A select few people want to bitch and complain about the Salisbury Zoo ever charging an entrance fee at the doors. Well, take a good hard look at what it cost PER PERSON just to visit their Zoo! A Family of only 3 is $213.00 A DAY!
I know, I have a GREAT idea. Pass it on to ALL the taxpayers to foot the bill for everyone coming through the Salisbury Zoo, even those visiting from Delaware.
Ron Alessi should be ashamed of himself for putting these expenses on everyone elses back. Think about this Ladies & Gentlemen. YOU have people on that Board making decisions for every taxpayer in the City, yet many of them, (including Alessi) DON'T LIVE IN THE CITY OF SALISBURY!
Isn't that like having a Mayor for Salisbury who lives in Somerset County? Oh, I'm sorry, that's more like your Police Chief, right? It's no wonder the City of Salisbury is so screwed up!
It's Somerset County Joe. Not Summerset.
Spellcheck gets me every time on that one!
Good Lord Man...are you that big of an idiot?
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