With no yellow tag in this bus, no money in the meters, I want to know, do I simply go out and get a magnet sign for my vehicle that says I'm from a particular Church and I am excused from paying any meters? Oh, and can I use my manly 4x4 extended cab, extended bed Dodge Hemi Pickup Truck and park it horizontal across several prime spots on Lot 15 and I won't get a ticket. The sign would cost less than a permit from the City! Perhaps it could say Doug Church on it too so it can also park in prime spots throughout the City and not have to feed the meters. It must have something to do with the name Church. I added that so you'd smile and feel like a big man there Doug.
I wonder if he gets it done by Charlie's girlfriend, Rayanne?
Copyright infringement. . . I think Washington High in Princess Anne should sue them. We are that Jaguars and we are so fine . . . Class of 75! I was just talking about coach Stewart this morning, what a coincidence. Jaguars in 1975 only undefeated team in the state of Maryland.
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