I was speaking to an Officer today who shed some light on last night's incident.
They stated that there have been some 14 armed robberies in recent weeks in Salisbury. One additional piece of information that was stated was that there was a Seal A Meal piece of equipment or a heat shrinking piece of equipment in the back seat as well. That is what many drug dealers use to package their drugs. Having one in the back seat would add suspicion.
The armed robberies also involved two black males and all of the robberies had similar MO's(?).
Putting those pieces together would in fact create enough suspicion to warrant such a search, not that the Police even need such to do so. The Salisbury Police Department is doing everything they can to provide safety for the entire City and while these ARMED robberies continue to go on, they need to do everything they can to catch these criminals.
Oh, allow me to add. NO Chiefy, this information did NOT come from one of your Officers. So leave them alone and let them do their jobs and don't give everyone the third degree, respectfully.
Method of Operation
Black Males. What differance does it make what color they are?
Ummm....wouldn't it make sense to describe these dangerous hoodlums? If they were white, asian, or mexican he would say that too. I work in that part of town, I want to know as much info as I can. Thanks Joe.
why do you have to add the last paragraph? it was a good story up until. you always have to take a cheap shot at someone!
Same here. I know too many people who live and work near there. I would want them described too.
It's standard op to describe racial ethnicity of suspects. The final paragraph was just JA not wanting officers forbidden to talk to him getting suspected of doing so and taking heat.
Try to relax, people.
That's exactly right. I do not, nor would never want any of the SPD Officers being DRILLED like they have proven to do in the past and that includes the Fire Department as well.
The Mayor, Chiefy of Police and department heads at the Fire Department have been on a paranoia trip for months now and many people have been severely effected because of it. Many people falsely accused when they did nothing at all.
joe your 1:52 responce was the best responce I have heard from anyone in the recent comments, That is the Joe we came to enjoy on this blog. WAGONMASTER
Anonymous said...
Black Males. What differance does it make what color they are?
1:00 PM
Hmmm, when you are on the "look out" for someone isn't it a good idea to narrow it down with some sort of description??
I knew they black soon as I heard it long before a description was given. Robbery and black generally seem to fit.
Well if I catch any of my guys talking to JA without going through me they will be looking for a new job.
DBS... is that legal?
All I can say is RACIAL PROFILING!!!
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