Last night during the City Council Meeting there came a time when I decided to go downstairs and enjoy a brief smoke. During that time, Chief Webster came out of the building and walked over to his vehicle. He started to pull out but instead of taking the easy route he chose to actually pull into the parking lot in which I was standing, slowed down, then floored his gas across the parking lot. When he hit the curve to go behind the far GOB he started hitting his horn several times showing he is a MAN and then sped off and out of sight.
Here's a guy who pushes for a new noise ordinance against this very thing and then he goes off with his own horn several times? I also know that honking your horn for no reason is also against the law. But, he is the Chiefy of Police and who's going to write him a ticket, right?
What gets me is, I have a witness to this whole thing. Oh well, do as I say, not as I do. He sure did scare me though!
You got to be kidding me...
Your going to cry over someone honking a horn?
Turn it around, Idiot!
Let's say it was ME doing the EXACT same thing. Not only would I go to Jail. I can assure you I would have been fined the maximum amount and perhaps another $50,000.00 BOND!
So go to hell!
you try and catch anyone you can to get them in trouble. Stalker????
Hmm, maybe he saw a homeless person who he thought was going to jump in front of him, and used his horn to warn them he was coming through? Or maybe he was responding to a call (which he does) and beeped his horn to have someone move insted of using his siren.
Nope. My witness and I didn't see that happen. Nice try Chiefy.
Nope, i'm not the chief.
I didn't say you were Chief. I said you were Chiefy.
Joe you need issues...
You remind me of Rodney King...
I in no way am for Webster, feel he has done nothing for the department but maybe he was going on a call Joe...
There's right and then there's dead right. The Chief should have waited until he was clear of the parking lot before taking off. I know from personal experience what it is like being a pedestrian struck by a car (no, I was not drunk, or irresponsible. Just trying to get to my car).
If this is true, All i have to say is..........GROW THE F---- UP Chief Webster.
THANK YOU! That's exactly how I felt when it happened. GROW UP!
IF its true...god point...IF its true! Alot of the things you say are far fetched and this post seems to be the most far fetched of any!
Far fetched?????
I'll tell you what Mr. Anonymous. You just show up in Court the day of Trial when I present witnesses to prove what I state is in fact true.
Do you actually think I would Post something about a Chief of Police that wasn't in fact true, WHILE HE'S SUING ME? If you actually believe that, then you're the #1 Idiot in the entire City of Salisbury and you obviously don't realize just how much I protect the money I've earned and the Chief wants to take.
Leave Joe alone and fight real crime Chief.
I could name a million reasons why he might have honked his horn,but I cant afford to be sued......
Joseph...perhaps he was honking his horn because he Loves Jesus?
don't listen to those faggots. Chief Webster is probably the worst person in the world to be placed in the position of agency head for SPD. He hates you for bringing it to everyones attention. He hates the fact that you bring every one of his failures to the forefront even more than he hates himself for being a failure at his job. What you witnessed in the parking lot was probably an uncontrolled urge to lash out at you without doing something for which he could be held accountable later. Like a kid who throws a temper tantrum, yells, and stomps his feet. The sorry part of it all is that Webster's failure is costing the city it's neighborhoods. There is another thing. As Webster continues his useless career, he is destroying any relationship which existed between his troops and the Sheriff's Deputies and the Troopers. It's getting to the point that his officers don't even want to speak to other agencies because they are held back and made feel bad by the actions of the chief. IMO, his highly qualified officers and a once honorable agency has been reduced to a laughing stock by the ridiculous actions and inactions of an unqualified Chief of Police and his useless queen. Mayor - get rid of your Chief before his agency and your city is reduced to an unsalvageable pile of ashes.
To the last anonymous poster...are you employed by SPD??? Something tells me no...then shut up and get your facts straight!
Relationships between SPD, county and state are not failing solely because of webster. SPD officers feel stabbed in the back everyday when lewis decides to send out a PA about an arrest that SPD makes for WCSO, or when he tells joe that they are doing all the work in the city, or when he refuses to send a dog over for a scan because they are locking up a WCSO wanted person and could find something in that car and they wouldnt be able to make the arrest! Maybe if lewis only gave credit where credit was due, their relationship would be better. Last I knew, (5 minutes ago) there were no hard feelings between city and state!
I call BS on this story.
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