Oh how the connected get favors! Take a wild guess who owns the building The Daily Times is moving into in the next few months? How about a company called TEMCO. Sound familiar?
Now why in the world would The Daily Times go into that building MONTHS before it is completed and operate portions of their Newspaper inside this building when they have no use and occupancy permit, (or whatever it's called)?
What if I were to tell you that it allegedly has something to do with Bill Holland? It turns out, (so I'm told) one of the principals in TEMCO is none other than Bill Holland's Cousin. HMMMMMMMM!
So even though I exposed this going on last week, the Daily Times continues to operate out of this building, even though they do NOT have permits to do so. I guess we'll just have to pass this information onto the State level.
The Chess Game continues. CHECK!
618 Beam Street is owned by "BEAM STREET LLC, C/O WILLIAM K TURNER
3816 RIDERWOOD DR SALISBURY MD 21804-2547" not Temco.
They are the general contractor for the Pocomoke Discovery Center run by one of Boss Hogg's Henchmen as a politcal favor after being ousted from the City Council.
Temco, this is the same company building the $400,000.00 riverfront townhouses in Pocomoke City on the 4 (FOUR) square blocks of city owned waterfront property sold for $750,000.00 at the peak of the real estate bubble in a back-room deal in 2005.
It has been reported that several current and former city council members are shareholders of the LLC that owns the project.
Temco, I am not sure if they were the ones who got the $50,000.00 consulting contract for the Pocomoke Discovery Center for coming up with a plan for the exterior of the building.
$50,000.00 to tell them to paint the trim and re-point the bricks talk about a scam but $8 million to rehab a 10,000 sq ft building with a couple of Boss Hogg cronies in charge.
No surprise to me.. but its not corporate Gannett its the local Eastern Shore division who would be fired if corporate really knew what was going on.
Then again who knows.
I believe what is important here is the Daily Times illegally working out of this facility while they do not hold the proper permits. Who owns the building does not matter. I even contacted a friend that delivers papers and they confirmed they are working out of this building without the proper permits. I'm even told the Times will fire you if you say something about it.
Who owns the building is of no consequence. You are correct, operating without the proper permits, in an unsafe environment that is still under construction is not good. Imagine the fire hazard in there with all of the paper and dust and no fire apparatus readily available to extinguish a fire should one break out. Shame on you Daily Times.
Temco = Terry and Ed Mcquire, Wife works for "The Bank"
There is a saying in Hollywood.
Its not who you know... its who you blow...
In Pocomoke they say:
Either they have a picture of you screwing a goat or your dumber than a box of rocks...
Are you crooked or stupid?
Looks like some of the same Eastern Shore political payback goes on in Salisbury.
Perfect gift for the "person who wants everything":
An FOB lapel pin (sure beats an MML lapel pin).
How is it certain people here can get away with kind of underhandedness? If I were involved, sure as hell I would be in jail, or for that matter if it were Joe, there would surely be the same result. Time to take back our city, starting with the Disgrace and its games!
A. Goetz
Yeah, but how could they gain access to the building to work in it without the owners' knowledge? Aren't occupancy permits the responsibility of the owners, not the tenants?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Joe writes:
"Now why in the world would The Daily Times go into that building MONTHS before it is completed and operate portions of their Newspaper inside this building when they have no use and occupancy permit, (or whatever it's called)?"
It seems to me an occupancy permit was issued when the building was originally built. Any permits presently needed would be the permits to demolish and construct the support infrastructure and spaces for the publishing of the newspaper. It would seem to me that any unmodified area of the building maybe used by the tenant of the property without the need for a new or modified occupancy permit. I have worked for a number of enterprises where business was conduced in one part of a building while constructing for the expansion of the enterprises was taking place elsewhere in the same building.
Sand Box John
I thought Temco was purchased by Gillis, Gilkerson a few years ago.
TEMCO is Terry (Nock)& Ed Maguire. Her father is Bill Nock, real estate agent at one time I think for Hanna McLaughlin or Long & Foster, she used to work for Bank of Fruitland once upon a time. Nice setup actually, she gets financing, hubby builds, daddy sells, all in one nice neat bundle.
I don't know about Gillis/Gilkerson buying them out but I do know that Jeff Dashiell son of one of the great J.Roland Dashiell family is now on board with TEMCO.
Jeff Dashiell has been with them since Wholsen Dashiell shut down. TEMCO is named for soley Ed whose real name is Theadore Edward McGuire
I am Terry Maguire and I no longer work for a bank and have not for 6 years. My father, Bill Nock has been deceased for 7 years. All of your facts are wrong and if you are talking about me and my family, you must really bored. Move on.
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