You know it's getting pretty bad when you have to live in neighborhoods where the college students pack the front yard, (even at 11:00 AM) with vehicles and they use a Miller Lite Box as a Mailbox. Welcome to the City of Salisbury where more than 500 homes are on the market right now in the City and there are another 700 homes for rent. If you want to sell, well, guess what? This Mayor has made it almost impossible to get any real money from the sale of your property and she's making darned sure IF one goes up for sale it's cheap enough for a slumlord to steal and turn it into a rental.
Our house is not in the city of Slaisbury you fool!
And our box was vandalized last week. We are supposed to be getting a new mailbox from our landlord so we did not buy a new one.
So for a few days we improvised. It is a good way to recycle!
Just leave us alone and stay out of our lives!
4 cars in the driveway, not in the yard, no big deal. And being creative with a mail box. Saves money. Oh the yard looks clean also
You have a Salisbury address, so cut the crap. Secondly, let's change this around a little bit and let's just say that your Mom's home wherever your from was next door to this house. What would you be saying then, no disrespect?
There were more cars there earlier in the morning, overflowing the front yard.
Let me close with, I see the humor behind the box, I was a kid once too. LOL However, you should have used a CPU Box instead.
How many bedrooms are in that house?????
That house may have SBY address. However, doesn't mean its in the "city of Salisbury".
Big clue that its a county residence: The private garbage cans for collection. If they were a city resident they would've had city collection can.
The "city" boundries are very cut up and jagged... Take a look at that map sometime...
Four of us live here. One being my sibbling. We rent. OUR LANDLORD is supposed to bring us a new mailbox this weekend. We get our house vandalized by somelocal kids, who the SHERIFF arrested and your acting like we have done something wrong! And we are in the county. That we found out when the Deputy showed up to take the report. Go bother the Zoo and leave us alone.
The Miller Lite Box spells out who you are, so cut the crap. Oh, we're the INNOCENT ones on the Block, my a$$. YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!
White street signs are county.
Green Signs with White letters indicates City of Salisbury.
I thought you were smarter than that. You really are a dope.
YOUR A CREEP. Why would we ell you how many bedrooms arein the house? Your scaring me. Are you a stalker or something?
Student rentals are an absolute detriment to a family neighborhood despite all of your clever arguments and I guarantee when you have left this area after you graduate(if you do) and have families you will not want the lifestyle of college kids next to you--just remember 10 years from now what your brief visit here did to many hard working families and that KARMA IS A BITCH. Oh yeah, with a president like Janet any behavior is okay as long as your Mommies and Daddies are paying the freight. Are you spoiled college punks prepared to take care of your mommies and daddies when they are old??? Isn't the county 4-3? Someone there have 2 cars?
YOUR a freaking weirdo. We get vandalized by local teenagers and now we have you on our backs. I wish I knew where you lived. And how many bedrooms do you have?
With out SU Salisbury would not exist. We would be like one of those towns that is all closed up like Vieanna. Are you aware 40 cents of every dollar in Wicomico County is directly connected to SU? And Wor Wic. If you dont want to live in a college community move! The school has benn here long befroe most of you.
This home is not in the city. It is on Pine Bluff Rd. near Rt. 13 South. It is a County problem.
"Student rentals are an absolute detriment to a family neighborhood despite all of your clever arguments and I guarantee when you have left this area after you graduate(if you do) and have families you will not want the lifestyle of college kids next to you--just remember 10 years from now what your brief visit here did to many hard working families and that KARMA IS A BITCH. Oh yeah, with a president like Janet any behavior is okay as long as your Mommies and Daddies are paying the freight. Are you spoiled college punks prepared to take care of your mommies and daddies when they are old??? Isn't the county 4-3? Someone there have 2 cars?"
This has all the hallmarks of another Joe pretending to be a poster on his own site. Period.
Wow, Joe. It looks like you may have just made yourself about 10,000 enemies or so? That sounds about right for the size of SU student body. For future reference students, you can go on WBOC or WMDT or Daily Times website and punch in Joe Albero's name and get a picture of him. He is about 5'8" maybe 190-200 lbs, dark hair, dark eyes, moustache and gotee, has a gut with a camera attached to it or his head. If you see him show him how mature the students of SU are and go up to him and tell him how much you do not appreciate what he is doing. Tell him how he is part of the problem and not the root of any solutions. Debate him. Believe me, you will win, for he is not a debater, and when he becomes verbally abusive because you have backed him into amental corner, remain calm and call the police to haul him off becuase he is a weirdo, stalker freak.
Where exactly do you get your data from? If 40 cents from every dollar is "connected" to SU 39 cents Must be going to the slumlords who profit from your stupidity. People in my neighborhood have lived here since the 1950's you punks before you even born, people who served our country in WW2 to protect the freedoms that your generation now squanders, just like the punks that vandalized you. MY GENERATION fought for you, and sweated to provide for you and now you thoughtlessly and selfishly poison our neighborhoods. Better take some more economics classes punk and realise that SU does not support the Salisbury economy, if it did the city would close up duirng the summer. PRMC and Perdue are heavier hitters than Mommie and Daddies financing their Dundalk debutantes and jocks from the western shore that can't make Division One.
FYI the moron that thought the comment came form Joe Albero you couldn't be more wrong. Try a grandmother who is FED UP with college punks pissing in her yard--I will be long gone when you are middle aged and forced to clean up the mess you have made of this city and the entire country for that matter. PS Joe Albero is more of a patriot and honorable human being than you will ever be. Tell you what freak, enlist for a tour in Irag, like my husband did in the last great war and then you MIGHT have the right to disrespect the generation that provided for you.
