins administration. It is nothing more than a fishing boat with fire department lettering and some red lights.
We had a fire at a waterfront home on Rawson Rd. approximately 3 years ago. There are no hydrants in that area and very limited access to water. The house was a total loss, has been torn down, and rebuilt since then. Now, would having a fire boat prevented the fire? No. A sprinkler system would've helped contain it, but thats a different topic. Would a fire boat have helped save some valuable, irreplaceable (sp?)possesions? Quite possibly.
There are much more valuable properties going up on the river all of the time. Some are sprinklered, some are not. Many are multiple occupancy dwellings in which the risk for a catastrophic fire is greatly increased. Most of the roads along the river do not have a municipal water supply, therefore no hydrants for FD use.
Not IF, but WHEN the big fire does happen the fire department will have alot of explaining to do if they don't have a fully functional marine firefighting vessel. For once the Fire Department is trying to be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE. Let them do it.
No I am not a brown noser, simply ask around and anyone will tell you that. If you have any further questions why don't you try emailing the Fire Chief directly or stop by the station. Our doors are always open and so is his. I certainly don't speak for him and don't necessarily agree with all of the decisions the administration makes. However, many of your rantings and slanted information could be easily corrected if you could have a civilized sit down discussion with them. Thanks for your time.
Rob Frampton BS, FF/Paramedic
I am on my time and my computer.
"Besides,what good is a water pumping boat going to be if there IS a petroleum fire?You need special chemicals to extinguish such blazes,perhaps the FD thinks the rest of us are too ignorant to know that."
WOW! Excellent Point!!!!!
I lived in Captain's Hill in West Ocean City for many years, right on the water. I can assure you, I paid the price when it came to insurance premiums and that's the price you pay when you don't live near a hydrant.
IF my home were to burn down completely, oh well. My valuables are stored in an extremely secure safe and I also paid a hefts price to purchase it, have it delivered and yes, installed.
Everything else is insured. Might I add, I also have two VERY large ponds on my property that, (God Forbid) the Fire Department ever needs to extinguish a fire. Let me accompany that with, I have photos I'd LOVE to share at some point of Hoopers in West Ocean City burning TO THE GROUND even with 100% of the water being pumped directly out of the Bay.
There was NOT ONE Coast Guard Vessel there, even though they are directly across the Bay. There was NOT ONE Fire Boat on location the entire time that fire burned for at least 8 hours.
So PLEASE do NOT try to sell me on the fact that the SFD needs this boat, respectfully, (and I mean that).
I TRULY respect the fact that you have put your name out there and I hope you and I can agree to disagree on this matter. Just because Fire Fighters have more experience WITH fires, doesn't mean they know more about those of us with years behind us and have witnessed such destruction over time.
A Fire Boat is a waste of time and money. Let the Insurance Companies pay for one if they feel they are so necessary.
The truth of the matter is that the insurance companies are not going to pay for a new fire boat, thats not their business. The fire department is tasked with the responsibilty to protect the taxpaying citizens. Currently we cannot provide the desired level of service to them because of this piece of crap boat.
I am familar with Captains Hill as I worked part-time in Ocean City as a FF/Paramedic for three years, prior to and during the first two years of my employment with the City. I was at The Hoopers Fire you speak of. The reason boats were not used is because of the large area of marsh that lies between the bay and the building. The department actually had to place their brush truck out in the marsh and pump with it to some of the units on the scene. It was early in the morning and the fire had a good stronghold on the heavy timber construction. That building had a HUGE fireload, much more than any single family dwelling.
An $800,000 boat? Absolutely Not! A much less expensive version that can atleast get out of its own wake and flow more than 250 gpm? Aboslutely Yes!
Like why don't the elite who live on the river install sprinklers or get some submersible pumps like those P-50's we used in the Navy?
Man, I was all over the place with that comment.
The ponds are on my current property in which we live in the middle of nowhere.
The point behind Hoopers was, even with a huge volume of water being pumped in from the Bay, it wasn't going to save that property.
I had a home in Davidsonville, Maryland that was 10,200 square feet and there were no fire hydrants there either. For those people that can afford these kind of homes, we know the risks going in. We also pay premiums to cover losses and repairs.
