I can clearly understand Shanie's stress. I mean, how can someone like her just sit there doing NOTHING about the people that got her into that seat in the first place?
Then there's the thought of how Barrie Tilghman had such a strong voting presence within the Black Community.
So do tell me Shanie & Barrie, what have you done for the Black Community lately? Oh, that's right, Louise Smith organized a clean up around Church Street, Barrie showed up and walked away immediately as soon as she thought she got her Photo Op. Sadly, just like the other day when the Governor visited and only one person, (white)applauded the Mayor when the Governor announced her presence, the Press refused to show up for that Church Street PROPAGANDA Photo Op.
So Shanie, do call me and let me know your intentions towards STANDING UP for Lorenzo Cropper, the ONLY Paid Black Fire Fighter on the Salisbury Fire Department. I'd love to discuss this with you.
Lorenzo Cropper or Barrie Tilghman?????????????????
Like, Joe, what's in it for her???
This racist stuff is so out of date, we're not in the 50's. Lets move forward.
In your photo from WMDT's goin away party for Beck I only saw one black person out of twelve... Is WMDT racist too????
Anyone who thinks that racism is still not a problem in this community need only look down below at some of the other posts. Whether racism played a significant role in what happened in this particular situation will probably not be determined, but it is clear that there are a lot of ignorant people here (again, let's go to our "minorities are all lazy" guy for confirmation). I just sat down with a student whose uncle is a leader in the local klan, but I'm sure those guys are just a men's fellowship group?
why is it always black or white? I do not hear any other group pulling race everytime something does not go their way. Are there racist still wandering the earth? Of course one has to look no farther than David Duke or Jessie Jackson. Put the blinders away, let those of us who see no color continue to work together for the good of our community. Please why look at a photo and count how many black and how many white. Why not look at a photo and see people working together. is it wrong for a group of black men to get together and play cards without any white men? Of course just as it is okay for a group of white men to get together and pitch horseshoes without any black guys. And you know what....I bet they all tell their share of jokes.
For those of us who have been reading the "Watchdesk" for a long time, we know from it that racism is very, very evident within the Salisbury Fire Dept. Also, past postings on that site spell out the situations that have rampantly taken place within the Dept. These guys want to be thought of as professionals, but their gutter language and debased comments on their activities, etc. are anything but professional. Some of their prior comments, of course, were directed as City elected officials also.
While there are many capable black people in Salisbury, unfortunately Shanie Shields is not one of them. While she is somewhat cunning politically, she has the procedural and administrative IQ of a hamster.
The fire dept guys need to get down on their knees, and thank Jesus she's 'representing" the black community. If there were a more competent representative, fan and s**t would have already made an acquaintenance.
Shanie just wants to cash her check and go home.
Shanie will be hard at it campaigning with that $5k raise they just got. Imagine $10 grand a year to do nothing, hell I'll take that job.
As for her getting Barrie in office, Shanie is not guilty of that one. I'm quite sure Rachel Polk and Von Siggers curse the day they walked Barrie through the west side of town getting votes for her.
Remember Shanie only beat Von by 3 votes, there was no landslide.
Lorenzo is in Bermuda with his WHITE wife and her WHITE Family on a cruise. Lorenzo is the proud step-father of a racially mixed child. Color is nothing to Lorenzo and it is nothing to the admin. of the SFD.
We sent out over 6,000 letters to EVERY paramedic in MD, DE, and VA. We received less than 10 applications from that mass mailing. It was not selective, WE ALL GOT THEM!
Larry is feeding you this bullshit about race, but I want you to ask Lorenzo when he gets back on Saturday if he agrees with what your posting. And I know he will disagree. Lorenzo is as fair and honest a man as you will ever find. He doesn't need excuses or won't complain that he wasn't promoted. Don't make your posts seem like Lorenzo is giving you the information. You are giving this man a black eye and making it seems as if he is bitching behind the scenes when in fact the one who is giving you the info. is your ex-councilman buddy. We all know and he has ZERO respect in the local fire/ems community because of it. Exact phrases that he says at the station are repeated in your blog.
Again Lorenzo is not even in this country and hasn't been since Saturday October 6th. He will be floored when he reads this. Thanks for being an ASS!
anonymous with no balls,
You have a LOT of nerve speaking for a man who allegedly isn't even here in the Country!
I am also 99.9%positive you're a white speaking in his place.
5:35 PM
It's always about Balls?? Must be a fetish.
Yes I am white. However I have mixed races throughout my family and no I am NOT a racist.
Anonymous said...
