Yesterday I walked through the front doors of the Police Department, looked at the glass window and the Officer waved me into the back of the Police Department through their security door.
Once inside I could quickly see the room in which there were several people, including the Press. I went into the room and with all smiles said hello to 90% of the people I already knew and they responded with hand shakes back and or friendly hello's.
I positioned myself in a spot where I thought I could get good shots when one of the Officers came to me and said, "Joe, the Chief would like to speak to you outside for a second." I knew right then and there that the Chief was going to ask me to leave.
I got outside the room and looked down the hallway and there was the Chief leaning up against the corner of the wall with his arms folded and I very politely said, good afternoon Chief, how are you today? He replied, "Get the hell out of my building Joe." I stood there in awe and I said, you're kidding, right? He replied, "You are not the Media and I want you to leave." I replied, come on Chief, you know my Blog Site is huge, how could you not consider me as a local source of news? He responded, I'm escorting you to the front door, are you going to give me a problem? I replied, oh yes sir, I'm going to give you a huge problem on my Blog Chief. You know you just started a war, right? He replied, I don't give a damn what you have to say Albero, just get the hell out of my building now.
Well Folks, I think you all know me well enough by now to know, I'm from the Bronx in New York and we have a phrase we like to use for men like Chief Webster who hide behind a Badge and are actually a yes man to a female Mayor. That phrase is what we like to call a "pussy."
So know this from here on out Chief Webster. Know what is on my mind every time you see me from this point forward whenever you see me smiling at you. The next time you try to throw that Kojak stare at me THAT HAS NEVER WORKED ANYWAY in the attempt to intimidate me, I'm going to smile Chief and inside you're going to know, (without my having to say anything) exactly what I'm thinking. Oh yes Sir, it's a word that will now haunt you the rest of your career because all the Officers there who know I'm NOT out to make any trouble are right now laughing at you because they truly have no more respect for you. After all, a little guy like me is standing up to a pussy like you and they're laughing at you Chief.
Any further attempt to harass me Chief will bring on multiple law suits against you and the City. I have the right to think and believe what I believe right here and now and I have every right to express those thoughts. You have violated my rights as an American and you're going down through the legal system, period.
Remember this final note Folks. When is the last time you ever heard of a MAN getting thrown out of a Police Department? Have any of you ever known of a BIGGER man than that? You're a pitiful little man Chief Webster and I've known this from the very first day I met you. On that day the Chief said, "Joe, I don't have a problem with you and I hope you don't have a problem with me because I like my job." Remember that Chief? You must not like your job too much because I'm now coming after it. We'll see YOU in Court this time Chief. :-)
Great Advise Art,
With all due respect, things become slightly different when you own a Local News Source, (such as this Blog) and you owe the truth as to what happened to those people loyal to such said Blog.
I have several witnesses and I doubt very seriously the honorable Police Officers would ever lie about what hapened. It's very cut and dry and it is what it is.
For those of you challenging me as to when and if I will do anything about this matter, might I suggest you go back and read the other post referencing the ACLU. I need not prove anything further on this matter, it speaks for itself.
Mr. A., were there any other folk at that press conference that weren't city police or main media folk?
I'm just wonderin' who all they let in there. If'n I'da been there, would they have tossed me out 'cause I ain't media?
I'm housebroken, so don't factor that into the answer.
The answer to your question is, YES! This person was NOT formally invited to this Press Conference either. Need I say more?????
Ol' Chiefie-Boy needs to get a grip on the law... Press conferences are public and not confined to press only. The press is there because they are a convenient conduit for reaching the public with information. Secondly, it's not his building. It's a public building built with tax dollars.
And lastly, you should never have met privately with the chief if you suspected he was going to throw you out. Make him come to you and do it in front of the press.... makes it nice and public.
If you want to make the case that you are a journalist, you need to get over yourself and stop using words like "pussy" to describe your opponents. You seem to have issues with women in power (so, if the guy was a "yes man" for a man, he would be a . . . dickie?). I have no love for the mayor, but you seem to bring up the gender thing a lot, and huff and puff about how you are a man, by golly! Well, part of being a (mature) man is understanding how to frame your argument in such a way as to get what you want. Stomping around and throwing tantrums will not help you win what seems to be a legitimate beef.
Let me explain something to you, The Final Frontier.
A "pussy" is also someone like you who goes around pushing off advise when they can't even be man enough to use their real name.
Even if the Chief worked for a male Mayor, he'd still be a pussy. At least I'm man enough to say it how I see it and believe it.
IMO, crawl back into your stupid fantasy of being on Star Trek and keep your opinion to yourself when it comes to me from here on out.
Oh, you might want to suggest to Scotty to beam Barrie up! (if you know what I mean?) LMAO!
