Fortunately this motorcycle rider will walk away from this accident. He was taken away in an ambulance and somewhat groggy but he was wearing a helmet, which probably saved his life. It appears as if he started losing control in Maryland and finally stopped after dumping his Bike in Delaware. It happened on the "S" curve on Spring Hill Lane in Delmar? Just one more reason to give thanks today!
That was Fast!! This is my dad's Harley. I got a call from our friend in Georgia to ask me if my dad was alright, we never called him. At present, my dad is still in the hospital, he hasn't even made it home yet. All seems to be fine, my mom and my husband are with him. He said a car was coming around the corner on his side of the road. It is definitely another reason for us to give thanks today. Fortunately for us, we had recieved the call that my dad was in the hospital only a half an hour before we were called by our friend in Georgia. Had this been an accident with a fatality and posted on the internet before the family had been contacted, it could of ended with devistating results for us. Please, don't post items like this unless you know the outcome first. It could have tramatized a family.
"Had this been an accident with a fatality and posted on the internet before the family had been contacted, it could of ended with devistating results for us. Please, don't post items like this unless you know the outcome first. It could have tramatized a family."
There was no fatality, first of all. I was there, I was aware of the outcome and while you CLAIM to give thanks today, the end of your comment contradicts the intent of your message.
Jesus woman, there's no bloody pictures here and no injured person lying there, what's your problem? You should be far more grateful your father is alive and well so leave Joe alone. Great work Joe. Accidents are always bad scenes but you always leave out the injured and for that I'm grateful.
Was it a Fire Fighter from Hebron heading the other way?
Allegedly, Mrs. Twilley,
I do NOT believe you are who you say you are. Your "other" messages clearly state you are a paramedic or fire fighter and not the person you say you are. Therefore I will NOT post any more of your comments here. Enough is enough with your griping.
Wayne, you should find better things to do with your day.
beth twilley said...
Look Chicky or who ever you are, if you are really concerned about being "devistated" or concerned about your daddy then you would be at the hospital with him. DUH!!!
Looks like Joe beat a photog to the punch and they are jealous. Keep up the good work Mr. Albero.
If I were at the hospital, who would take care of the three children at home? You are allowing people to slam me a not allowing me to defend myself. You now have people thinking I am someone else. Please check your email. YOu can call or better yet if you are out and about look up the address.my dad is home with his hospital papers and you can talk directly to him!
at least she signed her name, you did not like Joe says, "wimp" I will not use terms....Oh by the way, her husband went for her becuase of those three kids.
in GA
wow all i am going say no matter what and who it is posting i believe it was the family, pictures should really not be up for those reasons said and stated
You people are unbelievable! This was an accident. There are no bodies lying there mangled up! It's fair game photo wise and the point in the end was that not only should he/they be grateful this person survived but grateful for Thanksgiving Day. Get Over It! The Post will stay up. The pictures will not come down.
Joe.....I cant link to the watch desk. But I have to say this. Wayne barrel....or however u spell his name..... has screwed up big time. Wayne...you have violated Joes rights to say what he wants by representing youself as a fireman and threatening him with physical him. You may not like what he says him....but as an American you have to respect his right to speak his mind. Wayne...I have always tried to watch my language because of the audience that may be watching but you have pushed me past my limit. You don't know me or what I'm capable of But I know this. As much as I support your right to disagree with Joe, I stand up for his right to express his opinion. I hope he charges your ass to the max. If the majority of the fireman support what you've done by going onto Joes private property and personally threatening him....you are no better than Wayne. Wayne......I'll tell you this. If you had come onto my property and placed me in fear of my personal safety and that of my family......you would be in intensive care. I promise you. You bring disrespect to your chosen profession and I think you owe them and Joe an apology.
Good lord, he went up to Joe's house threatening him? I can only imagine the fear that little grandson of his must have felt.
Granddad, you are far nicer than I am. A trip to intensive care would not have been an option. It would have been a trip to the morgue had he come to my home threatening me and my family. If you only beat him up he'll come back again, if you put him down like the rabid animal he showed himself to be there is no returning to do further harm.
Way to go Wayne, as if the fire departments didn't have enough problems you and those of your ilk show your sorry ass and make them look even worse.
Cut him no slack Joe, hold him and those that support him accountable for their actions.
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