Real fuuny Joe.
What am I trying to imply? That they were black? Maybe I was maybe there where!
Do you see this kind of actions happening on Riverside Dr? Hell even the college students are better than this. They just hang beer boxes on the mail boses that someone knocked down. You even posted that.
So why are you putting a headline like this up?
Joe im not scared of you nor anyone else. Have I used the "n" word, yes I have. It stands for a ignorant person! I refer it someone that pulls out in front of me in traffic or acts like an ass. Or someone wearing their pants down to their knees. Did I ever say the a white or black person was the "n" word. NO i did not. It can be any color person out there.
This is what you need to understand. If I was one of the black persons that you are trying to use as a pawn to get what you need I would be pissed. Because really YOU are the one calling them the "n" word!
By the way.. Im not just a fire fighter, Iam a proud father, owner of a cat, a red head, and someone that likes hamburgers. You didnt put all that in your post.
You a ones sided son of a bitch! I hope the mayor and police chief kicks your ass in court!
Wayne Barrall
PS: Spell my last name right you dumbass!
Poor Joe. Really hurting for stuff to posts so he turns comments into posts! What a tool!!!
And you wonder why people dont post their real names.
Because you get your rocks off trying to make them look bad. You are a angry person and have real issues. You need serious help!
Keep your "anon" turned on so you can get post!
Karma my friend. Karma.
I thought you weren't afraid of me Wayne? Or are you more afraid of your own comments and remarks?
"A Mirror Can Only Reflect The Image YOU Put Into It," Wayne.
Nope Im fine. Your the ass! I will go to sleep just fine tonight. You will pay for your actions in due time!
and the image that you see in the mirror is your ass!
"You will pay for your actions in due time!"
Ah, another threat from yet another Fire Fighter.
Let's see here Wayne. You're attacking ME for what YOU said? Idiot!
Hey Tiny. No ones afraid of you. You're just to much of a pussy to settle things like a real man.
Im attacking you because your an asshole!
Joseph, your wife must be bored with you, shouldn't you be with her right now? But no your a bored individual hiding behind your keyboard and the legal system. If you are insulting and fighting our police chief well then Mr. Wayne, If you beat joe's a$$ while I'm working, your free to go. Please do...
It's pretty obvious that tiny was shown little attention as a child. It's even more obvious that he gets less at home as an adult. Otherwise, why would he be on here night and day drumming up attention for himself?
also joe..
Learn how to spell my last name.
If your going to give me 15 mins of fame please spell my name right.
Ive always posted my name as you ask people to do.
You just made people more aware not to do so.
Hook, Line and sinker...lol..
Wayne has always been a two faced piece of crap. He screwed his partner in that fire in your hole website and lost the domane name because of it.
He's a fat, lazy, suck up that would sell his own Mother, just ask his ex wife, not his pussy cat.
Oh, Wayne, that's the only pussy you're going to get too. I just wish it were BLACK!
Yeah, and this guy is one big pile of shit!
Hey tiny remember this ,Ihoo,ihoo off to work I go,you song is playing joe.
To any of you.. If you think words are going to hurt me your very much wrong!
So keep at it.
"wayne said...
To any of you.. If you think words are going to hurt me your very much wrong!
So keep at it."
That's right you fat piece of shit, you're a tough guy. So tough in fact, he uses the "N" Word and then claims it means something else. Maybe the fat piece of shit is a good start, you freaking Idiot! How does it feel now, Porqueena?
Im fine joe.
If you think you bother me by calling me a name then go back to first grade and try another fat kid.
Forgive me Wayne?
I should NOT stoop to your level, that's wrong of me. Sorry.
Your a grown man and having to go calling someone names. Now thats funny.
I hope I helped your cause!
well joe i must tell you that sence you posted this about me on here I have had 5 phone calls and 3 e-mails asking me to just leave you alone and that you arent worth the troubles.
So I will take their advise and stop posting to you!
I will also take the post off the watchdesk for them, not you! So don't think that you have won. Im doing this for my friends that have called me!
You just aint worth the problems!
I thought you and your FRIENDS weren't AFRAID of me?
If YOU believe YOU are right, keep it up Dude and stand PROUD of who you are?
