Did you know that James is one of those kids who could sit at a piano and start playing tunes without ever having lessons or ever reading music? James didn't start learning to read music until his Senior year of High School and was actually writing his own pieces of music that year.
Well, last night was a treat like none other. James took to the piano like it was an extension of his fingers. He played to a crowd for more than an hour in which we were spoiled rotten and thoroughly entertained. You didn't dare speak a word the whole time because we found ourselves so glued to his talent.
This guy is very special Folks! He is a devoted Christian who could serve the County for many years to come with some fantastic ideas. As a matter of fact, some of the ideas he's been suggesting are now being put into place by the current Clerk because James ideas are the right way of doing things and it's about time.
I have read how much people like the gentleman who's currently in this position but it's time to open your minds to progress. They have fallen way behind these past 18 years and James has the vision and willpower to make the right moves and make things more efficient. Please consider a vote for this young man and by all means please try to simply meet him one time. Once you do I can honestly tell you that you'll be sold on him from that moment forward.
Or is it foxyblogger? So you couldn't get Zoo Fox, eh? Nevertheless, are you calling James a liar and a cheat? Oh, and do tell us what position you have with the Salisbury Zoo? Just click on their name and it will take you to their profile and you'll see the zuesfox right away.
You need to get on your meds again!
Mr. Gillespie seems like a very nice guy.
Part of his platform is making the circuit court more efficient. If he could make the land records department actually care wbout what they're doing, he'd have my vote.
You can have all the technology in the world, but if you don't have the people to use it, then what good is it?
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