More importantly, the Chief has informed his Officers that he will be confronting the Mayor immediately and asking for a 10% raise each year for the next three years to try and catch up with the Sheriffs Department salaries.
The Mayor has already stated that she would raise taxes if they had to pay their Officers more money.
I'll tell you what Barrie. Instead, please let these criminals do whatever they want to our properties and we'll let out homeowners insurance skyrocket in the 20th most dangerous City in the entire United States! Officers are jumping ship to go where the money is and the fact that the City is actually suing its Officers for leaving before their contracts are up spells it all out very clearly. Don't come to work here and wherever there's better pay, go there.
You're an Idiot! Pay the Officers and get some results. Our poll clearly shows the citizens want the Police Force to merge with the County Sheriffs Department, so let's make it happen. You have clearly failed as a leader Barrie and your letter yesterday in the Times was your biggest lie yet. I'll get into that soon enough.
I recollect Dunn sayin' durin' the budget meetin's that they weren't gonna do a tax increase fer the year 'cause it was almost certain they were goin' up the next year. Chief Webster had said they was losin' somethin' like 10 officers this year.
So, guess we citizens got t'do without a tax increase so's we could use our money t'replace what got stolen, broke and bled on?
I may just be an ole dog, but sometimes I think common sense is a bone that got buried long ago.
Gee, and I thought that 12:30 a.m. parking ticket was because they were bored!
But then there's Fruitland. They get a new chiefette dispite not having the position, the budget or the need AND over someone with more time in Fruitland and much more integrity. Fruitland needs more patrolmen not more chiefs, but then she did have to be rewarded for her lies.
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