One winter I had what they call, Ice Damming where the ice on the roof of this home froze upwards through the roof shingles and when it melted, water came into the entire home like a waterfall. The damage was so severe, ultimately I was medically removed from the home because it cause a mold and mildew problem. Granted, it wasn't a fire but it ruined everything and the home over time was a complete loss.
Sh*t happens in life and believe me, I loved that home and so did my children. I'll add, I had to sue the Insurance Company because they tried to screw me out of most of what had happened to that home and I spent more than $300,000.00 just going after what I had been protected for. So Insurance Companies aren't what people think they are either. Oh, by the way, in the end I won and that Insurance Company changed all their rules with Mold and Mildew immediately after my case was done.
If someone can't live after the loss of a material item, they shouldn't be living anyway.
People/Builders should be forced to sprinkler any home NOT near City Water!
Read the Daily Times article today. It clearly states this is a $800,000.00 Boat.
As for Hoopers, I have some really bitchin photos from about 5:00 AM on from that fire.
I remember going back home at one point and watching pilings and timber floating past my property from that fire.
As for the marsh, PLEASE! Perhaps you forgot about the Dock and piers that were right at Hoopers that they rented to boat owners? Yes, there is some marsh around that area but there are three channels accessible by most any boats. That's a fact. I know those waters like the back of my hand. Especially that area. I used to clam there and fish for Flounder there all the time.
"People/Builders should be forced to sprinkler any home NOT near City Water!"
While I agree with this statement, the fire service and government need to better educate the public about the added value and protection and reduction in premiums by installing them. They also need to educate the public about the fire protection or lack there of, along with the water supply system that serves their area.
The article states "But with a price tag as high as $800,000."
I would question where this number was obtained from. Yes I have heard and seen some information on some possible types of vessels being considered. In my opinion and based on some research that I have done, I can't see why that figure can't be cut in half or less.
Some will tell you a new ladder truck is $1.5 million. Yet departments by ladder trucks all of the time for less than a million. That is 33% less than what person #1 would have lead you to believe.
Joe, do you realize you can't just hook sprinklers in a home upto a normal 4" well? The flow just isn't there. That's why in buildings that are sprinkled there is a fire department hookup outside, so they can hook up their pump to the fire hydrant for more water.
Take a look behind Gander Mountain or Home Depot and you'll find very large storage tanks for water for their sprinkler system. Homes would have to have holding tanks for water to use until the fire department got there with their tanker trucks.
It just isn't feasible for sprinkling homes that aren't on city water.
I won't argue that point with you. However, I know of the trip Gordy made to Baltimore and the expense of their boat. He's the one that came back wanting the same.
The FD needs new leadership, period. Just like the SPD needs new leadership. Just like the City needs new leadership.
Barrie Tilghman ran her first race stating she wanted to get rid of the Good Old Boy System. My God, she's enlarged it 100 fold and anyone who disagreed with her, now she'll sue them. What a piece of sh*t!
It's time for change Ladies & Gentlemen. Then think about Louise Smith with her running on accountability, checks and balances. Talk about another crock of sh*t! When are you people going to finally come around?????
As for the sprinkler system anonymous poster......
My home in Davidsonville was worth millions.
Do you think I would have cared what the cost of such a system cost when building something I wanted to protect?
Now granted, AFTER I would have installed it and the municipality insisted I had to be forced to hook up to City water, that's the time I would have been hot.
If that's what it takes to qualify to build a home on the water, that's what it takes. It will only increase the value of your investment anyway and that's what the City refuses to recognize.
In all fairness, I know that Chief See is not against sprinklers. He's just NOT experienced enough to CLOSE A DEAL with City Officials and that's a shame.
Let me also ADD, so you're telling EVERYONE here that each and every tax payer should FOOT THE BILL to protect waterfront property owners????????
Screw that! Make the property owners install tanks and whatever else it takes to protect their properties and STOP this crap about buying a freakin Boat to do so at everyone elses expense!!!!!
Come on now people, wake up!
Well that did not take long to draw in the FD into another drawn out arguement.
