"John R said...
I have decided to NEVER comment about J __ __ again. I will not read his site and he will not be a guest on my NEW RADIO TALK SHOW! My wife said commenting on him only give him crediblity. To drive someone like him even crazier, ignoring him is the best policy."
Are you suggesting his wife is as stupid as he is?
ha i am a friend of johns and just text him to tell him about this new post..his text message back.. "I will never see it joe who? "
ha, i am not a friend of johnnie's and i just texed him and said, IDIOT!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop posting about this psycho liar!
But don't you think it's news that Robinson is going to now have another new Talk Radio Show?
deleting comments now i see?
If you LIE, DEFAME or CURSE, you're message gets deleted. However, IF you would like to do any of the above and use your name, that's another story. That's the rules.
How do I go about deleting your posts Joe where you Lie?
I don't know John but you're not supposed to be here, remember? Oh, that's right, you're using anonymous again. ROTFLMAO! Take a pill Dude!
Are you checking IP addresses Joe to see who and where they are coming from? One good use of the stats pages you use.
Don't have to. No one is stupid enough to be obsessed with JR enough to sit here on this Blog all day defending the Idiot.
It/He's a no brainer.
Why not let it die Albero? It's old. It's weak. Boring. Nobody cares about this Robinson fella.
You know, when you first got going, your content was productive. Now, it seems you're infatuated with Firefighters and John Robinson. As much as I hate to say it, the overflowing dumpster pics and street lights out was more usefull than what you're posting lately. I realize it's your blog and you can do whatever you wish. You've obviously got the time and resources to make this endeavor so much better. Knock off the crap will ya? All of us, including yourself and the community we live in would be so much the better for it. Whadda ya say Joe?
Jon Atchison
Salisbury, MD
Can't blame a guy for having a little fun though. I do so much for all of you, I gotta get some entertainment out of this deal once in a while.
Joe...agreed. One thing I see here is that everyone gets a little HOT under the collar when they feel they've been, shall we say, mis-represented. That's when the flaming comes in.
I've defended you on several occaisions but it's becoming increasinly harder to do so with some of the over the top stuff of late.
Like I said, you've obviously got the talent, time and resources to help us all out here.
Just do it man!
Joe, I have to agree a bit with Jon Atchison. It seems you had really improved the site by laying off the chief, mayor, Robinson, and fire dept dufuses. But it's gone back downhill lately. A little fun is one thing, but JR has been pretty frequent lately. More on what's going on with city and county councils, and the classy ladies's efforts, please.
Now let's think about that comment for a moment!
YOU'RE telling me things got better as soon as I laid off the Chief, the Mayor, The FD AND Robinson?
In other words, to better this Blog I should stay off ALL the major topics I've been discussing lately?
I smell a rat!
I wasn't saying that at all Joe. If it's newsworthy or in your best judgement, a statment that could bring about change, then by all means post it. The wizzing contest between you and Robinson has played itself out. Let it go.
As far as the other issues go, the PD, FD, Mayor and Council, it's fair game when there's a game to be played in my opinion. Some of the FD stuff of late would only rate as filler in my honest opinion and I can tell from the comments, these guys/gals are driving some web traffic for you.
Keep it relavent, keep it real. That's all I'm asking. But again, it's all you Joe. Just tossing out my two cents for what it worth.
TY Jon
Joe has a lot of filler on his site!
Ya.....but I must admit I crack up everytime I see him in that Fro LoL
The fro pic is a classic. The amazing part is the clock in the background is off by an hour...maybe not so amazing.
Joe, I hope you go back and read this since it's yesterday's post. I am not a rat, nor a FOB. I posted under a slightly different signature before you changed to this web provider. I simply meant that I want more of your hard-hitting revelations and less of the name-calling. When you stick to uncovering the wrongdoing those people I mentioned do, and not call them names (evem if they deserve it), it is a more powerful tool. I have my own names for COmegys, Shields, Smith, the mayor, chief webster, and GOrdy and See, but you would pull my comments if I used them! LOL
so was this picture photoshopped or was he actually wearing the fro? it appears to be photoshopped.
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