There have been MANY comments of denial based on racism within the Salisbury Fire Department, yet here is more absolute proof they are covering up their true feeling with absolute lies.
Now keep in mind Ladies & Gentlemen, this does not represent ALL Salisbury Fire Fighters. That needs to be very clear. However, there IS a problem within their own network and the fact they are in denial of such clearly shows they are very similar to an alcoholic in denial of their problem as well.
ONE Professional Black Fire Fighter throughout the entire City clearly spells out racism to me, but who am I to make such a statement, right? Therefore I am providing documents showing THEIR true colors.
Mayor Tilghman was confronted about these exact documents and SHE flat out told Rachel Polk and Von Siggers that she doesn't have time to read the Blogs. Paul Wilber was asked to look into this matter and he came back stating he couldn't identify those names to actual people. Heck, even I could find that out.
In the very least, the City of Salisbury has some serious liability on their hands right now. The FACT that they have NOT brought in professional help to secure future problems is yet another form of denial.
YOU be the judge of this information and YOU decide if the City does in fact have a problem at hand?
The Salisbury Fire Fighters use The Watch Desk as their own internal Blog in which they post information about local things going on. At the time this was when Rachel & Von were on the City Council.
Well if you say you can find out who they are then prove it. I bet you cant.
Prove that they are even salisbury firefighters. You can. Someone can put that they are from somewhere on that site and you not knowing who they are DONT KNOW!
Stop pushing the issue. Why dont you run for mayor?
I say you should call the NCAA (oops wrong people.. they are black also) maybe its the NCAPP, BUT HAY ARENT THEY BLACK ALSO.
Never heard you complain about a all black Miss America? Is that fair?
Comment #1 is none other than Robinson. Stay off the Blogs Robinson. It will continue to bite you in the a$$.
wrong again joey... way off... i dont even wear a watch...lol..
The only way you ever get any hits on this site is to talk about salisbury firefighters. I guess the mayor and group got tired of wasting their time here. Not me I dont have a job..lol...
More denial.
You wanted PROOF, I delivered it.
Get it through your head. I am not John R. I have never even spoken to the man. You want me to tell you who I am so you can attack me and then prove to the world that your detective work found out who I was.
Geta life!
PROOF???? Tell me which one one there is a Salisbury Firefighter???? Names and screen names... Thats proof... Just showing some on line pages is not proof.
Maybe your mole at SFD (L. DODD) will tell you who everyone is!
Tell me Folks, who else would have said they weren't "John R." instead of John Robinson? John R. is his name whenever he chooses NOT to use anonymous. What an Idiot!
Secondly, the PROOF, (you Idiot) was the documents proving there is a problem racism wise in the Salisbury Fire Department.
Now John R., do yourself a favor and stay off the Blogs, seriously.
let me start by saying that I do not agree or condone the comments and behavior that you "uncover" for all to see. That being said,
1. These comments were made over 4.5 years ago. These people may not even be involved in the ems anymore.
2. Why do you constantly look for dirt on the ems people.
3. Ever heard of pot calling the kettle black. I see you conviently removed to post of the black guy layed out on the ground with micky d's and watermelon and kfc bucket with your witty little comments.
I have a challenge for you Joe, I want you to go down to Delmars fire station and sign up to volunteer and get trained as firefighter.
I guess anyone you dont know is going to John R. Man you really have problems with this guy. Well time to going inside for about 2 hiurs.. I be back soon joey. keep thinking. But your way off.. Kinda funny though....
Again.. you havent proved anything ...
They dont want Joe at Delmar and will not vote him in. Ive heard from a few of there members that they will laugh him out of the building. He dont have the balls to try that. Hell he has plenty of time!
Try and find out Joe!
ME, work at a Fire Department? Are you nuts! I give back to many communities through this Blog. It's a funny things though. When I'm out there getting great fire photos and patting you on the back, what a great guy that Albero is. The moment ANY news goes in the opposite direction Albero is a piece of sh*t.
That's OK, I have strong shoulders. At least I'm willing to allow you to speak your mind and go back and forth one on one by responding to you and giving ALL of you a chance to defend yourselves through this Blog. However, you're all doing a pretty poor job doing so.
I have never ever seen you post "a great fire photo"
Well, I'm no Wayne Barrell but I have certainly provided some pretty cool fire photos.
I called all 3 fire houses in Salisbury today and was told there was no Aunt Jermima working there nor has there ever been.
