Remember the story about the Peaceful Heart?
I sent in a PIA Request for the audio tape for the three phone calls in which the SPD Dispatcher hung up on Rodney three times.
All of a sudden, the City doesn't have the tapes? What makes this very interesting is, the SPD recently told Rodney they have re opened their investigation, so they know what tapes I'm looking for.
Nevertheless, they want to, (IMO) make sure YOU don't get to hear the truth. Don't think I'm done with this, just because Wilber claims they, (the City or SPD) don't have the tapes?
Oh well, we'll keep plugging away and hopefully we'll be able to produce the evidence in the near future.
Wicomico County runs the 911 center, wouldn't the request need to be made to them not the city?
ur a total dumb a$$, the county has that, request it from them
You obviously haven't been following the Posts referencing this entire story.
The Salisbury Police Department had posession of the tapes as they held an internal investigation when it all happened. Call Rodney at The Peaceful Heart, he'd be happy to share that evidence with all of you. The calls come into the County and then they're transfered to the SPD where THEY record their calls.
Notice how the letter refers to "Public Works?" Perhaps Mr. Wilber sent the request to the wrong Department? LOL
Joe you are right on this one, I know for a fact ALL calls are taped, not really tape anymore the are held in a computer. Unless they delete the system, dump it and they would do date specific and only ONE person can do this, it is still there. In the past when they implemented new database systems, they dumped or lost most of ALL of their computer data, photos and all. The recording though is transfered from 911 to SFD and placed on a seperate computer hard drive.
Since you are not a reporter, you willplay hell getting them. You need to get a reporter to ask, or get a court order or you will never see them. Unless you hire a lawyer for the red tape.
I will write it for you:
Since I am a fake a$$ reporter and do not know proper procedure or what to ask for I am requesting a copy of Audio Tapes made to 911 center and or to THE CITY OF SALISBURY POLICE DEPARTMENT on _______ fill in the date. On or about ________ approx time.
The city does not have a 911 center so your request was denied because of such or maybe because it just you.
I will go with the former although I wish they would have said. 'Go screw yourself. Your Nothing but a disgrace to our city and that is why we wont help you.'
Did Wilbur make that last comment?
Just for a point of reference? When was the first cover up? You headine says another. I am new to all this and would love to know.
I dont need the soaps I GOT JOEY!
Do you ever do any work JR?
The citizens of Salisbury should demand Paul Wilbur be fired and sue him for damages. This guy has screwed us taxpayers in every orifice and possibly has committed illegal conflicts of interest in his defense of developers and slumlords against citizens. He is far more malignant than the 3 idiots on the council. Can you imagine if someone with the integrity and smarts like Mark Tilghman was the city attorney? We wouldn't be in any of this crap with the old mall and Hearne etc.
TWC says...wow, long time since i opened my mouth...did you miss me Joe...anyway Joe, when was the case re-opened. The reason I ask is because I know every department tapes all incoming and outgoing calls, but they are erased after some time! I am not positive on the time frame, so just for shits and giggles, to see if they are covering it up ask for a date previous to this one.
Also, please note that the tape may exist but if they re-opened the case...you wont get it! It is only public knowledge after the case has been closed!
With all due respect,
By law they would have to state that as being the reason they did not or cannot provide it. Therefore, that is not the reason. If there's one thing I've learned over time it's the PIA request rules.
Tlm says...
Thats why I was asking. I know in the past (as you know) I have seen requests for tapes and such that could not be given until an investigation was closed! I understand why you are upset! But got another question for you... Does the dispatcher who answered and hung up still work for SPD?
I am not arguing about you not getting the tapes or whether it is right or wrong. But these tapes are disposed of frequently! With every agency, SPD, WCSO, State, 911! Each has different time frames but each are held at minimum the same required amount of time. If it was not legal for them to distroy the tape than they are in serious trouble. Has the owner of the store tried getting his hands on it. He has a right and should do so.
That's in the works as we speak. A few phone calls to other prganizations need to be placed first. Nevertheless, we're on it.
Who is "WERE" Your a one chump team!
Anonymous said...
Did Wilbur make that last comment?
12:33 PM
JJ says:
No, Fatso Hoppes from the SFD did. I heard him bragging to Bill Gordo and the Balded Headed Troll this afternoon.
