The Daily Times has certainly given everyone the opportunity to enjoy their Paper On Line and the convenience for others to comment about each story. This one in particular I am enjoying, GO HERE because it clearly shows there isn't much support for Chief Webster and Barrie Tilghman in their quest to sue me.
That being said, now that I have provided a link, perhaps that will change. Nevertheless, up until this moment things in the public eye is not looking good for them at all and the Court of Public Appeal speaks volumes. For now, anyway. LOL
The link goes nowhere.
I was just suggesting that you might want to fix it. I don't know what your problem is with me. If you expect me to kiss your ass and agree with everything you say like some of these other ass kissers, you have another thing coming. If I agree I'll say it, if not, I'll voice my own opinion. I am allowed to have one, am I not? If you don't want people to think for themselves, don't open you site up to comments at all. I have been very respectful to you even though I don't always like what you have to say, you on the other hand lie in wait for anyway who may disagree and pounce on them.
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