My hat is tipped to Mr. Mike Lewis who has taken the removal of signs VERY seriously.
Look around Folks, you won't see a Mike Lewis Sign anywhere because he's been out doing the right thing and removing his own signs without the property owner doing it themselves.
If you drive inside the City there are campaign signs all over the windows, even in the Cannon Building. I wonder what Idiot owns this building? I took this picture yesterday.
You could only dream to be in my financial position. The closing on that building will be done very soon, possibly next week.
As for your blast against Iyeska and her being an American indian, you're a piece of shit. I am leaving it up so everyone can see just how big a piece of shit that you are.
Actually, Joe may have a point - there's sometimes a delay between when a property sells and the time it's placed up in the state records. Mine was about 2 weeks and if Joe's closed in the recent past the record may simply not be up yet.
At this point I'll give Joe the benefit of the doubt, obviously you don't.
Ever since I mentioned Randy Taylor on the Blog again, KBA comes out of the wood work!
Welcome back Randy, or is this his wife?
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