Over the past few days I have been following violation after violation at the Old Salisbury Mall and today Linda Kent and Terry Cohen finally got enough attention whereas the City responded with the Fire Marshall as well as internal Employees of the City.
Doors were busted open overnight and there was very clear evidence of people occupying the inside of the Old Mall. Plates were on the floor, wires were stripped from almost every electrical outlet you could see and obviously the copper is worth money and they're going to steal whatever they can get their hands on.
With the price of copper going through the roof, why not take advantage of what's there, right? Well much of what's there could be live wires. Last week I personally saw people inside the mall that I thought were electricians but it turns out these people were more than likely stealing what they could get even during broad daylight.
A representative and I stood at one door that was secured into the inside of the Mall and we could hear water just flowing through the roof like a massive waterfall. The last photo above was a very rare shot of the inside of one section of the Old Mall and water was coming right through the roof while we were standing there. It was so dark you really couldn't see much at all and I used a flash and was completely surprised to see there was actually an image. The ceiling tiles were all falling down from getting soaked and there's obviously a problem there. People are getting onto the roof there and there's a very good chance someone could very easily fall right through the roof. Something needs to be done about this structure right away.
The building is supposed to be secured and that's what the City has said in a letter drafted today to the owner of the property. However, get this, they now have 5 days to do something about it! The owner of the property told the City that they were aware of the problem but due to bad weather they haven't been able to do anything about it. Talk about a boat load of crap! It only started raining today! The windows have been blown out of that building for at least a week now and the City fell asleep at the wheel because they have not sent them violations for the windows before today.
Tom Stevenson was in Washington, DC. today and the Mayor's vehicle wasn't at her Office so it's no wonder the City actually responded while the most important people were away. Something actually got done!
I'd like to add this challenge to the end of this post. You do not see "anything" referencing Gang Graffiti and or any of this illegal activity at the Old Mall in The Daily Times, ever. If the Daily Times is going to start telling the truth then they need to get on the ball and start informing their readers of "all" the activities going on around Salisbury. Let's see what they do from here on out, shall we?
Perhaps Citizens should contact their Insurance Company and advise them to come to this Blog Site and see what their clients have been up to and or not up to?
That's exactly why you need to vote for Charles Jannace for County Executive. Visit, www.janace.com and see what this man has to offer. He's not playing around and he'll take care of the City of Salisbury as well.
Mr. Outraged, I tend t'agree with ya, but fer the last line.
This time, the City's got some real pit bulls toothed into their legs.
Let's put our "outrage" into helpin' 'em. Call the oaf-fish-uls. Write the P&Z. Bug the developers.
And nag the media, too, t'cover this stuff. Grinds my jaw they ain't all over this.
As fer the TIF, the City and County oughta tell them developers t'stuff it.
Them's great pictures, Mr. A. Much obliged fer yer service. Just lookin' at them boils my blood over.
joe sa troll,
Jaw Buster, that's a good one. You wouldn't be referencing Mike Dunn having his jaw broken in the past, would you? Come on Mikey, get on here and tell everyone how you had your jaw broken and why. My guess is that if he did he'd no longer be in Public Office?
Sbygal, I bet ya can breathe in more than asbestos there if'n the place's been lived in and water's rushin' through.
Jiminy crickets, kinda sends a shiver up t'think 'bout it.
And these jokers want a tax handout from us?
Don't ask Jim Rapp or RON ALESSI that question because they'll flat out lie. There have been more than 19 Prairie Dogs drown at the Salisbury Zoo over the past few years. Isn't that right Barrie Tilghman? You see Folks, she told me they were her favorite animals at the Zoo and she acted all upset that they were drowning and dying and then when she found out I was telling her the truth she covered it up. What rhymes with witch?
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