Lorenzo is in Bermuda with his WHITE wife and her WHITE Family on a cruise.
what a twist talking about a mans family and blaming others for racism. do you even know what you are talking about? nothing like kicking these guys while they are down.
you are obviously the racist and pointing fingers at others.
anonymous is correct. LC is on a cruise w/ his wife, who happens to be white. no problem w/ that as far as I'm concerned. LC is one of the finest people Ive EVER met and he is colorblind, as am I and most everyone I know. Does racism exist? Im sure it does, but NOT in the SFD. LC would certainly have the corner on the market if that were true and knowing LC as I do, I feel safe in saying he will be pretty pissed when he sees this GARBAGE on her upon his return.
We have contacted and recruited from areas specific to minorities. A number recently tested for the position of entry level FF and did NOT pass the entrance written exam, which is a general knowledge test that throws in a few fire related words. It is NOT a "fire" test. SFD is trying, but one cant "make" another apply or successfully make them pass the test. That is on each of the candidates as the test doesnt care what "color", or anything else for that matter, you are.
That said...
Your "mole" is a disgruntled ASS. He tells you what you want to hear to satisfy your need to bash our Chief. Again, look at who your bashing hurts...not the Chief. He's the Chief. He's got his. However, you demean each DESERVING man's promotion w/ the GARBAGE youre being fed. As stated to you previously, good journalsim is beset by good investigation. Youre taking the word of a pissed off ass rather than seeking the truth, or at least getting another version of the ass' truth.
The fact that LC didnt get promoted, along w/ this ass, couldnt be that they screwed up on the tests? Couldnt be that others BEAT them? Couldnt be that they didnt perform when the chips were down? Has to be "good ole boys" or "racism"?! BS!!
I am the only person here who can say I sat as the facilitator of the written exam AND chaired the oral review board. A board, consisted of myself and two others NOT affiliated w/ the SFD. Both had extensive fire service backgrounds and were more than qualified to "review" each candidate.
Scores were tallied and rankings made. The fact that most of the sitting Lts were ranked near the bottom, which by the way; they ranked themselves based upon the scores earned, couldnt have anything to do w/ their lack of promotions, could it???
Your mole feels college is the most important criteria. I have no formal college. Sooo, therefore I dont deserve my promotions either, correct? I am currently teaching a Fire Officer I class (imagine that, someone w/ no college teaching). In my class, I ask each student to write on the board traits of good officers. Integrity, Responsible, Fair, Caring, Knowledgeable, Firm, Dependable, and numerous others were written. NOT ONE mentioned anything referencing college. Does a Masters make you a better Officer? Most certainly cant hurt. However, RESPECT is what makes the BEST Officers, and if your mole is whom I think he is, he has none and will never carry any. He continues to allienate himself from his peers and no one wants to serve under him anyway. FACT.
He need only look in the mirror to find the reason(s) he didnt get promoted. I wonder if disappointment in his performance in this process spills over into his bedroom?! Does he search for excuses to tell his women when he disappoints them like he does when he disappoints himself?? Hmmm...
None the less...Whomever he is, YOU need to know he's feeding you SH!T. He's a damn liar. And, you can tell him Jimmie said so. Have him call me out...if he's man enough.
Thank you for letting me post.
The local VFW's and American Legion's are both segregated. Prove one single membership of a black person at either the Elk's or the Moose, Oh I forgot the Elk's have segregated fraternities also.
It's ok for minorities to do lawn work there or work in the kitchen but the elitist don't want to see them on the golf course.
oh, and by the way...I too am a certified Fire Officer IV (highest obtainable) along w/ about 40 other certifications. Ask your mole if he can do Trench, High Angle, Confined Space, HAZMAT. What was the last fire he fought where he was truly "inside" leading men? Im also a certified Instructor Level III (highest obtainable), which by the way, I've never lost. Im thinking your mole "lost" his at one time.
Point is that I feel "qualified" to comment on the matter.
I also realize that this is "your blog" and you are entitled to your opinions and I respect you for that. While I dont agree w/ your opinions on this matter, I will fight to the death todefend your right to make those opinions as that is what America is all about.
I ask that, for once, you just TRY and find the whole truth about something to do w/ the place that defends this city against all things bad as it is that very department that one day may save your ass or whatever property you may own in it. I dont think that's too much to hope for...
My goodness is there that much turmoil in the Salisbury Fire Department that you guys have to attack your fellow employees. You are making allegations and throwing out names which will ultimately affect someones career. Do you guy know if there is actually truth to your statements?