You still havent delivered proof, anyone can "create" a name and post. That doesnt make them a fire fighter.
The fact that the SFD has only one African Ammerican firefighter says that only one has had enough interest to apply and pass the test.At the time of these post there was a mad man loose on the East Side and these two were helping him and working against the citizens they were sworn to represent.How do you know these post came from Salisbury firefighters on a nationwide forum ?
The NATION doesn't go to Wicomico County and or Salisbury on the Watch Desk, Idiot. Keep making excuses, you look like some of the biggest fools I have ever come across.
Ive looked and looked and the only aunt jermima I could find was the syrup bottle in the refridgerator at station 1.
Salisbury has several Black Firefighters. Let us not forget the volunteer ranks.
Maybe the job doesnt pay enough for some people to apply here. They may be making plenty of money elsewhere instead of trying to work for the SFD
Two Words...WHO CARES?!? Ooops sorry that was four!
"They may be making plenty of money elsewhere instead of trying to work for the SFD"
Selling drugs on church St.
now whos stereotyping
Ok Joe explain this; where I'm originally from is now a prodominately black community, but an ALL white fire department. When I was home this past weekend I was discussing this whole racism issue with my grandfather (life member of that department) and they still to date have not had one black person apply. They've had community cook-outs and numerous other gatherings, which alot of the blacks in the nieghborhood attended. Yet, despite trying to actively recruit in thier first due, not one has applied. It's not uncommon to have a low minority turn out in this line of work on the Eastern Shore. So give it up.
*SalisburyFire said...
Ok Joe explain this; where I'm originally from is now a prodominately black community, but an ALL white fire department. When I was home this past weekend I was discussing this whole racism issue with my grandfather (life member of that department) and they still to date have not had one black person apply. They've had community cook-outs and numerous other gatherings, which alot of the blacks in the nieghborhood attended. Yet, despite trying to actively recruit in thier first due, not one has applied. It's not uncommon to have a low minority turn out in this line of work on the Eastern Shore. So give it up.*
I have to agree with this. If they dont apply they wont get hired. You cant accuse the fire dept of being racial just because they dont have the black firefighters.
Joe... why dont you atart a campaign to recruit black folks to apply to be firefighters and see what results you get. This racism thread is getting tiresome and needs to stop.
Hey Joe,
Thanks for offering to squirt saline solution in my eyes one time at a fire for me. I had some nasty stuff in there.
Have you actually asked Crop if he feels like he was descriminated against? Go to station two, they have two active black members. Ask them.. Betcha won't get the answer you want.
I enjoy your blogs and have for some time. However, you can't speak for someone you havent talked to.
You gather information and you forward it to us, however sometimes your sources have bones up their butts and feed you lies to spread... Look before you cross the street!
Why don't you become a volunteer firefighter? Yes you do give back to your community, but this blog will not save a life like a firefighter, emt, or police officer will.. You just may feel better about the fire department.
Again, thanks for the kind offer for help..
I have spoken to the horses mouth, so please don't challenge me as if I haven't. If you only knew what I have come to learn about the treatment towards this one individual you'd be outraged!!!!!!
The Salisbury Fire Department can deny their racism all they want, they're LIARS! As for my volunteering, I wouldn't work with a group of racists if my life depended on it.
You have no rebuttal for my previous statement. Oh, you don't want to comment because no where in there could you find something to twist.
Another thing you need to understand is there are approximately 64 career members & approximately 113 volunteer members in the Salisbury Fire Department. Add it up and you have 177 members. Take away the 2 guys you are accusing of not promoting Crop due to race and that leaves another 175 people you shit on everytime tou blast this department. You make US look bad in the eyes of the people we serve for the actions of a few. You are talking about 1% of this department and don't ever think about the other 99%. Understand a little bit better now why you get such a negative response when you post this B.S., from us firefighters?
I mean look at this comment:
"The Salisbury Fire Department can deny their racism all they want, they're LIARS! As for my volunteering, I wouldn't work with a group of racists if my life depended on it."
So doesn't that make you a bigot. You writing the other 95% of us off for the actions of the few is the same thing you accuse this department of. You have stated we don't recruit or promote blacks because we feel thier lazy, well you saying you won't volunteer with a group of racists is kind of the pot calling the kettle black.
But thats not how the majority feels. There's ignorance in every bunch.
Thank You Again for proving to everyone just how ridiculous you truly are.
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