Salisbury Fire Department.com
“October 4, 2007 – Fire Chief David See has announced the following personnel promotions effective immediately:
Fire Lieutenant W. Darrin Scott to Fire Captain
Firefighter/Paramedic Chris O’Barsky to Fire Captain
Firefighter/Paramedic Michael Donaway to Fire Lieutenant
Captain Scott joined the department as a volunteer firefighter with Headquarters Company (station #16) in September 1985 and transferred to Station #2 in February 1989. He was hired by the City as a career firefighter in December 1990 and was promoted to Fire Lieutenant in August 2004. He is currently assigned as the company officer on the 4th battalion. Darrin is also a member of the Delmar Fire Department currently serving as the Deputy Fire Chief.
Captain O’Barsky began his fire service career with the Fruitland Volunteer Fire Department in 1991 and currently serves as the 1st Assistant Fire Chief. In December 1998 the City hired Chris as a part-time Paramedic and he became a full-time employee in October 2000. He is currently assigned to the 2nd battalion where he was designated as an Acting Fire Lieutenant.
Lieutenant Donaway began his fire service career with the Pittsville Volunteer Fire Department in 1995. He served with the Riviera Beach Fire Department (Anne Arundel County) while in college and is a current member of the Powellville Volunteer Fire Department serving as an Assistant Fire Chief. Mike was hired by the City as a Firefighter/Paramedic in November 2001. He is currently assigned to the 3rd battalion where he was designated as an Acting Fire Lieutenant.
Congratulations to each of them!”
So it goes to show you, if you're WHITE and you have served far more time OUT of the Salisbury Fire Department, See & Gordy will promote you even without the proper qualifications. Way to go Chiefy and congratulations to you and the Good Ol' Boy System too! You just proved it's still going strong.
Might I add, I have NOTHING against those promoted and I congratulate them as well. I do NOT want to take away ANY credit they deserve and I appreciate all they offer to Salisbury and the Fire Departments they serve.
While you're thinking about a career in the City of Salisbury, remember they didn't promote within the Salisbury Zoo. They didn't promote within Public Works. They didn't promote within the Salisbury Police Department. The list goes on and on. SO, that being said, IF you plan on a career here in the City, look elsewhere for any promotions and perhaps consider applying elsewhere sooner than later because the City of Salisbury SUCKS!
good Ol Boy is a racist comment, thrown about freeley. Keep in mind in your neighborhood you are a Good Ol Boy, and you will be able to call upon someone you know to help out your son or daughter get a job, or maybe just get something done. when Mayor Martin and the GOB party ran Salisbury things went well. It was only after someone decided that things ran way to well and everyone got along that we have the situation we now have in Salisbury
I don't get the anonymous comment--so things went bad when people other than "good ole boys" decided to participate in the government? Ummm . . . is it possible that you only THOUGHT things were going well before, because the good ole boys looked out for the good ole boys, and you are a good ole boy? Just a thought,
Fnl Frontier
The boss will never make everyone happy in the entire work place.
Looks like SFD has some cry babies in there. Aw the little white kid got my job. Man grow up!
SFD Member
A million bucks says you're white. A second guess says you're Chief See.
With all due respect Joe, I happen to be good friends with one of the gentlemen who received what you perceive to be, an unfair promotion. While I cannot tell you what the requirements are to be considered for these positions (though I intend to find out), I can tell you that this man has put in many dedicated years to the Salisbury Department as well as the Delmar Department. I hold nothing but the highest regard for him and I care not how many college credits he has. I would trust my children's lives with him any day of the week. You say that you do not want to take anything away from him, however, it is my opinion that you have. Thank you.
Just an FYI Joe. The majority of classes we take through MFRI ( Maryland Fire Rescue Institute) are ACE accredited. I personally in the last year have taken classes that accumulate 15 semester hours and don't really fee like adding up all of my hours, I just used this last year as an example. So for someone like Darrin to get an agreement to go take Gen. Eds. is not uncommon. With all of the certifications he's picked up through the years, just getting his Gen. Eds. out of the way does qualify for an Associates degree. Now if he takes it further and works on few more credits he can receive a B.S. in fire science.
As to the qualified persons "leap frogged" for the positions. It's a damn shame. I don't have a point to argue on that one. Even it I could find one I wouldn't argue, because no matter how you look at it, it's a sh*tty situation.
Just one request, get a new picture of See and Gordy, the one on this post is ready for retirement.
One things for sure, sensationalism sells so play the race card to get some views. Good Old Joe, stickin it to 'ol whitey.
With ALL due respect, Aren't YOU in effect disrespecting and taking away the 13 years Cropper has in and the 19 years Dodd has in?????????
I RESPECT the fact that these other Gentlemen are FINE people and certainly/obviously professionals.
I am simply stating there were others NOT considered professionally simply because the Mayor had her hands in the final decision. She is pissed off at others for supporting certain candidates and objecting on a PERSONAL level as taxpayers in a screwed up City and the other because he's BLACK.