Sounds organized to me! Better read the law before you even consider such a thing.
Why do all the anonymous posters sticking up for Joe use the all caps words in their posting like Joe does and then proceed to say the ARE NOT Joe?
Things that make you go Hmmm.
Get a life John.
What is that? Like typing turrets? All of the sudden to type to someone named John to tell them to get a life. Did I miss a comment posted by someone named John?
It's real hard to figure out when Joseph puts up an anonymous post eh? BWAHAHAHAHA
OMG you Joe bashers are such idiots. Every single post has leter is CAPS! TURRETS?? Like in a medievil castle ? Do you mean Tourettes?? Just some A+ students of the tapir gonads 101class at SU?
Typical Joe...spewing half truths. Not much sense in letting the real truth get in the way of good story.
Hang in their Joe..Keep up the good work... Just remember the what the SU PRES Says... To The MEX...
"you can Pick Our WEEDS... But NOT my Daughter...
*Student rentals are an absolute detriment to a family neighborhood despite all of your clever arguments and I guarantee when you have left this area after you graduate(if you do) and have families you will not want the lifestyle of college kids next to you--just remember 10 years from now what your brief visit here did to many hard working families and that KARMA IS A BITCH. Oh yeah, with a president like Janet any behavior is okay as long as your Mommies and Daddies are paying the freight. Are you spoiled college punks prepared to take care of your mommies and daddies when they are old??? Isn't the county 4-3? Someone there have 2 cars?*
I believe the 4-3 law only applies to some privledged neighborhoods in Salisbury, not the county. As far as college students being a detriment, maybe some are but most are not. They have to live somewhere, and student housing at SU is very limited.
You people need to leave the students alone. They bring a lot of income to the city and for the most part are well behaved. To react like Joe to an improvised mailbox when THEY were vandalized is asinine.
I am NOT Joe and I can understand why the people who own homes in Salisbury and have lived there for 20-40 yrs or so are pissed off at slumlords AND the students they rent to.When the homeowners who founded these neighbnorhoods either die or get fed up and move,the slumlords move in,buy their homes and either remodel them to hold a half dozen students or they raze it and build one of those ugly "crackerbox" houses like the ones on Camden Ave in Fruitland to house multiple students.The quality of life in these neighborhoods suffer as a result.and thats assuming they are RESPONSIBLE neighbors.If they are hell raising,drinking,drugging neighbors its even worse.Since the houses are rented "by the head",each parent pays about 300 a month for their kids rent,and in a house with 4 roomies thats 1200 a month.What decent working class family that needs to rent a home can compete with that?Salisburys neighborhoods are rapidly being eaten up by two extremes in rental housing-students who can afford the outrageous rents and Section 8 moochers who have the "Guvment" pay it for them.And in between you have homeowners who are watching any value their home had dwindling because of it.Not all collge students are immoral or rowdy but they have eanred their bad rep in Salisbury.
And being intelligent college kids,Im sure you can find Joes address if you think really hard and know where to look but I must tell you-he & his wife have been threatened too many times not to take trespassers seriously and you may get buckshot in the butt.
Even Mike Lewis knows to call first before he comes to visit!
Do yourself a favor, read the signs before you even consider entering my property because if you don't you'll feel like you were in Iraq and you're the one with a towel on your head.
First of all, I AM NOT JOE. Second, I went to SU and have both my bachelors and my masters. Third, I have lived in this town my whole life, and have seen what "college kids" have done to the city, both positively and negatively. I know that Joe has a point, as I used to live next door to a "college rental" that used a loophole to avoid the 4 to 2. I can remember parties until 2 or 3 in the morning, kids shouting, screaming and drunk on the street, 12 or 13 cars along the street, beer cans and bottles and cups all over my yard, gutter, and street. If the college youth want to be respected and thought of as more than deliquent drunks, then maybe they should be forced to see and deal with the messes that some of them create in a neighborhood. Going to work at 5 in the morning and listening to partying until 2 does not make for a good nights sleep!
I find all of the negativity towards Salisbury students to be ridiculous. We improvise to adapt to the conditions already set up for us. On any given school day, you will see several cars parked on a college student's yard/driveway (in the general vicinity of SU) because it's not convenient for everyone to pay $175+ for an on-campus parking pass. There is an obvious parking issue and forking over that kind of money isn't feasible for some students, especially those who already pay $400 in rent per month because they LEGALLY cannot share the house with more than three other people.
Salisbury students cannot be to blame for all of problems of this town. This town has long been considered "the asshole" of Maryland and you can't blame the crime, the shabby public school systems, or the fact that the Eastern Shore has the highest rate of cancer in the state of Maryland on the SU students. SU students do a lot more for this community than we are given credit for (ask local businesses about their numbers during the Summer or between December and January).
It's a well known fact that Salisbury, MD is an anti-college town. It always has been and it always will be. Ironic too, because SU has spawned some of the most elite sports teams in the history of the NCAA. You'd think this town would BLEED maroon and gold. Not hardly..
I was born in Salisbury, MD and my family lived here for several years. When asked their reasons for moving, my parents have nothing negative to say about the SU students, but moreover, about the town itself. And lets be honest, the cops do a pretty good job of patrolling the party scene. How about the stories of men in their 30's breaking into college girl's houses and masturbating next to their beds?? Those "special bulletins" we recieve in our e-mail accounts WEEKLY are always fun to read..
What do you say we get out priorities right?
HAH!If only my rent was only 400 bucks a month!And I hate to say it but the only thing keeping them from buying a parking pass is the fact theyd rather spend the 175 bucks on pot and booze.
Now that's amd honest student! ;-)
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