When asked what their top goal would be for 2008 in yesterdays Goal Setting Session, Terry Cohen said she didn't want to take sides but we do need to work on workforce diversity and that racism is still a problem in Salisbury.
Of course she was referencing the most recent Fire Department situation but without all the information necessary she didn't want to elaborate on it any further.
Do notice how The Daily Times and other News Sources have completely stayed away from such a challenging subject. It's no wonder the Blogs are here to stay. We'll tackle such said subjects while the rest collect money from you for their version of what they call news and information.
I sat down one on one with Shanie Shields referencing this subject yesterday and came to learn Lorenzo is her Cousin. We discussed the process, rather than the actual test results and what good it would have done to have promoted him while they're relocating to the West Side and how positive a ROLL MODEL he could have served for other Black Youth in that community to step forward and participate in volunteering.
Then again, that could and probably would upset quite a few of those WHITE Fire Fighters making such stupid and discriminating remarks here on this Blog. Here's my tip to those individuals. Being a BIGOT is very similar to an alcoholic. Denial is the first thing you'll see out of these people. "We can't force them to move here. We can't force them to sign up. Blacks want to work off the Government. They're lazy." I could go on and on but these are just some of the STUPID examples sent in.
I even got this statement in a direct e-mail. "I do not use the “N” word unless it is directed as it is truly meant in Webster’s dictionary…which, if you will read, relates more to IQ points and has nothing to do w/ skin color."
Yeah, these people don't have issues. Keep up the good work Terry Cohen and let's hope Shanie Shields gets on board as well?
Why does Cropper have to be promoted to be a role model. So in your own words your saying he's no good to the "black" community as a lieutenant. Promoting him to Captain just to stimulate a minority response would be discrimination against all the others who applied.
I have to say it's people like you who destroy a fair hiring process. My uncle now works across the brigde with a fire department, but the first four times he went through the hiring process he was passed over. Not because of his lack of ability, but the department was so scared of a situation like this instead of taking the top 6 they took the top 4 and then the two highest scoring minorities(the first four times he applied he fell 5th or 6th, the 5th time he was top of his class). These gentlemen had scored considerably lower than the two of the top six who got bumped. Well two years after my uncle was in the department it came back to bite them in the ass. One of the men who was hired just because he was a minority almost killed two members of his crew. He became exhausted scaling the stairs to make sure all connections not being used on the standpipe were closed. The fire was on the third floor and the valves on the 7th, 8th & 9th floors were open. This person stopped to take a breather on the fifth floor and the other members of his crew continued in to make an attack. Due to the other valves being wide open their water pressure was not sufficient and things almost went south. The guy finally made it and completed his task. But not before these guys suffered burns, the water pressure was so low when they opened the nozzle to a fog pattern, it offered no protection. There is a reason why standards are in place, this is just one case of why they exist. But fear of a class action lawsuit for racial discrimination forced the department to take below standard applicants.
Before you try to put words in my mouth. I'm not saying any one color can perform better than the other. It's just fact, that white males make up a majority of the fire service. Not saying that anyone is lazy, but if you look back it's more tradition. Yes, most of us are following in someones footsteps. I'm sorry but that's the way it is. The exposure that I had as a child to fire service is what drove me to the department and if that makes me a racist in your eyes, go see Dr. Azar.
"Why does Cropper have to be promoted to be a role model. So in your own words your saying he's no good to the "black" community as a lieutenant. Promoting him to Captain just to stimulate a minority response would be discrimination against all the others who applied."
Do tell me what good his current position has done to recruit within that community to start with? NONE! As they move to the West Side, a promotion would have been a great start and would encourage a FUTURE for Blacks to join.
As for the rest of your comment from the Western Shore, let me tell you this fact. Years ago when they hired Lorenzo, the Dive Team was regularly saying, (because he was black) Lorenzo Cropper is going to kill somebody. Has it happened guys? NOPE! Cut the bullshit!
I wasn't saying Crop would kill someone, just pointing out racially motivated hiring/promotions may put someone in the equation that is more appropriate elsewhere. Not saying Crop is that person. Just looking at it from both sides.
I will tell you what good he does where he is for recruiting. He is the TRAINING LT., when you join this department he's one of the first people you have to see. He does the SCBA fit tests. As a fire captain, he would too busy working on an incident to recruit.
Your just as racist as the people your posting about:
"As they move to the West Side, a promotion would have been a great start and would encourage a FUTURE for Blacks to join." Why do we have to encourage blacks to join. We need firefighters, no where in the add for volunteers does it say "salisbury fire department is looking for white firefighters". It sends the message that we need firefighters, FIREFIGHTERS. You are stirring a racial debate that doesn't even exist. If we were talking about Crop being "the chief", then yes a political move would be that. But you tell what impact one "fire" captain would have in stimulating a minority response. None, because a fire captain is just what his name states. He's the leader on the front lines, carrying his men into battle, not standing out front talking to the neighbors kids and trying to recruit them. I believe when I joined this department I was told it is the responsibility of ALL members to direct all interested applicants in the right direction.