If this is how the members of the Salisbury Fire Department treat each other I don't want them to come into my home. I have given my last donation to the fire department and I pray to God that I never have to use your services.
I need to move to another city.
God help you all.
ratchief said.....
I respectfully disagree with your entire comment. ALL of you need to quit speaking for Mr. Cropper.
Oh, for those of you thinking I am doing the same, wrong. The entire Posts have been how "I" feel about the situation. I never once said Cropper said......
Therefore, how dare ANY of you throw out he is married to a white woman. You SOB's! VERY PITIFUL!
Looks to me like she's takin a nap.
God may need to help us all...but it will be the SFD that helps you when you need it...and we will do it well despite comments made on here or any other site. I too pray that you will never need our services whomever that last anonymous is...as when the services of most fire/EMS departments are needed, it is usually someone's worst day.
When "family" turns on you, things can get "nasty" and that is the shame here. The opinions joe has posted on here are based upon info fed to him by a member of the "family". They are, in some cases, nearly exact quotes from an individual family member. So yes, the anonymous is correct about statements affecting people's careers. If whomever is giving you this info joe is a career member, I hope it does affect his career. And, if it isnt, then MY opinion is wrong and I will most certainly eat crow and be humbled.
I knew you'd disagree w/ my opinion as it is full of TRUTHS and FACTS. In no way am I attempting to imply that you are a liar joe...but youre being lied to and I only wish you'd open your eyes and see it.
The infor Ive offered you is plain fact. I have nothing to lose or gain by lying or giving half truths. It is meant to attempt to give you and your readers an alternative to the crap being thrown around. I am a man of my word and it is now my reputation on the line. I'm willing to take that gamble and will lose no sleep over the facts stated as they are exactly that.
No where have I implied that you were speaking for Lt. Cropper either Joe. However you are claiming racism and that is a serious accusation. One that I would dispute w/ you all night and if you were of an open mind, and listened to me, you'd know I was truthful.
You say you respectfully disagree w/ my entire post. I respect that and as stated, would fight for your right to do so based upon the Constitution. However, I will state to you that EVERYTHING I offered as "fact" is exactly that...FACT. My opinions may be subjective, but the facts are indiputable.
I am a member of a quality organization, despite how you may feel about that organization. Obviously, I will want to "defend" it, but this isnt so much about defending an organization as it is about defending the men who are part of it. I hope that you can see the difference on my part.
And I feel I can speak on L.C.'s part to some small degree based upon the close friendship he and I share and the amount of time we've known each other and worked together in various capacities. If I'm wrong...he'll let me know...Also, he married his wife because he loved her...it didnt matter what color she was...so it shouldnt matter to you or anyone else. Leave him alone and let him love his wife and family.
oops...missed the "s" in "indisputable"...sorry...fingers too fast...or maybe the fact I dont have a Master's/Bachelor's...hmmm...maybe that was it...LOL
The Moose lodge does have a black member on its rolls, he lives in Ohio.
Joe stated:
Therefore, how dare ANY of you throw out he is married to a white woman. You SOB's! VERY PITIFUL!
Not pitiful, it's fact.
Ratchief....you're not color blind. You can't be. Lorenzo isn't color blind nor is his wife. To say that you are color blind seems that you are going too far to prove that you are not a racist. I'm convinced that you're not a racist and I'm convinced that when you go out on a fire call with a firefighter of ANY color, you are among friends.
There are cultural differences that exist for every race but for the purpose of this comment I'll relate specifically to A/A and White people (white's have many cultures)since that seems to be central to the direction in which this post has gone. A/A people have thier own culture and they don't want it ignored. They want to be respected for thier cultural differences in the same way White people want to be respected for thier cultural differences. White people may be of Italian descent, Irish descent, or anything - I think you get my point. I am of Italian descent (among other things) and my family has traditions particular to that culture. I would prefer that my cultural differences and traditions be accepted and embraced rather than ignored. I certainly wouldn't want to be ridiculed for them. It has been my experience that everyone is like that to one degree or another. We all like to be appreciated for who we are and our race is just another part of who we are. We simply can't be blind to the people our friends are and a part of that is our race. My wife is of Irish descent and her family came here to the shore from Ireland in 1672. This is part of who she is and a part of her that I love dearly. When a wife of one culture looks at her husband of another culture, the cultural differences are some of the things she loves about him - whateverthe differences are.
It is true that race is so divisive in our society, that we have been conditioned to be more comforatable among people of our own race. Go to any type of in-service training and you will observe that blacks gravitate toward blacks and whites gravitate toward whites. It's because our race is common ground. If the class is a week long or more, you will notice that the groups of blacks and whites will be more integrated as time goes by. It's normal and completely healthy.