Ummm . . . is it possible that my blog name is a sarcastic reference to an inside joke that you know nothing about? Is it also possible that I am not a man? If your forum isn't open to other opinions/ideas/perspectives/advice (welcome or unwelcome) that is your choice, obviously. Be sure to go back and blast all the other people here who gave you similar advice but weren't as specific. Go ahead and fire away at me, I'm woman enough to take it!
This forum is certainly open to opinion. It is also open to a rebuttal. I kinda thought you might be a woman, based on your opinion of how I have a so called problem with women in charge.
Nonetheless, you have every right to your opinion. I'm just telling you that you are completely wrong and you shouldn't practice without a license, that's all.
Besides, I divorced one of you long ago. You know, the type that's always right and never happy?
Now go get that tissue box, wipe the tears, go get those Bon Bon's and turn on Jerry Springer again. Og, please don't forget to turn off your computer too!
While I agree and applaud you for alot of what you are doing, I must agree with the lady on this one. You would get alot more accomplished if you lighten the tone on the female aspect and focused more on the individual wrongs, whether it be by a male or female, no matter who their superiors are or what gender/race they may be. I check your blog everyday and again would like to commend you on your stance against the wrongs that are going on. I believe in your cause and do feel that you are really striving to better things by getting out REAL information and not allowing politics to play into or distort actual facts. Keep up the good work and consider what advice others may offer. Sometimes it does turn out to be in fact, GOOD ADVICE. I would like to know where you stand on alot of the racist comments that have been posted on your blog. Let me be clear in this, they were not posted by you, but, nonetheless, they were posted on your blog. I just feel they take away from the good you are doing and would hate to see anyone have a opportunity to use that to divert attention from the progress you are obviously making.
I doubt you divorced one of me before, though it might explain things! I can take the rebuttals, it is kind of fun to tussle with you and others--that's what it is all about. I make no claims to always being right, I'm as flawed as anyone here, but your assumptions are hilariously off base (as mine may be). As for your last response, all I can say is "pot, meet kettle!" Now, I gotta find that darn remote 'cause Jerry is about to start!
Now THAT'S what I'm talking about Final Frontier! Good for you! A great sense of humor is what I mostly enjoy.
I will take what you have said as well as A Real Local into consideration. That being said, can you please recognize that I am at least willing to work with many/most of you, unlike the Mayor and most of the City Council?
I was doing an interview yesterday with The Daily Times, (I'll not disclose what their article is about) however, I will say that it turned into the following in which I'd like ALL of you to clearly see.
I said, have you ever seen the Mayor or any of the Council Members say, they're sorry? Have you ever seen them say they were wrong? Blaming EVERYONE else for their lies and missfortunes is completely out of line!
Same goes for the Salisbury Zoo. They lie aboput how many animals they have in their inventory. They lie about raw sewage coming into exhibits and then going right into the Wicomico River. They lie about how many animals die every year there.
There's a reason why the Blogs have become so successful. Change is necessary in life and Government. Owning up to being wrong makes you a good human being. I too am not always right but when I'm not, I'm MAN enough to face ALL of you and express that.
Show me any one of the leaders in the City of Salisbury who is willing to be more than just your leader? Show me one of them who is a good human being? I know ONE!
another Rush Dittohead heard from....you know why they're called dittoheads.... it's because they can't or won't think for themselves, so they sit by the radio and hang on every word uttered from the mouth of someone only marginally smarter than them and whisper "yeah- what he said." You guys are pitiful.
You use of the term "feminazis" betrayed you, sweetheart.... As to your gender or sex... I don't really care that you are easily over-wrought by misuse of the terms.... maybe you should take a valium or something.
I think you rock--just a little upset by the language, and perhaps overly sensitive to it, admittedly. My motivations are good, I would love to see you succeed in taking these folks down. CM, you take yourself WAAAY too seriously.
Alrighty then, we got some high-spirited jawin' goin' here, so I got toss in at least a paw's worth.
I gotta agree with FinalFrontier and RealLocal, and am glad Mr. A. is takin' the thoughts under consideration. I'm kinda used t'Mr. A.'s style, but when ya attack a critic, it sounds...
Aw, do I dare say it?
It sounds like the Mayor and Dunn!
But as Mr. A. points out, he'll say sorry and mull it over. Not so those two. They dig their heels in harder until they got mass graves ready fer their enemies.
Mr. A., when's the story gonna be in?
As fer the question whether calling the Chief "female genitals" is an insult, are ya'll debatin' whether it's an insult t' the Chief or t' the female genitals?
Yer confusin' an ole dog talkin' this way 'bout a term that's also used fer a cat. (Not really, but couldn't resist, bein' an ole dog and all.)
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