Last night my Grandson asked if we could go to Burger King and get a Kids Meal. Very rarely do we go out and do so but I thought, what the heck. We drove to North Salisbury to the Burger King on Rt. 13 and I walked inside to place his order. As I stood there for a good five minutes, the people behind the counter completely ignored my being there. There was a family of three standing there waiting for their order so I asked loudly enough for the employees to hear, Have You Been Served Yet? They replied, we have, we're still waiting for our food. Since they didn't respond, (the employees) I walked out of Burger King. When I got to the car to explain, I saw the look on his face and thought, what the heck. I walked back in and two guys were leaving and they said, don't feel bad, we waited 14 minutes for our food.
I finally got their attention and they took my order. I asked for a kids happy meal and said, can I have a chocolate milk instead of a soft drink? He gave me the total and as I stood there waiting I looked at the receipt and I was charged for the milk. When I asked him why he said, you substituted the soda for the milk. I replied, yeah, so why am I being charged for the milk, doesn't the meal come with a drink? He said, you substituted it though. I said, OK, then give me the soft drink that comes with the meal too then. We can't do that Sir. I finally gave up and just figured I'd walk away from the whole thing as soon as I got my food. He handed me the bag and I walked out to the car.
As soon as I got to the car I opened the bag, NO KIDS MEAL! As soon as I walked back in he looked at me and said, oh, here you go, before I even said a word. As we drove away I had ordered a burger and I went to open it and it was cold. Now any time I've ever been to a Burger King, their burgers are microwaved hot and I have never received one as cold as the tomato on the burger but this one was. When we got home I then realized the chocolate milk was not a chocolate milk at all, it was simply regular milk.
We all have had bad experiences in restaurants and this is no major exception. However, this is so called fast food and that wasn't the case and when we finally got what we ordered, it sucked! I'll never return to that Burger King and although there were only 5 people in there besides myself, I'm sure this reflects their service and end product.
I'll add, I don't care if the Owner contacts me and offers me a full year of free food, I'm NOT going back. There's your TIP, Idiot!
It's just now taking you to realize this? I've not been back in 5 years. I have had dozens of bad experiences and was dumb enough to go back. The last straw was when my chicken sandwich was GREEN and they refused to give my money back.
In case u didnt notice,Joe-that BK is operated by foreigners and there doesnt appear to be many English speaking employees there either.The one American looking dude who waited on me the last time I was there was dumb as a damn rock,but I forgave it since he was polite.I suggest you call the BK HQ they will give this franchisee hell with enouugh negative feedback.
I will add this... I work VERY close to this Burger King yet hardley go there. But when I do its usually off pek hrs and it usually takes 15 minutes to get food. And their food tase hast gone to shit.
The only fast food place I care for anymore is Wendys, and even they are getting slow.
Here's the corporate address, with an invitation to make your comments. Chances are, in response to your letter (no emails accepted,) you'll get some coupons and a letter about how BK strives to give great service and great food.
Go for it! Have it their way!
Give us the low down on your latest restaurant visit. Tell us about your experience. What could we do better? Help us help you HAVE IT YOUR WAY®.
Use our Restaurant Locator to contact your local BURGER KING® restaurant or contact our Corporate office:
Burger King Corporation
5505 Blue Lagoon Drive
Miami, Florida 33126
Corporate Headquarters - 305-378-3000
Marketing/Advertising Information Requests - 305-378-7200
Consumer Relations - 305-378-3535
HAVE IT YOUR WAY® Cards Consumer Help Desk - 1-800-522-1278
E-mail communication is not accepted.
Click below to review our Corporate policies
Marketing Ideas Policy
Regulatory Agency Cooperative Program
I see anonymous comments are back on. Hit's must be down.
Why I believe the manager of this facility ran his parents sub shop in the ground and every other business he has helped out. It all starts with management, contact the BK main office and complain.
Hey want the best burgers around, no not Fuddruckers anymore they are buying meat from the Sams club now not fresh cut. go to BWI airport and go to FIVE GUYS, Awesome, awesome place,,,, Need one in Salisbury.
burger used to be the best.Now they suck the worst!...soggy microwaved bread with slimey lettuce!Digusting....never again will my family eat their shit!
that is like the mac and cheese they show in a picture of a full container and then when you order you get a half a container.
they say that the mac and cheese is only a kids size and the picture is only to see it.
i call it faults advertising and fruading the consumer
what is next they show a full hamburger and only give you a half of a burger
i think we all should sue burger king for faults advertising
I hope you realize that when kids meals are rang in the drinks are rang in seperately but together it is the full price of the kids meal the chocolat emil obvisouly costs more then the soda unless you were charged for both the drink and the milk then you had no right to even ask for both
dah u get milk or soda its the same price whether its included or not they still have to ring it up and yes your burger would be cold with all the running around u did b4 you actually opened it learn how to cook a meal instead of buying FASTfood hence fast food
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