Don't be hesitant to acknowledge the differences between races. People of all races are proud of thier heritage.
The problems come in when the govt. gets invloved. When the govt. requires that any particular govt entity hire a specific number of people of a certain race, people of other races become angry and resentful. Especially if the govt. requires that the standard be lowered in order to fill the required positions more quickly. The govt. should stay out of hiring quotas.
Why is that Joe keeps telling everybody to stop speaking for LC. Yet, he was the one who started speaking for him and turned into a race issue?
You are so full of sh*t it isn't funny. Not only do you NOT have access to the personnel files and test results, (nor do I) but you CLAIM I am writing word for word from a mole, enough is enough!
You don't write for me. You don't sit next to me when I do write and how dare you imply "They are, in some cases, nearly exact quotes from an individual family member." Just who the hell do you think you are, God himself?
I must have hit some nerves!
Hey Grandad,
Nice eloquent speech in favor of diversity. So I assume you've changed your mind about Muslims from the Middle East? Just a couple weeks ago you basically wanted to arrest all of them! Glad to see that my arguments with you have caused you to rapidly change your views.
Don't fall for their crap. Whenever someone posts under anonymous and makes statements of such, they're useless and worthless. If they want to take the time out to create and use their own name, so be it. Till then, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
I'm signing it as Final Frontier (FF), which is as anonymous as Grandad (just too lazy to try to remember my password)! My point is a good one--Grandad (among others) used this forum just a couple of weeks ago to blast all Muslims, and essentially all Middle Easterners. So why the change of positions, unless an appreciation for racial and cultural difference only applies to selected groups? Joe, you were on my side a couple weeks ago arguing that labeling all people of a certain group was a bad idea, I'm just being consistent here, and pointing out inconsistencies. Grandad is more than capable of defending himself, so let's see how he explains the difference between his two positions!
Joe, with all due respect, re the moral status of "anonymous" posters, many people would not post on your blog, other than with an anonymous status. And yes, I know you can try to track down IP addresses if you are so inclined, even with anonymous posters.
The problem is your history of stalking people who don't agree with you, trying to dig up legal dirt on them, and and taking pics of them, and their houses etc., and posting them online. That stuff you did with Robinson's house was super creepy, even though you tried to play it off as joke, it was obviously an attempt to try and intimidate him.
That most people will only post on your site anonymously is an issue entirely of your own making.
You have to be the biggest pussy I have ever seen for a man. I know damn well who you are on here, even if you post under anonymous. However, I follow no one around and the FACT of the matter is, YOU asked me to take a photo of the CLOCK on your property and then asked me almost desperately if I got a shot of some stupid insect art in your yard.
"creepy" is a guy who posts under anonymous and makes stories up like you do. Stay OFF the Blogs Robinson. It's far too clear who you are and whenever you post because you're a complete Idiot.
By the way, do tell me who I've sued and stalked. This should be really good.
I am having trouble understanding how racism is derived from what the fire department has done. They have offered a written test, which is available for any judge to review. They have fire officers from outside agencies review their skills in an oral review board.ALL Applicants must hit accepted fire service benchmarks in this segment. Those two scores are compiled and the top candidates move on. Once at this stage I would hope that job performance and education would weigh in. If you take away the names and faces of the applicants and looked at the score, would we be having this conversation.
"Larry is feeding you this bullshit about race…"
Mr. anonymous poster, if you don't know what you are talking about you need to keep your comments to yourself. Knowing your facts is one thing, but throwing out names because you think you know something is wrong and very damaging. If you're wearing your Ronco Detective Cap and accusing me of something, you are far from accurate. If you think I'm mad because I got passed over for a promotion you've got that part right, but I will deal with it in a more appropriate manner. If you don't like me that's your prerogative, but keep me out of your negative conversations. Do I want to stay in the Inspections Division? No, but that is a job that I have been assigned and I will continue to give it 100%.
We have the best fire department on the Eastern Shore and we have a long way to go before it gets better. This back stabbing is not what the department needs. We all need to stick together and do what is best for the community, the people we are sworn to serve. What happened to the "brotherhood?"
And to think my back hurt because of a work related incident?? When you grow a set of nads and decide to sign your name I will be more than glad to give you your knife back.
It's time for everyone to get along and rebuild the perception the public expects out of the fire department. With that said, I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.
Larry D.
Well, since Mr. Dodd is here, perhaps he could tell us if he is mad because the others were underqualified or did not do as well as he on the written exam or in the interviews.
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