Today, Mary Seamen wrote a Letter to the Editor in the Daily Times once again stating it was yet ANOTHER record year. Congratulations, seriously!
This time around, let's hope she's right. You see, for years now, Jim Rapp has stated to the Press that it was a record year, yet the dollars in the end never represented such, just look at their financial statements.
I'm all for the Zoo doing well at ANY time. However, when they take LOCAL money and use it JUST LIKE TERRORISTS DO by raising it in our Country and then sending it off to a Third World Country, this is what kills America. 50% of the money raised there is used for conservation. The Zoo Commission ruled at one point that 10% of that had to stay in Maryland and the rest could be sent out of the Country.
I don't care if 10% went out of the Country, SALISBURY and especially the Salisbury Zoo needs that money! They are burdening the taxpayers $1,200,000.00 a year and that does NOT include money raised from fundraisers such as The Night Of The Living Zoo!
Perhaps the Zoo Commission can sit back and re-think their goals with such said funds and HELP THE TAXPAYERS out this year instead?
Oh, as for the negative comments in the Grapevine, not everything negative comes from Joe Albero, so you know. I would hope by now everyone would come to realize that if "I" have something to say, I say it here and if not here I'll write a Letter to the Editor myself and put my name on it. The Zoo needs to face the fact that there are far more people who do not agree with their management skills and decisions than those hand full that only come out of the wood work when there's a major dilemma.
Getting back to the success. Over the past two or three years, Rapp mentioned how they raised $40,000.00+ from this event. Each year $10,000.00 of that money mysteriously disappeared from the thin air and their financials only showed they took in $30,000.00, (or so). Do NOT come back here and comment stating that $10,000.00 went to props and candy because the money completely disappeared, according to Rapp's figures and statements. Each year they tried to claim it went into candy and so forth but the reality is, you can't spend $10,000.00 on candy for this event, sorry, nice try. For those of you who have been attending these events for years, you'll realize very quickly that the props are pretty much the same each year. The few that change are usually made in house by the Zookeepers and they are very inexpensive. This year I will personally be asking for their minutes and financial statements as I am VERY curious to see if all $40,000.00+ actually shows up on the books for once? Wouldn't that be quite interesting if it did?
In the future they can hold it at the new ZOO.....The Orchard!
Can't leave Rapp alone can you? ENVY is a sin.
Let's just see what happens with those funds. I've got a keen eye on the numbers for a good reason.
And just what will you do if you find what you think you will? Throw around some accusations that you can't prove? Why?
you just cant leave JIM RAPP alone
your so jealous of him its scary
get alife and leave the zoo alone
your banned by the court from going in the zoo,
why dont you share that with the people
I guess you have forensic accountant on your payroll. You better come correct on this one, cause if your wrong, Rapp will have a legitamate lawsuit against you. Wrath is a sin also.
I wonder who police's the cash boxes at the zoo?
I hear PGJ had sticky fingers while at the zoo, but I'm not talking about stealing
Yes, what you've mentioned is quite interesting? I too asked quite a few questions about fiscal matters at zoo commission meetings and only got a no answer to my questions, in writing yet. Do they turn all those funds from "Night of the Living Zoo" into the commission? or does it go to the city, where it belongs? Could pay for a staffer or so, if it did? Wouldn't that be interesting?
A. Goetz
Art, drink your milk and go to bed.
I don't know who the anonymous smart ass anonymous commenter is but you really need to learn some respect for your elders. You wouldn't make a patch on Art Goetz's ass.
Art give the big lady in blue another drink and put her to bed.
tell me "anonymii" what gives you the right to assault Mr. Goetz.
Nothing better to do???
Maybe you could be sued....
Historical: Stay in PrincessAnne.
You know nothing...
I think every Citizen in the City of Salisbury is starting to see how many of the paid employees can and will act. It was evident with the Fire Fighters and now again with the Zookeepers.
Let them go at it and show their true colors. I've deleted the really bad ones anyway.
Hey, old Art is just an old REMF that doesn't even know what end of the tube the round comes out of.
JR is at it again! What an Idiot!
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