This morning I was looking at the Fire In The Hole Website to see if they had any updates on the Hebron accident that involved a Fire Fighter, a Rescue Vehicle and a woman that died from the accident. Once I arrived there I saw a huge variety of photos of accidents and fires, yet NOTHING from the Hebron accident. My message to Wayne was as follows.
No photos or information posted on your Website about the accident in Hebron that involved the Rescue Vehicle and killed a woman? Joe"
After several hours I finally received a response from Wayne which said the following.
"im not out to make the fire departments look bad the way you do!
do not e-mail me any more or I will call the police! This is your warning!"
I happen to believe Wayne is doing a disservice to the community by not providing this information, photos and updates and instead playing the old Inner Circle game with the Good Old Boy system. This is one reason why I refused to allow him to link to this Site.
So I ask you, is it fair that everyone else have their accident exposed all over the Internet, including the photos Wayne shared yesterday with The Daily Times of a man who huffed something or other and then they made him out to be some sort of Idiot, (which I'm not necessarily denying)? So it's OK to expose everyone else but NOT the Fire Department and or the woman that was killed? I know first hand the Brother of the deceased woman wanted photos produced for everyone to see. I talked to him one on one and he even argued with the Fire Chief to allow me to take photos after being told I could not.
Well Wayne, no problem. I'll not respond to you through e-mail but I can assure you, just like the Bat Man Light in the sky, you'll know when I want to get through to you.
Joe you are a complete idoit. in the first place on his sites he shows the hero's aspect. he is a great guy and you shouldn't bash him for it. if the people didnt want him to post pictures then he wont. well what a minute I'm pretty sure that he asks permission first. unlike you where you just post pictures of whoever and whatever you want. so you say he should have posted something about the accident he did he posted a bullient to keep both families in thier prayers. if you where up with that kind of stuff you would know. I am surprised that you cant see the truth behind that. and as a matter affect I have personal seen them and he had decided not to post them because of how horrible the accident was. he has that right not to post them just as much you have the right not to post some of the comments that come in to your sit. so stop whinning. when will you understand that the world doesn't invole you. and another thing get a life. in closing I think you should leave what you dont know off this site but wait you dont care. the accident was a horrible thing that happened but they are recovering from it and the police are still working out the complete details of the accident. so un till you know dont say anything. by the way it was the bat signal not the bat man light you dumbie.- HELL'S FIRE
Hey, Dude, lay off our Joe! Seems to me those of the Fire Depts. seem a wee bit too edgy and nervous--they don't seem to want any questions to be asked...that's always a sure sign that somethin's up. The way the Fire Dept. comments have been coming, they are anything but professional.
My God, Thank You! I have not laughed so hard in my entire life. This was so funny, I was laughing so hard that my Wife came over laughing before she even saw it because I was laughing that hard.
HELL'S FIRE, I would normally recommend something like Spell Check or something along those lines but you have made up words here that couldn't even be matched anywhere or compared if they tried.
All I can do is pray that those Big Fire Trucks don't come with Instructions because I have to tell you, you're an Idiot! Dee, Dee, Deeee comes to mind, if you know what I mean?
Thanks for the great chickle, seriously. I need to go get some Kleenex for my eyes now.
Yeah a big cover up...Get a freaking life you moron...Wayne took pictures of another accident that did not make it to his site either. Its called respect for those involved. Something you obviously know nothing about..
Message to Hell's Fire--
I am assuming you are a fire fighter. You must be, considering you don't know rules of punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, paragraphing, and other basic spelling, usage, and mechanics rules. If you are going to get on this site to defend your brothers, at least make everyone think you are intelligent by using proper English grammar and composition.
Am I to understand that you need continuing educational credits? My advice--TAKE ENGLISH 101.
You are a complete Moron and an Idiot.
"Its called respect for those involved."
NO IT'S NOT, It's called a COVER UP.
Until the police release the OFFICIAL report , why doesn't everyone including you Joe, let it rest. In due time all known data will be released from the report.
Yeah, kind of like the FBI releasing the Investigation that has been over and settled by another Grand Jury on Hunter Nelms, where they cleared him but are covering that up?????
The wait has been long enough. It's time for the information to come out. Hebron cannot hide it forever.
And your name, Mr. Master's Degree?
What was the date of this accident?
When I read a post and a response, Mr. Anon Master's Degree, I like to be able to understand it.
I am not perfect, I know I have misspelled words, but at least I don't sound both defensive AND ignorant.
Besides, I don't disparage people that disagree with me, I debate them. I don't reduce myself to saying F You, either. If you have a Master's Degree, you certainly don't show it in your words or actions, Mr. Smarty Pants. You do a disservice to those of us that both have nothing to hide, and also have higher degrees.
I am also going to put my degrees out there, since I never do (except on resumes). Call me ignorant, pretentious, or anything you want.
WatchfulEye, BA, MA, JD (in progress on the JD)
Who Cares, the accident was on 9/8/07 or about that date.
Joe, it's that guy's blog, just like this one is yours.
FWIW, I read this one, not that one. Don't always agree, but feel like I do get more to think about here.
To each, his own.
9/8/07..Thank you.
9/8/07..Thank You.
I don't know where the drunk thing came from but I never implied anything of the sort, for the record.
