Last night former Council Woman Lynn Cathcart confronted the Council talking once again about all this negativity. She wanted to let everyone know she's helping out with the Winterfest of Lights and that's one of the only positive things going on in the City of Salisbury.
She went on and on about negativity and as you can clearly see from the above photo, John Pick Wasn't Buying It!
On my TV it sounded like she was going to say something about the Hearne farm debacle -- which she helped to cause -- but decided not to. Probably a good move for her.
I heard Ms. Truitt did say a few things about about the Hearne farm and the City attorney, too.
Joe: If you had to sit and listen to her for several years, not to mention Barrie, you would look like that.
Can't believe that I once voted for her.
Never again.
Dot said a lot (I listened, but swithched off Cathcart).
Do you recall, a couple years ago, she blasted those kids from Bennett who were concerned about the overcrowding there -- "it's always been that way" and that "it's a county problem" (or was that Dunn)?
Now the kids from Bennett won't have to worry about overcrowding from the Hearne property.
But that does not justify nor excuse Cathcart's BS.
Did you see Cathcart get hype and stomp out of the Council room with arms waving wildly? She's way too emotional these days; she should spend more time with her family, as she said was the reason she was not going to run for re-election. Do it, Lynn: stay home!!
She thinks she's going to run for city council again, what a waste of campaign money. I was there, I thought is was one of the most civil meeting's I have attended in a while.
She's the one that always has a gripe.
The "Change of life thing" ya know. That or she really has bats in the belfries.
Cathcart personifies Archie Bunker's "ding-bat" better than his (TV) wife did.
it's astounding that Pick was awake!
With a hair doo like that I would presume she also has penis envy.
I thought that Crapcart was moving to be with the grandkids. She can't like kids to much she wanted her neighborhood to go 55 and older for empty nesters. What a NIMBY.
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