Did this peaceful heart incident happen over a year ago? The request is for tapes from 2006. I thought it was more recent than that. I guess I'm confused. If so, tapes are recorded over after that long so that they can be reused and recycled
Get a real grip. The sludge pit was just one cover up, an 18 year cover up. Then the sewage pipes at the Zoo that were capped off by order of the Maryland Department of the Environment, after the MDE left the caps were taken off to allow the sewage to once again flow into the park stream where the kids play and handle fish they catch.
Pull your head from your anal cavity and stick it in the sand where it belongs.
Even Chimps have given up tapes for more high tech recordings. Do yourself a favor and evolve back into an ape, please
I don't know who is posting the complaint information about Joe and the Chief on every other article, but I wish they would stop. It makes it very irritating when trying to read all the posts.
Chumps use that kind of thing like spam/junk mail Teacherlady, hog up the whole post ya know. I'd just delete the BS
John Robinson is posting that stuff everywhere. He's even picking on a 78 year old 3 time war veteran and even impersinating him by using his name.
I read yesterday or the day before how he claims he's never on the blogs unless he's at the beach. He's the biggest liar on earth.
Leave the old guy alone Robinson.
You know what was funny about the pipes going into the river from the zoo? They were coming from a very select few ponds in a few exhibits. they were drained every so often and then the pools are scrubbed with a very diluted solution of bleach and water, and then hosed down and filled back up. Do I agree with the fact or am I comfortable with the idea that that water went into the creek? No. But it was a far cry from the sewage that Joe claims it was.
OK, since you started it, let me finish that very misleading comment.
First of all, the Zoo was breaking the law in those exhibits. When they were caught, they asked the Zoo to stop allowing anything to go back into the river and close the valve. Once the MDE left, the Zoo immediately opened the valves again and I was right there just waiting for them to do it because it was fully expected to be one of many of Rapp's natural BS traits.
The pipes the MDE finally went in and capped the next day were NOT the pipes that dealt with raw sewage. You know it and I know it. However, you're trying to make it look as if those were the ones.
Nope, I was talking about the pipes that went from the moat to the river. You know the one. Remember, the MDE also forced the Zoo to put in a REVERSE VALVE because human waste was backing up into the Zoo, into those moats and then slowly draining into the River.
Now go and deny that! Also, call me a liar and sue me and let's see this information go public, all of which the Mayor knew she couldn't do at the time because I was 100% right. Just like the WWTP.
Have a great day!
But was it the Zoo's sewage? No. It was the City's sewage. You see the city designed the layout of the sewer system. Laying blame on the Zoo is unjustified. The Zoo would have had nothing to do with a sewage overload due to heavy usage or a failed pump or whatever would have caused a backflow such as that. You are just projecting the problem upon the zoo because of your vendetta. I am sure the MDE or however told the City not the Zoo to put in a vavle/pump.
Now we're talking! Finally, a mostly honest response from the Zoo. This I like and this I can accept.
However, again, there's more to this story than you're willing to obviously admit.
You see, the Zoo flat out lied as well as John Jacobs to the MDE when it stated there hadn't been a back flow into those moats since 1996, and I'm being nice with that date because I believe it was actually much earlier than that but I'm gin=ving you the benefit of the doubt.
I have three witnesses that will testify to that being a flat out lie, including my own Wife. You know as well as I do that this statement to the MDE was untrue. As a matter of fact Ladies & Gentlemen, if you'll recall, any time you saw standing water in the moats around the Bison area and the exhibit next to it, most of those times it included human waste. This would happen whenever there would be heavy rain. And people wonder why 80 to 90% of the animals at the Zoo die of E. Coli!!!
Oh well, the point I'm trying to make is the fact that the Staff LIED to the MDE and even though the MDE knew for a fact they were lying, they didn't have any photos or proof, so they simply forced the City to put in that new reverse check valve and that was evidence enough for me to know they were breaking the law in that case too.
Now we get to the lies. 80-90% dying from E-coli? Really? Even though the moats that you are talking about are only around the Bison and what are those things, capybara? How would that E-coli get around the whole so? And I thought that you said every bird there was dying of TB?
I have no idea of any time periods or anything with when and if waste backed up in the zoo. You speak to me as if I work for the zoo or city in some capacity. I do not. I am just an informed citizen. More than you considering that I am allowed to walk through the zoo and you are not because I choose not to harass or shove people.
