The fear of a Discrimination Lawsuit could have brought Officers from the Salisbury Fire Department to Paul Wilber's Office yesterday.
Damage Control is something standard within the City of Salisbury and with lawsuits flowing like water in a stream, the City is certainly keeping Mr. Paul Wilber a very wealthy man, that's for sure.
Just another reason everyone should consider FIRING the Mayor at the next Election but my guess is that this woman wouldn't even think of running again. I was right with Mike Dunn and Lynn Cathcart, Barrie doesn't want to flat out lose as it would destroy her inner beliefs that the majority of Salisbury actually likes her. WRONG!
Oh well, let's see what becomes of your Fire Department Tax Dollars and Attorney Fees hard at work once again.
I'm betting whatever Wilber's advice is on this, it will be wrong AGAIN! How many times has this attorney opined wrongly, all the while we citizen taxpayers pay him big bucks.
So what precisely is Paul supposed to do at this point? The damage is done. The good 'ol boy chief has an absolute tin ear for the social necessity to throw out the occasional bone. He has no clue (or just doesn't care) about the legal exposure he is subjecting the city to if he doesn't make some attempt to balance his hiring and promotion.
If an aggressive atty is hired and looks into the historical recruiting, hiring, and promotion practices of the Salisbury Fire Dept. with respect to recruiting, and promoting minority hires, more crap will come crawling out of the woodwork than you can imagine.
The city will be cutting some BIG checks if this stuff is exposed. The fire budget for all those nice toys you fire guys want will be flushed right down the crapper if that happens.
The city can't make minorities apply. They have encouraged them, however it is not the city's fault if predominately white male apply. As for the promotions, the minorities that have worked for the city FD have been promoted now and in the past.
Interesting - so black people just don't want a job like fireman, that lots of guys often think is prety desirable? How odd.
Re your "encouraged them" assertion, what specific efforts would you point to as an overt and serious attempt or outreach made by the chief to get minorities to apply?
And then the Fire Dept retirees go directly to their new positions at the Courthouse in security detail--Higgins, Lewis, Kennan. They don't miss a beat.
There are enough blacks amoung us now in fact a couple to many.
"Re your "encouraged them" assertion, what specific efforts would you point to as an overt and serious attempt or outreach made by the chief to get minorities to apply?"
Why should any special efforts be made to recruit minority applications? If someone wants to apply for a position in the fire dept., then he or she ought to have the commonsense to know how to do it. It's ridiculous to suggest that special recruitment efforts ought to be made!! Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
You want to know why a special effort has to be made to recruit minorities? Because generally, they have no ambition in this world...especially the ambition to be a fireman. You see, it's easier to live off the government if you claim you have no clue how to apply yourself to be gainfully employed. It's not just working for the FD, it's at WaWa, Sears, the list goes on and on. Sterotypically speaking, they just won't work period.
Talk about weird stuff. Do you ride around town all day looking for outlandish pictures and rumors to post? You've got issues Albero. Serious issues.
Anonymous said...
Why should any special efforts be made to recruit minority applications?
I would bet some of these type racist comments are being made by the white "leaders" of the SFD and the BPT administration... They just don't get it. Special efforts should be made to right your past wrongs. Oops, my bad, there are current wrongs as well. A black fire lieutenant in the Salisbury Fire Department was one on the only candidates qualified for promotion to captain and he was passed over by an unqualified lieutenant and an unqualified firefighter paramedic who both happen to be white. Yes Virginia, this is a very racist city. Why in the world would you promote a firefighter to captain jumping over 4 lieutenants? Because the fire department is ran by racist good ole boys.
If I remember correctly Gordo was promoted to the third ranking chief of the entire fire department. Imagine that, a volunteer fireman from Delmar passing over many well qualified members of the fire department because he was one of See's good ole boys from Delmar. Gordo was on probation and had very minimal training meeting Maryland standards. He wasn't even a basic EMT.
David See wasn't even qualified to be chief but the Mare promoted him anyway. So you wonder why the moral is at an all time low in the Salisbury Fire Department. Remember an Assistant Chief who just recently retired from the fire department? He didn't retire because he wanted to, he retired because he was passed over by Fatso to be the next Deputy Chief.
To ALL readers of this Blog.
Please notice that these are your local Fire Fighters showing their true colors.
This is NOT a brotherhood. This is a group of bigots who deserve to be fired, each and every one of them.
Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy should be spending every waking hour trying to find out who these people are on here speaking so poorly of one of their brothers, rather than spending all their time trying to investigate me instead.
Nevertheless, I know there are MANY great and wonderful men and women representing the Fire Department but these a$$holes who are making such nasty remarks about Mr. Cropper should be terminated and marked the rest of their lives as bigots.