This is a great post.
Why should the wealthy who live on the river have better fire protection than the rest of town -- aren't the fire vehicles good enough for them but are just fine for the rest of us??? If they don't have hydrants in their area then they should pay for them and not make the rest of us bail them out.
Doesn't Gordy live in a home on the Wic. River?
Thats the only way he gets hits! And still no news about the PROFESSIONAL firefighter in SFD that can't fit into gear.
But tell us again how fat Gordy, See and Hoppes is!
I didnt mean offense to firefighters,Im sure its the bureacrats,not the men in the trenches,who are pushing for all these expensive goodies.I would like to see any extra funds go towards training and fire prevention outreach.
"Do you think I would have cared what the cost of such a system cost when building something I wanted to protect?"
Now THATS an excellent point.You gotta pay to play-if you build a home valued at half mil or more,whats a little extra $$$ to protect your investment?
"I won't argue that point with you. However, I know of the trip Gordy made to Baltimore and the expense of their boat. He's the one that came back wanting the same."
Gordy didnt come back wanting the same boat that Baltimore christened that day. That particular boat is way to big for what we want.
Anonymous said...
You need to correct your post for one ,its not the firefighters that want that new boat it the higher ups that do.Also we already got the money from SU for the ladder truck!!
I'll repeat. "Also we already got the money from SU for the ladder truck!!"
This comment obviously came from the Fire Department and or a Fire Fighter and is 100% NOT TRUE!
SU hasn't made a single payment towards this Fire Truck. As a matter of fact, they agreed to pay, (I believe) 4 payments at $75,000.00 each. Not one single payment has been made nor has the Fire Department ordered the truck.
You all like to talk about me not having my facts, yet you go on and on about what you think you know and you're wrong. Quit lying!
No need to reply, if it is even firefighters replying. Last week there was very little comments on this page. The blogger on this site last week posted about TWD being slow. Now is that really "news worthy". It appears to me that you firefighters have made this site as of late.
Notice how you stay away from replying to the topic.
I doubt very seriously anyone cares about when and if the Fire Fighters comment here. If I opened it back up to anonymous comments without moderation, everyone would instantly be back sending nasty messages just in the hopes of seeing their nasty words about my Wife, Grandchild and Family for a cheap thrill.
I personally feel people appreciate keeping MOST of the Fire Fighters off of this comment section and are grateful of such.
Now let's get back to the topic at hand.
I'll add, the comments here blow away ANY Blog on the entire Eastern Shore.
Nice try though.
Here is a sampling of the riverfront homeowners you taxpayers will be providing fire protection for--Stu Leer, Frank Willing, Chris Davis and Cottingham (the famous trio LLC that are the Hearne developers) Donnie Williams, Richard Insley, T.J.Maloney,Gary Chandler (GNI)Bill Martin, Hugh Mclaughlin,John Long, etc. etc. SAPOA and their banker buddies. Living on the Wicomico is the pinnacle of success for the plunderers, just ahead of a picture at a social event in the Metropolitan monthly.Pathetic lttle town.
A new fireboat is not on my list of priority’s as a must have for SFD. I would feel safe to say the current boat responds to less than 5 calls a year if that. Only two calls this year come to mind that I know of but not having the actual numbers I can’t say. On training exercises and routine running the boat is used maybe 25-30 times a year. Since SHA made their recent decision a rapid response north of the bridges is out of the question. I have heard the chief say a boat is on the ISO check list as a must have to lower that rating. In my opinion if SFD were to get a boat in the future I would hope it were a basic boat to keep cost down.
I've got my own issues with SU and their expansion. However, I will say this--they are trying to be "good citizens" by offering to help pay for another ladder truck. I applaud their effort. I hope that the SFD orders the ladder truck, as I feel that it would be of more benefit to more people in the city than an $800,000 fire boat that would only benefit a few (very!) wealthy people that should be able to pop for sprinklers. If they did the math, I'm sure the insurance discounts for having such a system would pay for the system over time.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts anonymous. I don't think that boat is on the priority list for taxpayers as well.
