The impression I get from the Front Cover of The Daily Times is that white people are off on Thursday & Friday while blacks do all the work serving white people. Only on the Eastern Shore!
Is the Daily Times putting the picture of a black man on the Front Page a coincidence with the title including the words "Black Thursday"? Is the Daily Times trying to indicate that the stores mentioned in the article are prejudiced because they are making black people work on Thanksgiving? Is the Editorial Staff at the Daily Times actually racist and it is now actually revealed?
I think they're pushing the envelope from black Friday a little too far. They knew this Post was coming, trust me Folks. Their hope is National attention.
Oh, by the way, notice I didn't get shot going to get my paper this morning. I drove my Tank to the mailbox. LOL
Joe, I really enjoy the work you do and this blog, but I must say that I did not even think about this line of reasoning when I got the paper this morning. It seems to me as if you are reaching a bit, but I am not privy to any inside info. The article is about how stores are open on Thanksiving this year, jump-starting the shopping season.
While this is not really any ground-breaking journalism, I think implications of racism are a bit much here.
Hold on though, holiday or not, you are sure to get an avalanche of agressive comments with this.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I remember a time when there were no stores open on Thanksgiving and/or Sundays.It was a better world then. HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL HARDHEAD
As I can appreciate what you're saying, my feeling is, black Friday is traditional and acceptable for the right reason. Black Thursday, (IMO) is pushing the bar while adding insult to injury by showing a black man allegedly working on such a date. If they would have shown a white person instead, that might have strongly helped me reconsider. I just think they've chosen to go a bit too far here. Again, this is a Blog and is simply my opinion. ANYONE is welcome to think and feel differently about any one of the subjects I bring up. That's what makes it so cool.
I agree completely. I think the shopping season is too long anyway, I just did not make the same connection. It would be like telling a story about a power outage with the headline "Blackout" and showing only white people in the picture. Unfortunate? Yes. racist? Probably not.
I understand about "implied racism," I jsut did not think that this is a case of that.
Either way, keep up the good work. Enjoy the day.
Joe, at least you got your paper.
There are too many real problems and issues in Salisbury to make them up.
oh Lord, I guess now we will have to call Black Friday, Orange Friday so we dont hurt anyones feelings. Get real
Black Friday was meant to mean that during this time of year, the stores do so much business that it puts them in the black. In other words, they really start making their profits on THAT DAY.
NOW, IF the paper wanted to describe that, (rather than using a photo of a black man working on the Holidays) and not use that term on a Thursday instead, that would have been cool. However, they didn't do so. That's the fine line I'm talking about.
All they talk about is the stores being open Thursday etc..
I have to work today, however I'm thankful to have a job with benefits.
A lot of people must work on every holiday. Like where I work, we can't close up, the old folks got to eat everyday, as many times as they like : )
Happy Thanksgiving
I have taken up for you alot here in the past few eeeks. But with this post you are on your own. I truely feel that you are trying to make race an issue here! You need to stop with the racism issue. Its not as bad as you make it out to be. Maybe you are looking for the national news.
Just give it a break joe!
The only gripe about that article is that it's the Daily Times trying to promote the advertisers, not real news -- and did you notice the paper's price for a weekday issue ($1.25). Looks like Greg Bassett has much to be thankful for.
Yeah, I think it was a coincidence. But like Joe, it did get my attention that there was a black guy in the picture over a headline with huge type saying BLACK.
I don't think it's racist, but it did strike me that there might be some folks who would find it a tad insensitive. Quite honestly, it just made me kind of laugh and say, "Typical Daily Times." Kind of buffoonish, if you know what I mean. At the same time, some folks are color blind wouldn't see anything wrong with it, and maybe that's a good thing if we can move toward that happening in reality.
I don't think we have to blow this up into WWIII. It's just one of those "Kodak moments."
Be thankful if you have a job, food on your table, shoes on your kids, and a home to come home to. And after saying thanks, think about how you can make someone else's life better, then go do it.
A friend at the Daily Times tells me that Greg Bassett has decided to humor you when they do their standard "white Christmas" article in December -- all the people in the pics will be black. Would that make you a happy camper?
Not everything has a racial connotation. Are we not allowed to use the word "black" anymore?
Maybe they are trying to show the only people with a work ethic, that will work on a holiday are black people. Many white people are so spoiled they think the world owes them a living. Don't get me started on this next generation of lazy people looking for any way to get rich quick yet to lazy to get out of their own way.
White people think the world owes them a living??? Are you kidding?
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