John Robinson has a Blog Site in which the following information was recently added. The last comment is what brings it over the top. Proper Authorities have been contacted and Robinson should manage his site better. GO HERE to see the rest of the nasty comments. The fact that Robinson allowed such a comment and did NOT remove it makes me quite curious as to what HIS intent is? My guess is that he'll be getting a call very soon.
Anonymous said...
What ever happened to Robinson suing Albero?
October 9, 2007 5:53 PM
Anonymous said...
NOTHING. Joe can't be sued. He has no reputation and is proven liar. So why sue? Besides isnt the mayor and cheif suing him?
October 11, 2007 4:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Sometimes it's cheaper just to kill someone.
October 11, 2007 4:30 PM
I think it might be time to eliminate the anonymous poster option-there are some pretty sick f*ckers who are taking advantage of this and rather than actually contributing to the debate constructively,they are turning the blog into a free for all.Threatening someone is going too far,people.
Paranoid much?
I must have missed something...where did it say that exactly?
My goodness... for someone who relishes going after people so personally, and with such gusto, it doesn't take much for you to scoot under the bedcovers and pull them up to your chin.
A non-attributed comment, on a hijacked blog, where the average age of the people posting seems to hover around 13, is giving you the vapors?
The Authorities assure me they are shutting down that Blog.
As a matter of fact, I just went there and it's gone.
Who are these authorities that you speak of? The Blog Police, FBI, SPD, WCO?
Please Let Us Know.
Alan Jamison
Delmar DE
The suspect is identified!
It's not the Fire Chief, it's Master Chief!
I just found out via an EMAIL that you even commented about Robinson1320 as I only read the blogs once a week --if that often.
I seriously thought you stole the site. Since whoever hijacked it did so with the same user name and password only used at your old site SBYNEWS.com.
I just went to the site and its down so I have no idea what the comments are. If I wanted to threaten you, I would do so in person. That way I could deny it! But honestly, your not worth the time. LOL -- HAVE A GOOD LIFE.. mine has been so nice since you have left me out of YOURS!
On a side note I have a 99.9999% server and compnay that can host your site worries free if you need it to get your old blog back up!
If that site was really hijacked wouldn't it be easy for Google to find out who and when it was done? If its all BS about the site being hijacked, let the chips fall where they may.
There is a lot of strong language on this blog and others but to threaten or suggest it is cheaper for someones life to be taken is going way over the line.
JohnR said
You must be off your meds! Your about the most bipolar fool I know. You put up a BLOG about me and dont have the BALLS to email me and ask? Your the one Joe who is a nut case.
If you didnt care then why put up a post? I know why- becuase you are an obsessed nut job. I seriously hope you overdose on prozac or someother drug.
Just go away, only your faithful(not really - you should hear what they say behind your back) Albero cronies read this garbage. I have not even bothered with you you becuse your an insane compulsive stalker.
I cant even get to the site so I have NO idea what it says! Someone want to enlighten me!
I seriously think JOE is behind it because he has no news on his blog and needs to create some!
IT FUNNY STUFF! I hope you overdose on PROZAC
and i would never have taken down if it was my site becuase I agree with the comment (NOT THAT I WOULD EVR DO IT!)
John your gay
Bottom line here is-- your a moron with NO LIFE. You have no true friends and only are trying to use me to boost your ratings. My question is.. Why bother me after all this time? I have left you alone and your stupid blog. Until someone sent me an email - i did not even know you had done a post on me. I think your a bipolar with paranoid schitzo disorder. One day you will snap and when you do it wont be pretty. I have never spoken with ONE person who likes you. The truth hurts doesnt it. I will now leave you alone again. And Joey I do hope you get some meds. I BET YOU WONT LEAVE THIS POST UP!
Now go back to making up POSTs under ANONYMOUS and pretending its me to boost you ratings.
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