State Trooper Kenny Moore assigned to the Drug Enforcement Special Task Force shot a man in the arm this evening in Hurlock after he tried backing up and hitting another Special Drug Task Force Officer, (Officer Ingles) from the Salisbury Police Department.
Trooper Moore will be placed on administrative leave until an internal investigation is completed and Officer Ingles has some bruises but he is fine.
The shooting was a "through and through" shooting in and out of the suspects arm. Trooper Moore used to be with the Wicomico County Sheriffs Department. Thanks for kicking some ass guys and taking another scumbag off the streets.
My compliments to the troopers for maintaining control and not killing the suspect.
A police office who shoots a suspect in the line of duty does so in the defense of his own life or the life of someone else. It is going to be a traumatic experience for the officer and his/her family. An experience no one can prepare for. Most officers I know go into police work with the intention of helping people and know that this type of thing can happen. They train for it but nothing can totally prepare them for it. A police officer does not shoot to kill. Nor does an officer shoot in the arm or leg to stop someone. A police officer shoots at the center mass of the target presented to neutralize the threat.
The officer who shot this suspect will probably now go through the pleasantries of an internal affairs investigation which will, no doubt, question for hours or days the decision the officer had milliseconds to make. He will probably feel as though he is being interrogated and that he is being second guessed for doing his job the way he knows he was supposed to. His family will have to look at the signs of stress on his face that can potentially take years from his life. If he had taken the life of the suspect it would likely have taken a completely different toll on the officer involved in addition to those listed above.
Kenney, you're a religious man. Find strength in your faith, your family, and your friends. If you read this blog, know that you will have a lot of support from the law enforcement community. If you need anything brother, you can also give me a call.
Wouldn't it be nice to see this same kind of respect and harmony within the City of Salisbury Employees? Change is inevitable.
Iyeska, I agree with you about the medical treatment, housing, etc. You are right, I think the officer effectively neutralized the threat. My thoughts were along the lines that the officer would put through worse if he had killed the man or that maybe the scumbags family would try and try and sue for some reason. Also none of us know exactly what happened. Instant death penalty without a trial seems harsh when you consider that Charles Manson is still alive and well. It has been tidy and satisfying that in some of the recent attrocities the villan has solved the problem for us in the best possible way.
I have five (5) police officers in my family. To a person they agree on these three rules:
Rule #1.
Never pull your gun unless you intend to shoot.
Rule #2.
If you pull your gun then shoot to kill.
Rule #3.
It's always better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6!
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