This is yet another exclusive from Salisbury News as The Daily Times was invited to join the Harris Campaign yesterday for a completely packed day, they chose not to attend? That wouldn't have anything to do with Greg Bassett's Wife and her connection with Gilchrest, would it?????
Nevertheless, Andy Harris was knocking door to door yesterday throughout Ocean Pines shaking hands and spreading his message. Funny part is, everyone he spoke to already knew who he was and stated they were definitely voting for him. That being said, he didn't have to spend all that extra time selling them on a pitch, he was a shoe in and Gilchrest is on his way out!
Joining the Andy Harris posse were two Reporters ALL THE WAY FROM WASHINGTON, D.C. and NOT Salisbury were two gentlemen from the ROLL CALL, the Newspaper of Capitol Hill since 1955.
The message Andy has been putting out obviously hit home to many and it seems clear there's going to be a change in Congress very soon.
Hopefully he won't ignore your NO TRESPASSING sign and scare the crap out littler Albero!
So the democrats are voting for him as well?
Yes, I personally believe they are. We went to a coule Democratic homes and that was their message as well. Everyone just loves this guy, as they should.
Anonymous@ 1:38 PM:
Not to worry - docs don't make house calls there days when they are not running for office.
Now that's what I call a statesman! It's refreshing to see someone who wants to win an election the tradional fair/honest way; hard work, own time, and OWN MONEY (unlike those egregious Gilchrest mailings). This is the way to reach you constituency!
I never got around to changing parties just so I could vote for Andy in the primaries.
He will get my democratic vote in the general for sure. When I helped promote a couple of people for the city council, there is no doubt that the people like to see candidates walking the beat and addressing the voters and their concerns.
Shanie is supposed to be my representative, like Wayne I've never seen either one in my neighborhood, election year or not.
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