With the serious threat of very heavy rains coming to the region, the Salisbury Zoo sits 100% in a Flood Plane Zone according to the State.
Over the years, many of animals have died a horrible death because of such said flooding. The Prairie Dogs are the first that come to mind. Even after we went directly to the Mayor about these animals drowning, she covered it up and said everything was OK at the Zoo. I believe 19 have died from drowning. Considering there are only 2 left, that number could be much higher.
There have been many times the Zoo Staff simply open the gates for the Llamas and allow them to roam the Zoo in order to find higher ground because the river floods so badly that they'd be standing chest high in water if they stayed in that exhibit.
Then there's the Dam upstream that everyone is so concerned about. What would happen if it collapsed? Surely the Salisbury Zoo would be a thing of the past and the animals, (most of them) would not survive.
So do tell me, why on God's Green Earth would all of you consider spending $36,000,000.00 to renovate the Salisbury Zoo where it is located? This has got to be the biggest scam job Ron Alessi and Jim Rapp have ever pulled off!
The way I see it is, the City Council is already stupid enough to sell you on a $10,000.00, (soon to be $15,000,000.00) Fire Station on swamp land. How the heck could all of you fall for this BS placing a Zoo in the middle of some of the lowest land in the County where the River already runs through it?
Wouldn't the Old Mall pose as the perfect location to relocate the Salisbury Zoo? It should also be known that the Perdue's offered to donate a ton of land next to the Shorebirds Stadium and Ron Alessi turned it down.
By the way Mayor, (seriously) should you need a place to keep some of these animals if the threat gets too bad, we have a huge barn with stalls and paddock areas not being used right now. I also have a large horse trailer I could transport these animals with if need be. My services are available unconditionally and free of charge. This is about the animals, not individuals.
PS, I happen to know of an excellent animal caretaker that just happens to be on this property as well and I can assure you these animals would be very well cared for. 410-430-5349 I can be there in 15 minutes.
Update: Virginia Beach has already received 9" of rain and it's only 11:30 a.m. on Friday.
Joe have they called yet? Ha Ha!! Only selfish pride and/or stupidity would decline such a qualified offer and even as a fan I realize you are sincere.
TY Westside. I'd be there as fast as I'd take my child in an emergency to the Hospital.
Entertain me Sam and do tell me what you mean by that?
OK sam chase,
You asked for it, you got it!
There have been Cavies that have drowned over the years at the Zoo but of course you must have known that because they also burrow. Interesting how you wanted me to avoid those animals.
Nevertheless, there have been two Macaws that drowned at the Zoo as well.
Sun Conures have drowned and even a Box Turtle.
Sam, since you don't know your head from your a_s and you like to keep coming back and allowing us to prove we're right and you're clueless I'll also add that an even higher amount of animals at the Zoo have died from animal aggression.
Far too often Jim Rapp had been warned that certain animals weren't getting along and rather than do the professional thing and respect the veteran Zookeepers on Staff he would simply ignore the situation and one of the animals would simply kill the other. Mind you, the Zookeepers were asking to remove the animale being attacked and Rapp refused to allow them to do so most, if not all of the time.
So ALL of you know, this happens ALL the time at the Zoo as well. Animal freak out when they are being rounded up to be sold. Cavies have even been known to suffocate themselves when Rapp and Crew try rounding them up to sell them and they run into their burrow and cram themselves in so badly they suffocate, RIGHT JIMBO?
Then there's the Jimbo and Johnny Jacobs team that decided to remove animals from the Zoo the last time there was a threat of a hurricane coming. Animals died from stress over that stupid move as well sam. My guess is that they never informed you of thos deaths, right?
Then there's also human error when Zookeepers take sledge hammers and crush the skulls of fawns, (7 of them one time) while the rest scream at the top of their lungs because they know they're next and or soon to be slaughtered, RIGHT JIMBO?
Might I also add sam chase, I said died a horrible death, not drowned. Nevertheless, I've given you what you asked for, now go away. I wonder what this FOOL will come back with next?
You're a waste of my time and I have nothing further to say to you any more. I have answered your question with "facts" and now you want more.
All of the answers to your questions are on record at the Zoo. So get off your lazy rear end and go down there and do some research and then come back with proof showing I am wrong.
You won't do so because I am always right on Zoo issues and all you do is ask more questions and change the subject whenever anyone does give you answers.
So go to another Blog Site or go hang with your buddies at the Zoo and simply believe everything they tell you. That's what Jim Rapp is best at anyway, lying and telling everyone what we say is not true.
Sam, do YOU happen to know how many animals are alive at the Salisbury Zoo to this date? Until you can come up with that answer, go away and don't come back.
Point Blank, You're full of crap. Sam Chase is a flat out liar! These are completely made up numbers, they are nowhere near these figures. Sam, please just go away because Jim Rapp has already been caught lying about this count numerous times and it didn't work in the past. IF you think anyone reading these Blog Sites is going to believe anything you say about the Zoo, you're nuts. Here's the challenge, ANYONE who believes Sam Chase step forward and say so now. The Zoo has less than 150 animals total in their collection and that's a fact. My last count was 115 animals and I know what to look for Sam!
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