Last night the Public Works Department was hard at work repairing a blown water main on Mill Street, near Rt. 50. Remember Folks, Salisbury is how old? The taxes are what they are and recently went up 14%. One has to wonder just how bad things will get as time passes and if the City is truly prepared for these unexpected surprises?
The way Barrie works, she looking at this Post and thinking, PERFECT! We can use that as an excuse to raise taxes even more. We'll blame it on aging pipes and an aging infrastructure!
BREAKING NEWS! Watermains break every day. Get a life Joey and get out of Salisbury.
Actually, anonymous dude, it is news. A lot of folks on the West side were affected for several hours, including a couple of friends of mine who couldn't figure out what the heck was going on until they heard "the news."
Good job to the workers who fixed it.
You guys who rag on Albero on every little thing like this are everything you rag that he is.
Albero, there are times your posts can annoy me, but man, after reading the comments the last week or so, I feel some serious need for grown-up contact, kind of like the wife after a week with the kids.
The caption should just simply read, "Salisbury Blows," covers all the bases.....end of story.
Nice photography work there joe. Maybe you should have called on your photographer buddy Wayne. Im sure he would have gotton you some nice clean shots, and closer also.
NOT !!!!!
That's what you get when you're driving and shooting. Another dissatisfied customer. Please forward your billing address so that we may send you our daily bill to review this Blog, a$$hole. LOL
After all this time one might be inclined to think that some of our tax dollars would have been spent on refurbishing our aged infrastructure. Goodness knows there should be enough money!
There was actually a problem with that the night before. Nice scoop. NOT!
drivng and shooting, thats about as safe as the lady driving down the street putting on her make up. way to go glad you didnt cause a wreck due to recklessness.
So those pictures were the result of a drive by? Not good Albero. Beware. The Sooper Tropper is out there!
Let's use some of that 5.5 million that was "found" and fix these 90 year old water mains!
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