It was an obvious design flaw in the zoo. Kudos to it getting fixed. And as much as it may pain me to say it Kudos to you to helping it come to light, but do not make it into something it wasn't. It was not the root of deaths at the Zoo. The ones must affected by it would have been the animals in the exhibits for which the moat you speak of surrounded. There have been no high turn over on the Bison or the capybara or the Rheas (if those are the large birds in the same exhibit).
80-90% of the animals in the zoo, in the past or present have not died from E-coli. If they have then maybe you can provide proof in the form of necropsies and such. I am sure your wife being the former "Vet Tech" can provide you with that.
I stand corrected, not enough coffee this morning.
You are so right. 80 to 90% of the bird species died of Avian TB. I don't know what I was thinking?
Nevertheless, you are right, I am wrong.
Thanks for the Avian Tb warning!I live in a poultry farm,so I will avoid the Zoo in the future because of this,or wash my car and my shoes very well if I go.
And if zoo people are reading this,you really need to fix the steps leading up to the pier that extends out into the bison/deer exhibit,if u havent already.The wood is rotten and someone is gonna break their leg when it buckles,and sue the sh*t out of the city.
PS I am assuming PIA is tha same as "Freedom of Information",meaning any government documents,barring personnel records are to be made available upon request to the public?
Im sorry ON a poultry farm not IN it LOl-not enough caffeine yet
I'm please you understand what we're talking about here. The Zoo could make incredible strides simply by using foot baths but they simple don't do so. It wouldn't stop the disease there but it would control the SPREAD of the disease.
As for the steps, they still haven't fixed those? Dan must be spending the day holding up rakes still.
By the way, how's that Red Wolf Exhibit coming along Folks? You know, the one that was supposed to open, what, 2 years ago?
The Hazel Family must be SO PROUD!
Once again Joe is out of the loop people. Joe, Dan hasn't been at zoo in monthes now. He doesn't work there anymore. Didn't you know that? Oh yeah, you can't go there. The Wolf exhibit was suppose to open in the Fall of 2007. I think it is still Fall isn't it. I believe it is a bit behind schedule though. I would look for it to open until at least the Spring.
So were you saying earlier that 80-90% of the animals at the Zoo die of TB, because if you were I think that is way of base as well. I bit 80% of the animals have past away for the result of older age. Perhaps your wife can provide proof to the contrary that you can publish on this site.
It seems to me that everyone who was touched by Jennifer's Lawsuit has now been terminated. Way To Go Jennifer Albero! It was a win-win!
Not terminated. Left for a different job. I don't think anyone has been terminated but your wife and the guy that let the jaguar out.
I don't know where you've been JR but we already provided those documents more than a year ago. YOU go into the Zoo and prove what I am stating is wrong. ALL Necropsy Reports are a matter of Public Record.
"Not terminated. Left for a different job. I don't think anyone has been terminated but your wife and the guy that let the jaguar out."
The two people who actually proved they had been injured ON THE JOB were terminated but you completely deny "everyone" involved in Jennifer's lawsuit that are no longer at the Zoo did nothing wrong.
Looks to me like Jennifer is a HUGE winner and the Mayor finally got rid of all the sh*t clogging up the possible success of the Zoo. Sorry Dude or Dudette, the end results are the facts.
Everyone else should also know that Jennifer & Kip received HUGE, I mean MONSTROUS settlements for their injuries. BOTH of which will NEVER have to work again. Yes, they were fired because they could no longer perform their duties 100%. Jennifer herniated three disks in her back, ON THE JOB. She paid her dues and still tried to remain working there, even with all the problems she encountered with all the people who have been terminate. I'm sorry, shoved/pressured out of their jobs.
Yahoo for Kip & Jennifer!!!!!
Avian TB ANYWHERE on the Eastern Shore is a potential economic and agricultural disaster and should be taken seriously.If someone unknowingly picks up tainted feces visiting a zoo or any other aviary setting there is a very real risk they can transmit it and once it hits a chicken house,it can spiral out of control-travelling on feed trucks,equipment,etc,etc and then continue on to infect other farms..Its just not worth the risk and people can assume it wont affect them,but a large-scale outbreak would cripple the poultry industry and it would certainly have a trickle down effect on our economy.The poultry industry has numerous safeguards in place to prevent this and it would be prudent of the zoo to do the same.
Call the Zoo and tell them your concerns. Ask for Gary Muir, he's a great guy and he'll listen. Joe
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