As a matter of FACT, why hasn't the FD mentioned that they recently spent a small fortune on a new motor recently for the boat they currently have????
If there's so much Industrial risk on the river, why too does this Mayor and Cjied of the FD expect residential taxpayers to pay the tab for businesses?
I personally believe these same people are using the homes on the river as a front to get their business partners a free ride once again. This Mayor and much of her Administration must go soon. This is why they will do whatever it takes to shut this Blog down, even if it means suing me.
THANK Larry Dodd 100% for that donation from SU. Not for the money but for the contact and work it took to come up with the idea and then getting them to fund it.
NOW the sh*t is going to hit the fan because that's the TRUTH and the TRUTH kills those guys! What say you now Chiefy?
Has my little buddy Booger been tooting his horn again?!?!? LOL
How'd you get your hands on that info Joe? Just curious.
Anyone who knows anything about that deal with SU knows Larry did all that work, then someone tried to take credit for it.
The riverfront dwellers would just die if they had to live in one of their overpriced rental hovels for a week....they are big turds in a little bowl.
Larry did all the leg work getting the administration into SSU then Larry gets shit on as usual. Just like so many others who’ve gone above that call to get shit on in the end. Get what you can get out of your people then kickem to the curb and move on to the next one on the list. It would do my heart good if SSU pulled the plug on helping SFD.
Lt. Dodd is another victim of the Gordy administration.
Nice one Booger! Two posts two minutes apart! At least give it a little time between pats on the back!
Hey Anonymous,
What have YOU done for the City lately? And don't come back stating you volunteer for the Fire Department. Larry did that for 10 years before he became a professional.
Hey! Layoff my little Booger-man. Just because he got used like dishrag is no reason to abuse him for patting himself on the back.
Inferiority Complexes Suck.
Easy Joe, Larry has never been a firemen yet to date. Booger is the biggest pussy Salisbury has to offer by far. Here’s a person scared to death of getting dirty and if you think I’m full of shit take a look at his gear for yourself. He probably has his original gear he got 20 years ago. Lol but the truth. Boog on the other hand is the best pencil pusher I’ve ever seen though.
I wouldn't dare volunteer with those racists pigs. I do pay my taxes on time. Volunteer with Jaycees. Keep my grass cut. Weigh on here once and a while.
What else would you like to know?
I know you frequent this Blog on a regular basis. Please do NOT listen to those pansies that post under fictitious names and or anonymous. As I will speak for many others, your service to the City of Salisbury as well as Wicomico County is unsurpassed by any other. Like many of your fine Brothers on the SFD, stick with it and don't let some of these losers get to you. You know, as well as the leaders in the SFD that they'll ALL be gone before you know it. I can assure you, the new Administration that will be voted in by a record turn out of voters will demand the termination of these people for supporting behavior no other Fire Department in the Country would stand for.
The way I see it, these people better watch their P's & Q's because you never know who could be leading them next. Think about that long and hard fat boys.
Joe sat on the computer all day long. What a waste of a day. Well whats the different from any other day?
Demand Termination? I guess like our good buddy Weezie Smith was going to Demand Accountability? People will say or do anything to get elected. Brooms are for janitors. When was the last time you saw a clean sweep in any city administration. I don't mean Salisbury, I mean anywhere.
Anonymous said...
Joe sat on the computer all day long. What a waste of a day. Well whats the different from any other day?
8:02 PM
I sat on my lard ass and watched football all day. What's your point fella?
Actually, I went to WalMart earlier today and ran into Bonnie Lunna(?) and her Husband. That's the 2nd time we've seen them in the past 24 hours.
We then went to Sam's Club and bought a few things. Then it was off to the Tractor Supply to purchase some items there. Then I came home and played LIVE Baseball with my Grandson for a couple of hours, till it turned dark. He was hitting the ball so far it would go into the pasture with the horses and they acted like the ball was an apple, picking it up and playing with it. It was a blast, actually.
You may have notice the delay in many comments while I was in and out doing what is certainly more important than this Blog.
Seems to me, since you made that remark, you must be the one glued to the computer all day. Nice try though.
Joe, careful, they'll be saying the kid's on the juice. Well, he probably is, apple or orange.
