While animals are dying left and right, even the Salisbury Zoo has had MORE than its fair share of animals deaths over the past several years.
Jennifer and I have in our possession, animals necropsy reports like there's no tomorrow showing similar circumstances where foreign objects were found inside animals that had died at the Salisbury Zoo. Pebbles, glass, a live bullet, a dart, coins and all sorts of things. Now don't challenge me on these facts as they are absolutely 100% true!
Yes, this is ONE of the reasons why Barrie Tilghman just had to get Jennifer OUT of the Salisbury Zoo as she wanted to discredit her and not have these FACTS exposed. That being said, just what good is the AZA for Zoo's anyway?
The USDA would hold these kind of investigations and the AZA would fax all AZA Zoo's around the Country and tell them what to say about these kind of Zoo issues. In other words, DAMAGE CONTROL!
The AZA doesn't have their name on articles like you see posted today in The Daily Times because they don't want you to know just how bad things can be at AZA Zoo's. Considering the multitude of dead animals at the Salisbury Zoo, (AKA The Animal Cemetery) I'd say it's about time something be done about these irresponsible Zoo's.
When you have someone like Barrie Tilghman in Office, nothing she says gets delivered without a political curve to it. I used to say my Ex Wive had selective hearing. I believe Barrie does too.
When someone comes to you and says hundreds of animals have died at the Zoo lately, Barrie/AZA bring in outside Veterinarians related to the AZA who come back, (without interviewing the former Veterinarian OR my Wife) and ONE of them stated this was somewhat normal.
No mater what has been said in the past, hundreds of animals dying at the Salisbury Zoo is NOT normal, period. Obviously other Zoo's are having the same issues.
I'm confused -- that article does not mention Salisbury or the "AZA".
What's the story about Barrie (City-?) hiring someone to do a report -- when, how much did it cost the taxpayers, what does it say.
I guess after the Court case involving the police report in Fruitland that you can't get the zoo report under the sunshine law.
Have you got a copy?
I bet that we are the only zoo that had a Lama raped and killed.......
"I'm confused -- that article does not mention Salisbury or the "AZA".
Perhaps you missed the point on purpose?
"What's the story about Barrie (City-?) hiring someone to do a report -- when, how much did it cost the taxpayers, what does it say." When "I" contacted the AZA it prompted an investigation from the AZA. Veterinarians were brought in, (not hired to my knowledge) and they gave a report on dead animals at the Salisbury Zoo.
"you can't get the zoo report under the sunshine law.
Have you got a copy?"
Yes, I own a copy of that report and IMO it's full of crap. The Daily Times refused to print the entire situation. They too had VERY selective hearing as they only printed what they wanted out there to the Public. It's a long report but one day I'll get it out there for everyone to read.
Also, Joe, as I recall, the AZA would send a representative in here to inspect our zoo and its running. As I recall, this person would be first taken to a restaurant by the director and filled full of BS. Then this rep. might come take a cursory look around and off he/she would go to write a nice report on what was found. If this person had any sense of responsibility about what he/she was here for, they certainly would not have given our zoo a good report. At the very least they would leave a laundry list of things that had to be done by a certain time frame. Sure makes me wonder why we have an AZA, if they can't do what they were put in place to do. And are we paying these people from our tax money, I suppose?
A. Goetz
That's a great point Art! I had forgotten about Rapp regularly taking these people out to lunch while everyone went crazy trying to get things in order before they came back. So much for surprise inspections.
ARt, Joe, sounds just like someplace I know very well. The inspectors never get to talk to the "line staff". The leaders would not want the facts to get in the way of the "truth".
I thought Jennifer got out of the zoo because of herniated disc, now its because of the mayor, i know you make it up as you go but which is it
you have the reports, are they city property?, if so sounds like stolen documents,
Look, Idiot, Jennifer herniated 3 disks in her back on the job, not one. Secondly, while she was on LIGHT DUTY she also started her lawsuit against the City. The exposure of these animals dying and their records was a part of why the Mayor had her fired.
While you're in a lawsuit and on light duty, toy're not supposed to be able to be fired. Barrie Tilghman proved she was above the law. Anyhow, those documents were a part of the lawsuit and are also a matter of public record, therefore NOTHING has been stolen. Nice try though.
Of course I hope everyone knows I'm answering either a current or former Director or Zookeeper.
So how come you don't take a stand against animal testing in charities. You small pussy.
FYI - To pluralize the word "Zoo," simply add an "s." No apostrophe is needed. Apostrophes are only used to indicate contraction of two words, or possession by a noun. You use "Zoo's" when should use "Zoos." You do this almost everytime you pluralize any noun. It is a common error, and is incorrect.
Everyone who considers themselves part of the grammar police (like me) cringe at this error. be mindful.
Animals die everyday in zoos, the same way people die in hospitals everyday. Necropsys are perform to determine cause of death. From there, Zoos can establish tends in nutrition deficiency, husbandry, genetics, etc. From these trends it is how we make changes for the better.
Zoos can not stop the malicious intent of people throwing things into enclosures. Nor can any business stop an employee from making a one time mistake in not following protocols.
It is how these situations are addressed, disciplinary actions, changes in husbandry, nutrition, protocols, etc, that improve the animal conditions for the better that professional organizations like AZA look at.
AZA pays for the inspection teams and other travel by professionals, as not to have a conflict of interest. Ideally these professionals should not let the zoo officials wine and dine on zoo expense (as it would be against AZA protocol). So it should not have cost the taxpayers any more money than what they already pay for the institutional membership.
All animal records are subject to Freedom of Information Act if the animal is owned by the governing authority. If an animal is owned by non-governmental institutions then records can be held. A USDA investigation, once completed and file, would be available for review under the FIA.
AZA is a peer and self regulating organization that strives to encourage institutions and individuals to raise the bar of care and professionalism. However, their leverage would be the termination of membership only. It is the USDA, and some other governement organizations, that truly can investigate and require changes in protocols or be threathened with closure.
As with any business it is how you address challenges and communicate with customers/public on image that sets you apart in the community and profession. The big question is then: is Do you have a system in place to do so? For it won't matter who the next director, curator, keeper, concessions worker, educator is as they will more than likely fail without the resources need to succeed.
Very good explanation of why we have an AZA and I know where that cexplanation came from. It is still my understanding that the AZA rep was wined and dined every time he/she came on board, for no other reason than to get things a bit more ship shaped on the grounds before the actual "suprise" inspection. And since when is the AZA not tax supported? Seems to me they are supported by our federal taxes, or am I wrong in that??
A. Goetz
AZA does get money through grants that may come from governmental sources, like any business or non-for-profit. However the vast funding source is from its membership dues to run its administrational cost.
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