Wow, where do I start? Do the developers go to the County on a project that's supposedly supposed to be in the City? When and if this property is annexed, who's to blame for past and present decisions?
The Sassafras Meadows "Osprey" Project sounds wonderful for Senior Citizens. Well, 40% of them anyway, (maybe). This would mean you'd have to be over 55 years of age making between $13,000.00 to $30,000.00 a year to qualify. I believe they said the rent for "SOME" of these units would be between $280.00 a month to over $700.00 a month offering independent living.
However, the Osprey Project is NOT a non profit Group and yet they are asking for $122,000.00 in tax breaks to build this new luxury facility that's supposed to be for affordable housing for Seniors? There will be a total of 80 units and the Group has to offer a supposed 40% of these units to Seniors that qualify, but they don't actually have to. I heard that slip while they were introducing the package.
So keep a keen eye on this project because the County Council agreed to give them a letter of intent so this Group/Developer can qualify for even more Government money for the overall project.
I will agree that there needs to be more affordable housing for "ALL" Seniors and I'd like to know what it's going to cost "OTHER" Seniors to live there above and beyond the 40% they "claim" they're going to offer this to. I say, build the entire project around one set of rental fees and stop the crap about asking for massive tax breaks, grants and discounts for a supposed 40%! They also admitted they needed to go to the City for more breaks such as water and sewer and even electric hook ups. They want the City of Salisbury to simply "give" it to them at the City's expense. I'M IN THE WRONG BUSINESS FOLKS!
Earlier in the Council meeting a individual property owner confronted the Council about receiving similar breaks on impact fees and she had every right to do so. The Health Department simply screwed her over as she did everything honorable and right and the Council turned her down in fear that too many citizens would come forward and ask for relief in their situation regarding the County Offices dragging their feet and forcing citizens to fall into the same relief catagory and they turned this woman down. Yet they're considering relief to Developers?
You don't get it. This is just one of the many tax breaks these people are looking to get. Next they want to go to the Federal Government and then the City of Salisbury.
Secondly, they even admitted they don't have to offer 40% of the project for affordable housing! I said, I enjoy the idea of better and more affordable housing for Seniors. However, let's do so on the up and up. These people are going to take advantage of the taxpayers for a very small amount of Seniors that qualify. I say, build the entire thing out so ALL Seniors wanting to live there can do so within the same income bracket! Not 40% or LESS!
Here is where it gets EVEN WORSE-- you aren't supposed to get Senior Housing tax breaks unless you have filed AND received such certification from the feds and state BEFORE you begin construction.
I think they said it best in Season 3 of The Wire... when they figured out that Stringer Bell was using all his drug money to buy properties in the West Side Redevelopment Zone.
"He's worse than a drug dealer." -- Det. Lester Freeman
"He's a developer." -- Det. Roland Preszbolewski.
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