As for "the other guy," he doesn't have a Blog. Just a Website.
Lets see, Waynes site is called :
Fire in the Hole Photography
Not Fire in the Hole Make Joe Happy, Not Fire in the Hole Blogg, Not anything. There are pictures there. thats pretty much it. There are occasionally get well wishes there. But, it is first, and foremost, Photography that highlights firefighters, ladies auxileries, Police, and Medical Providers of the Fire Departments.
There is nothing there about a blogg or about stories or news.
Furthermore, I would imagine that wayne had the mans permission to post his picture before he did so.
And Furthermore still, at least he post accidents and such that really happened, not making stuff up because he doesnt like someone.
Right while im on it. Thats a nice racial comment you have a few posts down. Glad your grandson feels that way about the black community. Maybe you should take him to san domingo this weekend to see how the black community trully is.
PS, I see you took off coment moderation. Must be that you couldnt get no comments.
Do explain how that comment is racist. He is white and would rather grow up and be Black and honorable than be a Fire Fighter, a$$hole. Talk about people that TWIST things!
You know what, you're right. I had taken off moderation because I was going out with my Grandson for a while. Instead, I've turned it back on because you childish Idiots can't act grown up enough to leave you alone just for a short while.
That being said, your comments will be up soon enough Ladies & Gentlemen, sorry about that.
watchful eye who are you to say go for higher education. in my eyes your are the moron and idiot. you think your the only who can spell we can all spell just some better than others. and to joe you just need to lay off the crap because as always you don't know what your talking about. and aleast I'm not as bad as some people that have written on this site.
Could everyone just take a "chill pill" and stop with the name calling on here, Lets all ack like adults all of us.
Let him call the police....then you can pull IP addresses and start naming names so we will know which firefighters apparently have nothing better to do than comment on your alleged sexual and ethnic preferences or talk sh*t about your family.PLEASE track them so I can laugh when its revealed they broke Mayoress's "No Albero" rule
Everyone knows that Wayne was at the Jamie Elliott fatal accident. He didnt post them out of respect of the family. But we don't see you saying anything about those photos. Maybe because his dad is in the Wicomico Co Sherrifs dept?
Wayne gives the families alot of respect, more than you would and have!
Wayne was on scene of the Hebron accident and gave all his shots to the Hebron fire department for their use. He helped the fire department that day and each and everytime hes on scene. What do you do for them?
i agree with whoever wrote the cocomment about wayne having respect everyone including myself sometimes needs to learn it- HELLS'S FIRE
Yeah, especially Black people. You guys are freakin Idiots! How soon and conveniently you forget!!!!
Nice Joe,
A man makes a good and true statement and you come back with the name calling!
Why change right?
WB admits to who he is and a select few of you want to make this man sound as if he's a caring man. Sorry but I see it and say it like it is.
He admitted to the definiton of the word. On the other hand you choose to use and understand the word in its wrong way of speech. Learn the true meaning of the word and stop using the slang term. The mans had balls to post his name and you are trying to run him in the ground, his web site and his name! You don't even know half the people you try and bring down with you post.
Now this is where you come back with your name calling attacks!
Perhaps you missed the definition of the word UPDATE by ME from the Webster Dictionary, that's just a start.
Secondly, if ANY of you still believe it's OK for the Fire Department to use these bullshit excuses as to why it's OK for them to regularly use the "N" Word, screw each and every one of you Idiots.
I'm tired of arguing this point with you, especially when you use anonymous. You have no credibility and you know what, I'd appreciate others stepping in and saying how they feel about the use of that word and your thoughts as to how you feel about these Fire Fighters excuses?
If you're not going to put up your name, find someone else to argue with. WB is out of line, as are all the other Fire Fighters still using that word in any way, shape or form. End of story.
Joe you have your opinion on the word and others have theirs. You don't like what some of the stuff they do and say and on the other hand they don't like some of the stuff you do.
Just agree to disagree. Joe I really don't think you of all people will change how some people think. Just drop the issue. Everyday you keep this issue alive, everyone involved travels back 1 year.
Cant change yesterday and tomorrow is a different story.
End story!
Unless you are trying to bump the ratings up again and get that #1 blog in the state thingy again.
Let me prove to you that I couldn't care less about my ratings. I think you're an Idiot as well for trying to suggest we all drop this subject. Nope, not going to happen. If you're that ignorant, well then it looks like I just lost another rating x1.
This Blog is here to better this community and not give in to the Barrie Tilghman kind of politics where the power of suggestion and bullying people is the only way out.
You use that word, you're an ignorant Idiot, period. Here's another one for you, jackass. The moment the entire Fire Department hires someone to train their Staff, (including volunteers) is the day I'll drop smashing the Fire Department. Till then, either go away or deal with it.
Perhaps you haven't noticed, I'm not going anywhere?
Joe says : The moment the entire Fire Department hires someone to train their Staff, (including volunteers) is the day I'll drop smashing the Fire Department. Till then, either go away or deal with it.
The fire departments are trained by the state. MFRI - Maryland Fire and Rescue Institue. Why in the world does Salisbury need someone to train their staff? They already have it.
The moment the entire Fire Department hires someone to train their Staff, (including volunteers)
-says J. Albero.
OK...maybe a good idea. Now, who's going to pay for it?
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