Open your eyes here Folks. There wasn't a seat to be had in the room anyway. Even as people were leaving, others in the hall were coming in and taking them up. Do note that there were probably a good dozen people standing in the hallway as there was no room to sit when Mikey decided it was time for me to sit like a dog.
Mikey, does your wife sit when you tell her to sit? Does she sit on someone else's lap when the room is full and you tell her to sit down? Maybe that's where Mikey gets it from? All I can tell you is, when I go to a party, "my" keys are still in "my" pocket. Get the picture Mike?
Why were you standing in the first place? Why did you not take an available seat when you came in. If they were taken, why did you not grab one as soon as one became open -just like YOU said [in the quote below] other people were doing.
"Even as people were leaving, others in the hall were coming in and taking them up. Do note that there were probably a good dozen people standing in the hallway as there was no room to sit when Mikey decided it was time for me to sit like a dog."
If there were no seats inside, why were you not out in the hall with the other standees that YOU described above quote?
Perhaps you should ask the other people who were standing there with me that same question.
Is that all you've got wannabe? You people are looking really desperate any more. Ask 47 News why they weren't sitting either.
Ask some of the photographers from the Daily Times too, while you're at it. Remember that picture of the cameraman within 10 inches of the Chief's face at Mike Lewis' swearing in cerimony? Mike Dunn needs to get over it and move on.
Besides, I was too involved watching the show while Mike ragged on Debbie Campbell, rather than looking for a seat.
Where would Rayanne have sat?
Joe, channel 47 is the media. You are not. Running a blog and "informing" the "public" of your side of the sotry does not allow for you to act in the same manner as the media.
You gotta love all these new names. I just wonder how many of them are Mike Dunn and Barrie Tilghman?
What's most confusing are these feminine names, so it makes it that much tougher to figure out. LOL
It's a golf thing, Joe. And I do not live in the 'Bury either.
Well Mrs. Birdie,
You've certainly sold me on the fact that you can't be the Mayor or Mike Dunn. Thanks foe delivering that testimony. Now just imagine what my birdie is saying. LOL
If you can't say nothin nice...
You know what I found interesting nosweat?
Where were the 100 supporters of the old mall?
You know, the ones Mike Dunn kept telling everyone he ran into at the new mall!
Mike Dunn is full of sh*t and that's all there is to it. I like what Terry Cohen kept saying. We're not against something like this going there. It just needs to be smart and legal growth, that's all.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000
4. Inflected forms: pl. media
...a. A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, or television. b. media (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The group of journalists and others who constitute the communications industry and profession.
I think this blog would more closely constitute a passion or (special) interest, not an industry or profession. Are you a professional journalists Joe? Just asking. You can make claims that I am one of any number of people whom you do not agree with associated with the City even though I am not.
I do appreciate you flipping me the bird..."imagine what my bird is saying. LOL." Thanks. It adds credit to your media claim. I see all of the television, newspaper, magazine and radio people doing that to the public all of the time.
The news media does not have the power to disrupt proceedings. If you want to complain about them do it, then don't follow suit. Take the high road. The defense of they are doing it, why can't I doesn't work. It can't be what's good for the goose is good for the gander, then you don't want to pay the piper when it comes time.
For the record, birdie is a term for a golf score that is one under par for that hole played. I am not a female, and it's not birdy. I appreciate the respect for posts on your site. Again, it lends credit to your media claims.
And I don't disagree that a school newspaper is media...
I'm sure there are a few entities that would consier themselves media that would have been scoffed at by you guys had that been in the room last night.
I truly enjoyed your recent comment and I will fully admit, you cracked me up and made me laugh with the, "imagine what my bird is saying. LOL."!!!!!
You bring up an interesting debate though. Let me ask you this though. I have been in the lighting industry for 25+ years and am respected by many of the Fortune 500 Companies out there. Am I a professional? I have no degree, yet you cannot develop your X-Ray Film without my Safelights.
There are "many" people out there that know when you see me on a pool table and I get serious, I cannot be beaten, (for the most part). I have no degree in that either but I was a Professional Pool Player.
In today's world, many people believe you must have a degree in what you do to be considered a professional in that field. I can tell you that some of the greatest Pool Players throughout history were those who never played Professional Pool. Take Minnesota Fats as an example. He used to beat Willie Mosconi regularly on the Wide World of Sports Television Show, yet the man never played in one single professional tournament in his life.
I believe when you have your heart into something and do your very best, you're qualified. It's too easy to say Blogs are not considered media, yet believe it or not, Pool is not even considered a "SPORT."
Now I could walk into Gannett Publications, offer the right kind of money for the Daily Times, buy it, would I then be considered a professional then?
When is a Poker Player considered a professional? Wouldn't it be when they do it full time and put their heart and sole into it?
I'll settle for being considered an underdog and in a few years from now, let's see if this isn't a stepping stone for something in my future.
I do not believe for a second I can write an article with the grace of many other writers out there, that's a given. However, how many times do you see Reporters out there every day getting stories like I do? IMO, they mainly await their telephone to ring and someone calls them for a Press Conference and or a scoop. There are no investigative reporters in Salisbury, unless you'll consider Kenny Beck as one, because I do.
It's a great debate and I certainly respect what you are saying and suggesting. Somewhere along the line however, someone needs to clarify the difference. Although this will probably become a post tomorrow, today we'll experience the highest readership this Blog and or any other Blog has received on the Eastern Shore. The old record was actually blown away today in a big way.
You can speak to pool, I can speak to golf. I am an avid golfer, and what I consier to be fairly good at it. I am what would be considered in the top 1-2% of golfers in the country with my handicap. That doesn't make be a professional. The guys on tour are professionals. The guys in the pro shop and teaching you are professionals. I doubt that more than 5% of them have a golf management degree. They play to pay the mortgage. I play because I enjoy the fresh air, the competition, and the activity that is golf. I too would not consider either golf or pool a sport, it's more of an activity, much like fishing.
You say that you have been in the industry. I would say that that lends itself to a much more appropriate statement. Being a professional in the medical field is being a doctor. The nurses, administrators and all of the other support staff are in the industry. They are all needed to make it work.
Being a journalist has conotations of it being your job, and paying for the mortgage. Some people to it out of a passion, much like you play pool or I play golf or others fish. If you are getting paid to do it or based on performance (beating someone at pool in a competition), there is a sense of professionalism.
Perhaps we'll have to get together this spring and play a few rounds. I too love golf and have no handicap.
Last year my rounds were in the high 60's, (yes, after 18 holes and not miniature golf either) and actually got bored with the game. Good day or even a bad day, I love to get out there and play.
Have you tried Light House Sound yet?
Wow, you guys have gone off on a huge tangent just trying to justify yourselves...calling Joe media so he can act like channel 47 at a council meeting and ignore the president's request when asked to sit. Like it or not, Mike Dunn is the president (someone elected him...) and the meetings are his to preside over. It's his room and his meeting. Just because channel 47 is disrupting the proceedings doesn't mean that you can too. There has been a lot of energy put into trying to prove that Joe is media, just so he can act like that.
In case you missed it, I read this blog too. It's my opinion and I'm ok with that. I'm sure that you guys are ok with your opinions also. If you didn't want outside posts, then meet in private or limit the postings...just saying.
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