The Sheriffs Department rented a trailer next to the home of Frank Wells and continued surveillance until they knew it was time to make the bust.
I can tell you Mr. Wells was arrested but the details are not yet in on the entire project. I can tell you that whenever the D.E.A. is brought in there is enough evidence for the FEDS to believe there is state to state drug trafficking.
Oh, if only Webster had these kind of bal1s!
Speaking of Chief Webster, he sure didn't expose the "TWO" shootings on the 21st, 12 hours apart and next door to one and other in today's Press Conference with the Mayor. Oh, nor did The Daily Times for that matter. He also recognized that there are Gangs in the COUNTY as well.
The new color scheme of your blog actually hurts my eyes to read.
Whoopee! I just discovered that the case in Nutters Crossing, where a couple's METH LAB cuased their house fire and they were caught red-handed turned out to be a joke. Oh, they were arrested, but have suffered so much - NOT. She did lose her job as a teacher in Worcester County after parents complained and wanted to know why she was still in the building. She had been given a PROMOTION after the fire fiasco. ALL of her charges were placed on stet docket. Her husband got 1 year in jail with work release. They sold their home for a tidy profit and now live in a waterfront home in Worcester County. That's apparently the way Wicomico County treats their drug lords, even when they are caught red handed. I hope Frank Wells suffers a little more.
Welcome aboard puhleeze.
Your right, even on Pac14 Mike Lewis did recognize gang activity within the county.
He also was quick to point out that he personally examined the graffiti in Salisbury and found it NOT to be gang related.
As for the mention of Daily Times? If Salisbury's own Chief Webster didn't go public with "TWO" shootings, how could the Daily Times be expected to print something they can't confirm?
(Not arguing - just discussing)
Puhleez-are you sure you aren't combining 2 stories that involved house fires about the same time? My recollection is that the Nutters case was marijuana growing in the attack that was struck by lightning and burned. The other case involves "a great realtor success" who house on the river burned down due to a left on grill. Seems one room didn't burn=it allegedly contained a sophisticated hydroponic setup for marijuana and a meth lab. But the firemen closed the door and it was kept hush hush. That couple were also best friends with the Pesto's bar people.
And after a little fundraiser they were able to rebuild their home on the Wicomico and a new office to boot! Just another Salisbury success story.
First let me state that Mike Lewis saw mainly the obvious graffiti.
Even the Salisbury Police Department have used me to direct them to quite a bit more graffiti not seen in obvious places.
I have not been asked to show Mike Lewis and or "any" Sheriffs Department Deputies much of the other graffiti that "is" gang related.
Also keep this in mind. I have not posted all that I have taken. Nowhere near, in fact. I have posted what I felt the citizens need to see in areas that effect them most.
If I were to take a guess at how many actual shots I have all together it would be more than 300 pictures. If you look back I have probably posted less than 100.
I respect what you're saying as well as what you have done for "everyone" in reference to graffiti but you do not know the entire story/picture, respectfully. Nor does Sheriff Mike Lewis, respectfully.
In reference to The Daily Times and Chief Webster "not" confirming the two shootings, it was posted on their own website. That's confirmation enough for me. I would also believe that someone is assigned to crime at the Daily Times and this is probably the easiest source they could use to get such said information.
IMO, The Daily Times does not share all of the good, the bad and the ugly. That's all I'm saying. Have you read anything about TWO CITIZENS going out there on their own to remove much of the small graffiti? Have you read "anything" about Sparkle Wash removing much of the major graffiti? There's a good side to that bad story and I believe they have such a responsibility locally and instead their paper is filled with associated press information instead.
Just food for thought.
Like I said, I wasn't arguing any point and especially not taking any sides. I was just noting the relevancy in what I had seen on your post and the Lewis interview.
lol, nice two citizens thing though. Didn't exactly see that on your blog either. Not that I would want to, if I know the two well enough, they wouldn't exactly want that kind of attention.
My point is that nobody can do any writing about local "citizens" or activities if they are never notified of the occurrence. Even if they are, the paper must confirm it first. People would be quick to sue them otherwise.
You've pointed out that Mike Lewis and I don't know the whole story/picture. In all fairness, maybe the Daily Times could say that about you. There may be good reasons you haven't seen the story in print about the shootings. How could either of us know? As you were quick to point out to me, we aren't exactly behind the scenes to see "the whole story/picture".
Thoughts to Ponder
When is this country going to realize that they will never win the war on drugs. Keeping drugs (like a harmless drug as marijuana) illegal only causes our crime rate to go up. There wouldn't be a such thing as drug dealing if drugs were legal. I hear a lot of the time how alcohol causes fights and sometimes murder, but when was the last time you heard someone high on marijuana become angry and kill someone? Doesn't happen. It would only happen if the drug dealer laced the marijuana with a more harmful drug. Now, laced marijuana wouldn't happen if it was legal, right? If it was legal and I bought some weed from a doctors office and it was laced with crack, I'd sue them!
I however respect what Mike Lewis is doing. But does he realize that when he busts each drug dealer, some of them get more years then a murderer? THAT'S INSANE!
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