Vic, have you seen Albero anywhere?
No Chiefy, I've been all around Downtown and haven't seen him yet.
I know he's here, I can feel him!
Well Sir, like I said, I haven't seen him.
Well you keep up the good work Officer. Together we're gonna find that little rascal.
Chiefy, just what are we going to do with him once we find him?
Well Vicster, uh, well, were gonna, well, there's gotta be some kind of law about him following us around on foot while we're in vehicles! LOOK IT UP and get back with me.
10-4 Chiefy, I'm on it!
LOL @ Joe. Hey, Joe, check out my comment on the posting about more names from the watchdesk.
are you kidding me...Chief is talking to one of his own and its about you??? Where do you get these ideas from?
It's called humor, you Idiot!
Joe, sometimes some of these people are as dense as a fruitcake (and crazy as one, too!).
But I thought your sight was factual!!!???
And that makes me dense? Im not following rumor!
Vic is a good guy and wouldnt take part in that BS
Joe, haven't you learned by now that FOB's have NO sense of humor? It's part of the requirement to be one. LOL
from it! I promise you that! Didnt vote for her...unfortunately she was already in office when I moved to smallsbury!
If the chief is being stalked why doesn't he grow testicles and put an end to it?
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