"Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Day two of what's going on with JJ??
I heard last night, he showed up at the council meeting looking disheveled. Faded blue tshirt, old jeans, needing a haircut. Dude, you gotta learn to dress better if you're going out in public. I don't care how much "news" you get, if you dress like you need to be power washed, it's all a moot point.
Also...what's the deal with the new zoo posting this morning? You railed your ass off yesterday about how it's a waste of money, time, and materials. That no one should benefit from wireless in the park?? It was the worst thing Salisbury could do, blah blah blah. Now today you do a 180 and are all for it?? Seriously, Dude, you need to see a Doctor. You bounce from one extreme to the other in the blink of an eye."
Perhaps they might not be so harsh on me when I post such pictures of the Mayor IN PUBLIC? Trust me, all, I saved you from the OTHER photos you've seen far too often that make you want to upchuck your Lunch!
There is nothing wrong with the way the mayor looks.
Here you go again posting old photos trying to get your hits up!
And you wonder why people call you a freakin stalker!
Why dont you stay in Delmar and bitch about their problems?
which blog said that, I can't seem to find it.
Nice try but I'm not linking to them for them to get hits. Nor will I allow anyone who tries to create such a link.
Well, I searched all of them and can't find it. So unless you can clue me in onto which one, I guess it wasn't posted.
Wrath is a sin.
Joe, your linking them is not about them getting hits. Its about you proving what you say to be true. Its a courtesy to the readers.
I read a lot of the the hockey boards, and some people make claims that just dont seem correct. Other posters ask for a link to the proof.
I dont think it will harm your blog in anyway for the blogs you claim are attacking you in anyway.
But it is your blog and you can do as you wish. Just saying its gives you more credibility when you post where you got the info.
Sorry Jim, you'll just have to trust me on this one. Unless you want to personally e-mail me and I'll forward it to you.
I had never seen these anti-Albero sites until someone I know emailed me and informed me that they reprinted one of my posts here to their site and sent me a link.I checked it out and sure enough,they had!These are the same people who piss & moan "Joe Albero copies stuff from other websites" and yet they are doing the same thing!They also claim to be against "cyberbullying" but they use various slurs for Italians to describe Joe-isnt that cyberbullying?
If you weren't such a peckerhead Joe people might like you.
I'd really like to slip the Mare the bone or maybe A bone. I like em thick and braless....the shoes I can take or leave.
My guess by first glance is she wears thongs and has it shaved.
last 2 anonymous,
i don't like the mayor either, but u r bein ridiculous & ought to have some one wash out your thoughts. (since this came out of your typing, not your mouths.) filthy filthy.
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