Ladies & Gentlemen, YOU WON! The pansie is going to eat his own words and put that pansie tail between his legs and go back into hiding because the FIRE DEPARTMENT called him and said, TAKE IT DOWN NOW!
Wayne, they should make a custom uniform for you in PINK!
Joe, why are you allowing raw sewage to spill all over your site? What is it ratings??
It is not worth it, not when your family is being dragged into it by poeple who clearly have neither honor, nor self respect.
It is really disgusting.
No, not at all ratings.
I am simply exposing these liars for who they are and now they're running scared, GOOD!
I have been taking crap from these people for weeks for exposing their true colors and they have been stupid enough to come here and finally expose their true colors. Not all of them, mind you, just some of them.
The cancer is within the Fire Department and needs to be removed, starting from the TOP. Please forgive me if this has been drawn out for too long. Sometimes it takes a while to get people out of their shells and I believe I am through exposing this. That is, unless I put the audio up that Wayne is claiming he's taking down from the watch desk.
Seriously, all of this (and the similar drivel over the last few days) is really waht turns people off to seeing most blogs as anything more than big wastes of time.
I so not know anyone in any of these arguments personally, and have never met anyone involved in this "debate." I am looking at this as an outside observer who does not have a horse in the race, and really do not care about the outcome.
I stop by this blog (and others like it) looking for sober discourse about the state of our community, our country, and our lives. I realize most blogs lean decidedly to one side of the aisle or the other, but in the middle of the politial chest-tumping, there should still be a reasoned discussion aht invites thought, and causes refelction.
Unfortunately, this blog (and most of the others like it, have devolved into a juvenile pissing contest that is more akin to wathcing a car wreck than providing any substantive information to its readers, and that is disappointing.
Joe - I do not know you and have nothing personally against you at all. My criticism of you is soley about the content you provide, not who you are or what you do. As a reader who comes to this blog looking for any "news" coverage that I may not find through normal resources, the last few weeks have been nearly pointless.
Unsolicited advice: If some moron wahts to attack you personally and be juvenille, let them be that way, but do not respond at all. Don't add any more gasoline than you already have. Just delete their comments and move on. If you ignore them, they will leave. From where I sit, your are not helping matters in your responses to them. Let them go.
When this blog is at its best, it is providing close to the type of information and discussion I referenced in my opening. (You may want to back off the personal atacks on your end and the apparant cheerleading you do for yourself, as it gets kind of tired and seems a bit self-serving to the casual reader, but its your blog, so you can do as you wish.) Again, I am not commenting on you as a person at all, just the content of what I come across.
I wish you success in your upcoming legal arguments. Regardless of whether anyone agrees with anyone else or not, this country is founded on the freedom of speech and the right of anyone to pretty much say and think anything they want, wihtin reason, the Bush Administration notwithstanding.
Good Luck, and get back to the reporting.
Thank You Dan.
Next week will prove to bring us back to the way we used to be.
"The cancer is within the Fire Department and needs to be removed, starting from the TOP."
Great, Joe! When should I stop by with the membership application? SFD will even take you as a volunteer even though you are an out of towner! I'm sure they'd have no problem putting you immediately in charge of minority recruitment!!
I can assure you that if I were put in charge of that department within the City the numbers would go through the roof.
However, with many of the FF currently there thinking the "N" Word is similar to what Mr. Barrall of laughs thinks it is, they're not going to increase a single person.
Are trying to set a record on how many firefighters you can falsely attack in a month? As I said before, you have no evidence of ANY current SFD member using the N-word. I understand what Wayne was saying, and it was it no way racist. I have known Wayne for a long time an he is without a doubt color blind. I hear the N-word more than ever these days. And it's black people saying it? Are they racist too?? You are certainly free to let your blog become a mudslinging anonymous free for all, but it was a much better place before you fell in love with having pissing contests.
If you accept this kind of talk from Wayne or anyone else, you just lost ALL of my respect. Joe
Do you see this kind of actions happening on Riverside Dr? Hell even the college students are better than this. They just hang beer boxes on the mail boses that someone knocked down. You even posted that.
No, on Riverside Drive, houses just get broken into and drunks wiping out poles on Riverside Drive Extended, and kids using the straightaway on Riverside Drive as a Dragway.
