There is a RUMOR on the street that allegedly Doug Church and Brad Gillis were in an accident this morning, (could have been last night) where the flipped Brad's brand new BMW on Pemberton Drive.
I have NO confirmation of this so if anyone has any more information do let us know.
Nope, not true, while i'm anonymous, I know for a fact.
How's that fake picture working for you by the way? You can clearly tell it's edited.
First of all, thanks for sharing that information.
Secondly, fake picture???? That is an actual photo I personally took. Nothing about it has been edited.
Why do you make up this crap?
Were they out on a date?
Anonymous said...
Why do you make up this crap?
Because joe likes to attack people personally.
Interesting stuff Folks. I get two phone calls about this alleged accident, nothing has still yet been confirmed and all of a sudden I'm attacking someone?
If it happened, it happened. If it didn't, all the better for all parties allegedly involved. Grow up children.
And some people question if I actually put up all comments. Perhaps I shouldn't?
Then if it's NOT TRUE, why do you still leave it up? You deleted the Frank White "being plasterd" post. Same thing here. Delete it.
If Doug would like to call me directly to confirm it he may do so. 410-430-5349
God... your info is so old the mold on it has developed a civilization.
There was an accident some time ago, no one was injured, and he's already driving a new car.
and how is this news? everyone knows you have a hard on for these two guys also. joe your time will come and there will be no way that you will be able to handle the heat. karma is a motherf*****
Oh, c'mon. There was no judgment call about the alleged accident. I'm sure regardless how people regard them, it's good to see comments confirming that it's old news and they are both fine.
It's still up likely so people can read the comments answering the post's question.
Many of you are guilty of what you accuse Albero of. Sometimes Albero is over the top, but this was pretty straightforward to me. I'm not a supporter nor detractor, just a reader and this time, I figured I'd post. I read with a pretty detached eye.
Everyone needs to chill on the nitpicky stupid stuff.
Yea, really! I heard about this weeks ago.
You have issues Joe. Isn't it time you found some new people to pick on!
Every time I see these comments I can't help but think of Eddie Murphy doing Michael Jackson and saying, jusssst sssssso sssssensssssitive!
Guess we know who some of the anonymous posters are. Wonder if the recent hacking attempts to your blog and Delmarva Dealings could be connected to one or more of the guys who have "experience" in internet and computers, say like someone who has an IT business? The most obvious explanation is usually the correct one.
It could very well be. If that's how they get their rocks off, so be it. Seems to me, (should that have been the case, as you claim) they have a very vindictive behavior that could have been driven by someone higher up, if you get my drift?
joe you are the most vindictive person on the face of the earth! get a hobby. oh yea you have one.. making everyone else look bad.
Joe doesn't make anyone look bad, people like Tilghman, Webster, Wilbur, Dunn, Comegys,Shields, are masters at making their OWN selves look bad. ALbero just reports it.
TO: The Amonymice
Just when did the accident that didn't take place actually occur, who was driving (drunk-?)?
Will daddy take the T-bird away????
OMG the body language of Dougie Church. Seriously, is he having a hissy fit with his hands on his hips? If it walks like a duck---if you think they are, THEY ARE.
Joe, you don't know me. We've never met. I have only stumbled on your blog a time or two but I am appalled by your behavior. You are constantly attacking people personally whether you can "confirm" it or not.
You are no better than the paparazi responsible for Princess Diana's death.
On your site you claim (AND I QUOTE): "Salisbury's most reliable and unbiased source for your local news?"
When did responsible journalists start ending their articles with passages like "I have NO confirmation of this so if anyone has any more information do let us know."?!!
You are not a news site. You are a tabloid. And we all know that the tabloids make up stories to sell papers. That's all your doing.
I just hope that one of these days one of the people you are terrorizing with this crap decides to bite back and sue you for slander!
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