Sounds like fun though. More fun than Sams Club or Walmart on a Sunday. Those places are like a zoo. Not Salisbury Zoo, but you get my drift.
Still wondering why the Firemen don' t report rooms with large amounts of illegal drugs and rentals with obvious defects and over occupancy--thought you guys were so up front? Well?
Service to the City of Salisbury is unsurpassed by any other. Ha! Booger has filled your head so full of shit you don’t know what to believe Joe. Ask booger how many people he’s pulled out of a burning building over the years. None! Ask booger how many times he’s been burnt up, cut, bruised, exhausted. None, none, none, none! Boogers best function is back on the medic unit where he did a good job. It’s clean there right up boogers alley.
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Notice how this person can't stay on topic here. They are so screwed with answers from us that they must go to personal attacks instead.
Were YOU on the County Council? NO! Were YOU the one who raised the funds for the Fire Department from SU? NO! Did YOU stay living IN the City to show your support for your own community? NO! Did YOU stand up to the Mayor when she had the taxes raised by 14% in the City? NO!
You are a LOSER who hides behind anonymous and attacks the good people of the City. I'll repeat, LOSER!
Notice how this person can't stay on topic here. They are so screwed with answers from us that they must go to personal attacks instead.
Joe this is you all the way. You and personal attacks go hand in hand.. just ask anyone that has left their name on this site and disagreed with you..
Barrie wants to include funds to replace engine 16 in the City's next bond issuance -- what's the story (it will be discussed at the work session tomorrow).
farmers spend way less to house much more equipment than the FD's new bldg.
face it they just want more of our money.
the truth doesn't matter, it's how you spin it that counts.
as the 2'nd busiest port in the state, doesn't mean it's that busy.
and a new fire boat won't make a difference in a chemical fire & would take too long to get antwhere except Cato Oil.
The only way you'd know anything about this whole Larry Dodd situation is through Larry himself. His reaching out through this blogsite proves he's reached the end of his rope. It's sad Larry that you've chosen this route of discourse to air your slights and grievances. You've come a loooooong way my friend. You can really hold your head up high. Here's to a job _______ done.
"...riverfront homeowners you taxpayers will be providing fire protection for--Stu Leer, Frank Willing, Chris Davis and Cottingham (the famous trio LLC that are the Hearne developers) Donnie Williams, Richard Insley, T.J.Maloney,Gary Chandler (GNI)Bill Martin, Hugh Mclaughlin,John Long, etc. etc. SAPOA and their banker buddies."
Let them buy their own fire boat since they're the ones needing(wanting) it the most. And they're the only ones who can afford it. Besides, it should be a "county thing" since they aren't in city limits. (are they?)
Why does the city have to have a fireboat anyhow. Because we have a river isn't good enough!
Good point! I think most of those guys are county zoned. But, having said that, the comment from the SFD will say is that most of those guys are closer to the city, and it would make more sense for the city to respond to a fire with their equipment. Besides, the last time I checked, Fruitland (the next closest station) doesn't have easy access to the river.
Anonymous said...
"...riverfront homeowners you taxpayers will be providing fire protection for--Stu Leer, Frank Willing, Chris Davis and Cottingham (the famous trio LLC that are the Hearne developers) Donnie Williams, Richard Insley, T.J.Maloney,Gary Chandler (GNI)Bill Martin, Hugh Mclaughlin,John Long, etc. etc. SAPOA and their banker buddies."
Let them buy their own fire boat since they're the ones needing(wanting) it the most. And they're the only ones who can afford it. Besides, it should be a "county thing" since they aren't in city limits. (are they?)
Why does the city have to have a fireboat anyhow. Because we have a river isn't good enough!
Isn't it funny that Bill Martin went to the expense of fireproofing one room in his house to protect his pot plants but the rest of the house burned. This is the room that the fire department won't talk about in an open forum, yet runs their mouths about it everywhere else. Yeah, lets keep it a secret, we won't turn him in to WCSO or MSP, we'll just talk about the fire and that room every time we get the chance.
Keep it a secret?? The cops were there that morning.
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