I have never heard Wayne use the N-word. I think your missing the point he and I were trying to make.
Wayne Said.....
well joe i must tell you that sence you posted this about me on here I have had 5 phone calls and 3 e-mails asking me to just leave you alone and that you arent worth the troubles.
What can I say Wayne, this is a VERY popular Site. I'd take their advise because by now you've probably received over a thousand calls, right? By the way, have you and Robinson met yet? You guys would make best buds, seriously.
Ernie, get a grip! The guy ADMITS to using theword regularly.
Here's my CHALLENGE to Wayne Barrall and ALL other Fire Fighters.
We'll start with that audio clip from last night where the Fire Department called over the scanner asking the SPD to respond to Church Street where 100 kids were walking the streets and throwing rocks through windown
OK Fire Fighters. I DARE each and every one of you to stand in front of those 100 kids and say, that stupid "N" Word doesn't know how to drive, over and over and over again. Let's see what these 100 kids do to each and every one of you White Men.
My guess is, even though you were allegedly, (as you all claim) talking about a 35 year old white B*tch, (as the FF explained to me) let's see what they think about it and how acceptable it is to all of them!
Let's also say for kicks and laughs, there's a young WHITE man walking with these 100 kids last night with his pants drooping, (as you also explained to me that they are the "N" Word too) let's see how those 100 kids react.
Again, my guess is that NOT ONE of you tough FF that think using the "N" Word would actually have the balls to do so.
Might I add, let's say Barrie Tilghman, Mike Lewis, Debbie Campbell and Chief See were standing next to me on a street corner and a Fire Fighter walked up and a 35 year old white woman didn't stop for the light and almost hit that Fire Fighter. Then the Fire Fighter yelled out, you dumb "N" Word! How do you think ALL of these people would react? Can you picture ONE of us laughing and accepting that? I DON'T THINK SO!
Use ALL the excuses you want, YOU'RE WRONG, PERIOD!
How Sad Wayne,
Wayne has completely removed the Post and Link on The Watch Desk to listen to the audio clip these Posts were based around.
Obviously Wayne must have received thousands of phone calls telling him just how big an Idiot he is and it might be in his best interest to take it down before the NAACP started picketing his home and ALL of the local Fire Departments.
Gee, I thought these guys were TOUGHER than that? I also thought they really believed that using that word was really OK. Obviously I was right and they were wrong. It's a small victory but there's still plenty of work for Barrie Tilghman, Chief See & Deputy Chief Gordy to do yet.
Why dont you leave Wayne alone. He has told you that he was done with you and this matter. The man signed his post and you trashed him. He has not reposted. Talk about your issue all you want but my god drop the personal attacks on peoeple. Did Wayne ever attack you? I don't think he did. He's not that type of person!
Why don't you ask Wayne to leave ME alone?
Ask him, (if you actually know him) if he caled me tonight on my cell phone. Of course I could always take a picture of my cell to prove it like I used to do with Robinson all the time.
Nevertheless, I didn't start all of this, he did. So all of you, stop the poor, poor, pittiful crap for Wayne because I ain't buying it.
I ended the call with him tonight where he stated IGNORANT people are "N" Words. So I told him he was the most IGNORANT person I had ever met.
Back at ya Wayne!
Let me guess, he called you to harrass you? Wayne is not like that! I have known him for quite some time and has never heard him use the word your talking about towards a colored person! I do know if Wayne has a problem with someone he will talk to you like a man and not go behind your back. Trust me him and I have not seen eye to eye on everything but we did talk like men. You get on people so much about signing their names and when someone does your go into attack mode. I think you are a very mean person. I pray for people like you everyday. I grew up in a house with a very mean man and have learned alot from him. He reminds me of you. Your an attack dog.
Well, with a name like Truckie, you're quite the impressive lady?
You're putting words into my mouth. I never said Wayne harassed me, he couldn't do it if he tried.
Nevertheless, he was the aressor here by making the telephone call. Can't argue that.
As for the man in your life, that's a shame. Pray for him instead.
aggressor, sorry.
See now why does it always have to come to this? Why is there so much hate on these sites? I have look at this and other blogs for a while now just to see whateveryone was talking about around the water cooler.
People are always talking about sueing and fighting here. This is way I stayied away so much.
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