Charles Jannace made a post near the end of his Blogging era in which he tried to imply his campaign headquarters would be located at 300 W. Main Street, without ever mentioning I was the sole owner of the building and without asking me if this was OK.
Nevertheless, for those critics who continued to challenge me on this purchase, go look at the records now. It's a done deal.
Space will be available on the main floor in March for any attorneys interested.
Art & his Father are retiring. Now why would you have to go to a point and suggest they may be getting kicked out? Some people just see no good in good.
Oh Charles, I mean grassroots, read the post more carefully. I said you did so without permission first. The second you learned I was in fact purchasing the building, (without you and Don Richardson illegally interfering) and lying to me, swearing to God it was Don Richardson buying the building and not you, (behind my back) you went on an immediate roll to let all your attorney friends think it was YOU purchasing the building. That's why you never said anything at all about my purchasing the building, just that you were going to have your headquarters there. You're quite the snake there Charles Jannace.
Oh, and by all means, do tell everyone why you so desperately wanted out of my case Charles. Inquiring minds want to know!
Don't push me Charles. If you know what's good for you and your reputation I'd strongly suggest you shut your trap before things get really exposed.
Mr. A., I don't think Grassroots is Mr. B. On another post, he insults Mrs. Manizade's hat.
Mr. B. was always supportive o' the Maulers. Whatever yer rift with him, I don't think he'd ever say somthin' like that about that lady.
Mighty purty building ya got there.
Trust me Dog, you don't know Charles Jannace like I know Charles Jannace!
This man used a multitude of names to go on the attack regularly on his own Blog in order to get a ton of comments going.
He would sit back and laugh about it regularly and admit he was in fact the one doing it and laugh so hard he could barely catch his breath.
I'm being extremely kind to Charles Jannace as many of you know and most of you might not. Nonetheless, there's far more than meets the eye when it comes to Charles Jannace and what he is capable of.
I'd say the fact that this building was paid for in cash, who cares how long it took?
"IF" Don Richardson and Charles Jannace had not broken many Real Estate Laws in interfering in the sale/purchase of this building early on, things would have happened much quicker.
With all due respect to Don Richardson however, I do not believe he was aware of all that Charles Jannace was pulling. Hence his going to visit Charles' office abruptly and backing out of the deal once he learned what Charles was trying to pull.
For that I hold the utmost respect for Don's position.
A little obsessed, are we?
No not obsessed, just sick of you making unfounded and un provable claims.
Quit beating around the bush, put up or SHUTUP!!
New names out of nowhere on a subject only ONE person is effected by. That says a whole lot there Mr. Jannace.
Researching documents and trying to discredit me won't work. I own the property, you don't. It's that simple. Obsessed, that's exactly what you're proving here.
Change your name all you want, no one else would go to these extremes unless they were pissed off the TRUTH and FACTS are finally coming about about who you really are and what attorneys are actually capable of.
Heck, all the other attorneys in town have to do is call Art Webster's office and ask him first hand and they can and will confirm the sale and closing of such said real estate.
It takes time for the records to get updated, it's that simple. Get over it.
P.S., Say hello to Rayanne for me. Oh, I meant Goldie. You know me, I can't ever get your women straight. How's that shower equipment working for you now?
I'm takin it serious! Bring on the juice bars and pasties!
And I hope it involves shower equipment and shampoo!
Oh look Folks, ANOTHER new name! Uh oh, get this, another new critic out of nowhere too?
Seems to me you like to come here and critisize me, is there any difference between the two?
Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies Boobies and more boobies...
yeah yeah boobies....hold on...I think I broke some shower equipment...we got a man down here...some one turn off the water..
Have you ever been to a "strip club"? (Answer separated by sex)
Male - Yes 55% 133
Male - No 10% 24
Female - Yes 14%35
Female - No 21% 52
244 votes total
I'd say with these totals a Strip Club might not be such a bad idea for the City of Salisbury! More than 50% of the women locally HAVE been to a strip club and 90% (or so) of the men have been to one.
Although I have NO interest in a strip club, by these numbers someone could make it a nice success anyway.
I just want to see the neked bodies!
gobacktoNY, I mean Charles,
I very clearly stated the following in my comment, "Although I have NO interest in a strip club, by these numbers someone could make it a nice success anyway."
You can't argue with the numbers but I personally have absolutely no interest in opening a Strip Club. Just like a typical Lawyer, they never read the whole thing and when they make a mistake they charge you for being wrong too. LMAO!
Are you trying to suggest Rayanne might be interested in such a Club or are you the one that is so obsessed over the whole idea?
Oh, that's right Charles. Everyone is stupid enough to not be able to figure out you can have a multitude of names on the Blogs. Dee, Dee, Deeee!
So tell me Old Buddy, what is it that you want from me? My cars? My mentally stable Wife? My money? My real estate? My Johnson? My business? My mentally stable children?
I know, it's MY BLOG! LMAO!
Really kba,
Do enlighten all of us and tell us just what trash businesses we have in Downtown Salisbury?
Opinions are like assholes grassroots/Charles, everyone's got one.
Doesn't this remind you guys of the good ol days of last summer? When the bloggin was hot and heavy...oh the memories...
This is so much fun!
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