Dodd & Cropper are some of the finest Salisbury has ever had. Again, taking NO credit away from the others, are you also telling everyone that you ewould NOT trust Cropper and Dodd with your life??????
That being said, stop the BS standard pansy ass fire fighter ass kissing and face reality. Cropper is BLACK and Dodd is a MAN!
Oh, I'll add, respectfully, IF YOU had any respect for the so called Fire Fighter that you'd trust with your life, USE HIS NAME! Are you afraid of See & Gordy that they might be retaliated against because you used their name? I just don't get some of you people. Or are you simply full of shit and your real name is Barrie?
What does color have to do with it. Get out of the dark ages. Im tired of people saying its a race issue. I don't owe any white or black person anything! If my great grandfather held their grand pappy as a slave so be it. Can we go back and change it now?
The color issue should not have even been brought up!
If you had a grand daughter and she wanted to date a black guy would you let her?
Drop the color issue!
Cropper is BLACK and Dodd is a MAN!
That is a quote..
So what crooper is not a man? Ive been telling him that for years now you just confermed it...lol..
Do you know for sure the crooper didnt get it because he was black? If so call the NAACP people and lets have a million man march or something. If not that is a slander statement!
Are you f/n kidding me? YOU tell me how many black Officers there are in the Salisbury Fire Department, Good O'l Boy?
If it's all racism that Cropper got bypassed, what excuse have you got for Dodd? These guys were excellant EMS providers. How long have they been on the suppression side of things? HMMM?
I am sorry that you miscontrued my comment. I do not know these other gentlemen, though I am sure that if I did I would have the same respect. I truly admire anyone who has forgone other possible careers to become public servants to what is obviously not always a gracious public. I do not know what college credits any of these gentlemen have or do not have. If you have that information, it could possibly be useful. I'd also like to know, what proof there is that this is a racial issue. I'd also like to comment on the fact that hiring a person BECAUSE of color is just as damaging to both races and all candidates involved. Also, keep in mind that neither of these gentlemen promoted themselves and cannot be held accountable for that, therefore making comments such as those in your thread are, in my opinion, unfair. It appears that until more information comes to light..we will have to agree to disagree. Oh, btw, the name of the man I refer to should be obvious.
Anonymous Said.....
"If it's all racism that Cropper got bypassed, what excuse have you got for Dodd?"
You need to read my comments. I stated earlier that Dodd stood in front of the City Council AS A TAXPAYER AND CITIZEN and spoke out against the tax increase as it would cripple him financially.
Secondly, Dodd supported candidates the Mayor didn't want in Office.
Soon after Dodd was written up numerous times and even suspended after 19 years of an almost perfect record.
IF you know anything about the Fire Department you would clearly know that Dodd also served Salisbury and Wicomico County as a County Councilman as well.
He has, (I believe) a Masters Degree. Hopefully that satisfies Karen? Both Dodd & Cropper have College Degrees. I'm working on the details.
Now, IF any of you know Mr. Cropper, you know for a fact this is one of the finest gentlemen you'll ever come to know. That being said, they were screwed by this Mayor, the Chief of the Fire Department and anyone else that isn't man enough to stand up for these fine men.
Well I guess the drunk fire chief should thank cropper for being black. This story has taken the heat off of him today. Bush is sitting back reading this blogg drinking a nice cold coor's light and laughing....
ps: and waiting for the fire alarm to go off..lol..
ROTFLMAO! You could be so right anonymous!
There was a Black Officer that retired several years ago. Cpt. Clark.
When you promote a fire fighter to captain skipping over 4 Lts you are telling the Lts what you think of them as you kick them in the balls.
Obviously, since I don't know any of the other candidates in question, I cannot comment. I would think that not only their level of education or years of service would be taken in to consideration, but also their work history. AGAIN, I am not an insider, and I do not have copies of their personel records. Perhaps something contained in those might tell the tale. While I am certain without a doubt that the good ole' boy system does exist, without substantial proof, I cannot say that is what is happening here.
Again...you're throwing stuff out there to see if it sticks. Call your sources to get an educational background on these two and post the transcripts. There's a challenge for ya....nobody's says that Cropper's not a nice guy. But his organzational skills are terrible. You should have seen his stellar work at the training center.
Hence my new Post. What will you come up with next?
Joe...I think you're on the mark with Dodd. Him being passed over has got the Mare's prints all over it. I've got to agree with some of your posters here though on the other gentleman. He sorely lacks some vital skills needed to function in the role he was passed over for. I know quite a few people who have the educational resume but haven't got the good sense to work at McDonalds.
Larry Dodd was also seen at WaWa signing the petition to take the tax hike to referendum. We all know THAT did not sit well with Barrie, See or Gordy. We also know that Barrie called WaWa and had them remove the petitioners from collecting signatures in front of WaWa shortly afterwards.
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