So in closing, to everyone out there who wants to be a firefighter, go to Station 16 (across from the library downtown)
and fill out an application. That starts the process, from there you have a background check, physical, drug test and after passing these you go get a FIT test, your gear and start classes.
For once I left Joe without a oint to argue, mark it in the books ladies and gentleman.
Point not oint
"Do tell me what good his current position has done to recruit within that community to start with? NONE! As they move to the West Side, a promotion would have been a great start and would encourage a FUTURE for Blacks to join."
so he should be given a token promotion not an earned one"
Wow... those are some big brows she has.
let's see if you leave this comment up...that is, if you have the guts.
I will take on your comment regarding the quote of the "n" word usage...It was ME! You have taken a serious email where I was simply trying to tackle this "racial" issue w/ you and attempted to utilize it against me and turn it completely around as to its intent. Post the email in its entirety if you so wish and allow your viewers to make up their own minds on whether or not I am a bigot, as I assure you I am not and as ANYONE who knows me knows I am not.
I utilize the text of that particular sentence in EVERY class I teach to emphasize the fact that "fire" cares not what you are. It doesnt give a damn about what color you are, whom you pray to, whom you idolize, what your ancestory is, whehter you like boys or girls, or any damn thing else. I made that simple statement to you to EMPHASIZE the fact that there isnt any racism in the SFD, unlike you would have your visitors believe...and the ONLY reason you do that crap is because you're full of SHIT yourself and have nothing better to do w/ your life than attempt to ruin others' lives to fulfill whatever ambition you have...ambitions that, for the life of me, I can not figure out.
I have attempted to make "peace offerings" to you and speak to you so that you could "hear" the sincerity in my voice and look me directly in the eyes when you saw me say whatever to you. We have been unable "meet" in order to do that and that is a shame. I have attempted to communitcate w/ you electronically so that you may have some "pure" insight on these issues that I feel, based upon our Constitution, you have the right to question.
You sir, are pure gall and serve little purpose to anyone in this world other than yourself.
You know damn well that my statement was not intended in any manner to belittle ANYONE of color or anything else for that matter. My statement was intended to attempt to explain to you the true "meaning" of a word that truly should be deleted from the English language altogether so as not to "incite" such hatred among races and, in my opinion would only improve the English language in its entirety if it were to be removed. However, you are the WORST racist on the internet that I know. You believe that Lt. Cropper should be promoted BASED UPON HIS SKIN COLOR. Is that not the most racist statement made here??? You dont feel that he should be promoted upon merrit, but rather to help find "role" (and yes, it's "role", not "roll"..what the hell is a "roll" model?? something for the pilsbury dough boy?) models. If kids ANYWHERE want role models, they only need look as far as their local police, fire, ems, teachers, AND their PARENTS...good or bad. One can learn much from people who are poor role models. One can draw from those experiences and learn HOW NOT to go through this life as well.
You speak of college educational requirements based upon ONE article you read somewhere...yet where is your own? You write as a ten year old. Your "command" of the English language is miserable as your spelling and grammar, to be nice, SUCK. You fail to report "objectively". You fail to "listen" to other versions of similar stories. You fail to listen to FACT. You state to me in another thread that I have no idea what the candidates scored, and yet I've told you time and again that I was the written test facilitator/"SCORER" and served as the Chair of the Oral Review Board, where I GRADED the candidates. So my newfound nemisis, I DO HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED IN THE PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. Like it or not, it is fact.
People SHOULD be promoted based upon performance and merrit...NOT their skin color or any other reason for that matter. You would expect that the person being in charge would be the BEST person for that job, so, with that said, I still believe in our Constition and your right to state your opinion and will, as stated previously, defend your right to my death to do so. However, you had an "ally" here as I had felt you had an outstanding "avenue" to relay info to the general public. I was mistaken and you've lost that ally by taking my words and "twisting" them to make my sincere attempt at an olive branch a complete comedy of errors. Lesson learned.
Good luck to you in whatever you decide to do when you grow up. I am done w/ you and your site and will probably live a much healtier life because of being so. Thank you for the opportunities, as that's what I truly felt they were. Again...lesson learned.
"You write as a ten year old. Your "command" of the English language is miserable as your spelling and grammar, to be nice, SUCK. You fail to report "objectively". You fail to "listen" to other versions of similar stories. You fail to listen to FACT."
Yet you keep coming back. I'm on the floor, seriously. Thanks for the best chuckle I've ever had!
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