Good friends and fellowship were achieved this evening thanks to the Harris Family.
The spread was unbelievable and everyone had a fantastic time.
Did I mention that the Harris Family were the ones that donated the $5,000.00 for the Otters at the Salisbury Zoo and Jim Rapp took credit for the whole thing?
Say Goodnight Gracie!
Thank You Nosweat!
The Zoo Animals are at a great loss without her and that is very sad. Sad for Jennifer and sad for the animals. She hand raised so many of the animals at the Zoo and that just kills Jim Rapp inside. Oh well, one day things will change for the better, thanks to people like the Harris Family. I have so much respect for this man and his Family. To have children watch you do things unconditionally has got to be one of the proudest moments of their lives. To have Jim Rapp take the credit for it has to feel like a knife right in the back.
After tonight,
Animals, 3
Rapp, 0
Say Goodnight Gracie
Damn, sorry to rain on you again, but this is not the image you want to project about Jannace. This to the average perosn who stumbles on this blog that hasn't been here before would see this as two fatcats scratchin each others back. Sure you need this kind of support to run a campaign, but keep this under wraps until after the election. Do not project images of the lifestyle your living when your trying to appeal to a middle class or lower middle class citizen. We aint never gonna be on a boat eating fatty shrimps rubbin elbows with the rich and famous.
You need to serioulsy think about what you post until the elction. Little things like this can turn people off.
It's a shame you feel that way historical wit. You see, there's all kinds of people out there. Some have no money, some have some money and some have lots of money. We are catering to "every" person out there. Two weeks ago we were in the Park offering free food to anyone and everyone, including dogs.
Possibly the Salisbury Zoo shouldn't take donations from rich people? I'd like to see you start complaining about that?
We've shown photos of "both sides" and we're doing our best to reach out to everyone. Please do not make it look like we're one sided.
As for an average person stumbling upion my blog, there are close to 4,000 people a day visiting my blog site. This is all without any help from the local media so I'd say this is the most powerful blog site out there to date. No one is stumbling, unless you're talking about the Mayor.
all i am saying is the jannace campaign has to be image aware right now.
Its not about catering to people, its about awareness. No one wants to be palcated, they want to feel like they made their own decisions based on what infomaiton is presented to them.
And its not about the zoo. You need to drop that altogether because more people enjoy the zoo than not.
Your site gets that many hits, but most people hit your site 10 or 20 times a day, so as far a unique vistors your looking at like 2000 or less.
EXCUSE ME Historical Wit, but you're WRONG! Site Meter picks you up only once a day, no matter how many times you come to a site. It places a cookie on your computer and recognizes you every time you come there.
only if you set it up that way joe. default counts all traffic.
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