Now let's see who's MAN enough to support me?
Ummmm.....where are the "NASTY" comments about Crop? How do you know these are firefighters making comments? You have such an erection for them that you'll post inflammatory comments about them to get more comments and views. Am I correct?
"I do NOT post comments on my own Blog under anonymous"
This is such a lie JOE. you do to post under anonymous. I can even prove it.
ROBINSON is back! What an Idiot!
Special efforts should be made to right my past wrongs? What wrongs exactly?
Anonymous said...
Special efforts should be made to right my past wrongs? What wrongs exactly?
When the racial demographic for the city at large is way out of line with the racial profile of the City firehouses, a reasonable person might well ask "Why is this so?".
The answers from fire personnel seem to be along the line of either "Hmmm... we just don't know. It's a puzzlement". or "It's obvious, Blacks are shiftless parasites."
In this case the second attitude is a much more accurate reflection of real Wicomico County firehouse attitudes than the first.
Stop playing around pretending you don't know the score. I've heard you firehouse guys talk huddled over your beers like gossiping little girls in your bars, and killing a six pack on your decks, or in your backyards bitching about "niggers". I've heard the words you use, and the utter contempt you have for black people.
Beyond the skewed and steered hiring practices, the hardcore racist attitudes, and the "in your face" playing of favorites your chief is making the city a huge lawsuit target.
Joe, thank you for posting those pictures of city fire department vehicle in the city solicitors parking lot. You can bet your life that anytime you see those vehicles at Paul Wilbur's office thousands of tax dollars are being wasted.
Only an asswipe would think it was weird. Keep up the good work.
The Salisbury Fire Department is extremely racist and comments were made about the lieutenant as being their "token nig**r." and that is the God's honest truth.
The so called leaders in the fire department are always using the "N" word and making sexist jokes.
Heck, most of them have had sex in the firehouse and never got in trouble. And they are the good ole boys getting the promotions.
Yep, one of them just got promoted to assistant chief and his friend now works for one of the police agencies.
Another captain was caught messing with a minor at station 16 and nothing was done about it. Yep, one of the good ole boys.
Yep, there is a long history of dirt in the Salisbury Fire Department and the good ole boys stick together and get the promotions.
Anonymous said...
Heck, most of them have had sex in the firehouse and never got in trouble.
Yeah, remember the story about Deputy Chief Gordo and his Hooters Ho? What ever came of that? Isn't he married?
That is one corrupt fire department.
What about that chick named Ginger that used to come around the firehouse? The new Deputy Chief from Parsonsburg knows all about her don't you Rick? He's not the only one there are other officers that did her.
people used to talk about a round table party at station 1
I was just wondering . . . do some of you guys have calluses on your knuckles where they drag on the ground all day? Minorities are just lazy? Please join the rest of us in the 21st century. Or better yet, leave. There are plenty of lazy white folks to serve as pathetic examples of humanity. Here's some news for you--in case you didn't know it, white people are going to be in the minority in America not too long from now. You might want to be nice to people of a different race, fellas. To think you all hold yourselves out as heroes to be emulated! I have to agree with Joe on this one--these bad apples are really hurting the fire department's reputation, and they need to go. The men and women who put their lives on the line AND can recognize the humanity of people of all colors are the real heroes, the rest of you are about as low as it gets.
Final Frontier
I'm not a racists, nor am I a member of the fire dept. I have no stake in what color any fire fighter is- they could be chartreuse for all I care- as long as they are qualified and good at what they do. But I still don't think that the fire dept. should have to make special efforts to recruit minorities. And frankly, if I were a minoriy, I would be offended by the belief that a special effort is needed for recruitment purposes-it's like you are suggesting that minorities don't have the ability to open the paper and search for jobs or make contacts with the fire dept. offices. If you want something bad enough, you'll work hard to get it. We have become such a society of whiners and complainers- there seems to be no such thing as personal responsibility anymore.
I don't know Mr. Cropper or any of the individuals promoted. If Mr. Cropper feels like he was passed over soley on the matter of race, then it is for him to decide if he is going to file suit. For others to suggest that he should, or for others to incite all this drama and nonsense is just plain wrong.
I can tell you this, we have had at least 8 "minorities" that I can think of. That have went through the application,interview and acceptance process then NOT show up! We have had some not even finish paper work for the office that is needed ..... Yes we have called on these people and yes we have told them what would be expected of them during the interview process. I just don't get it ...... were talking about for the most part grown adults.
We have spent time and money getting these men and women ready for service (physicals ,right size equipment for them)and then they change their mine or Just don't bother to show up AT ALL....
What are we suppose to do ????
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