You heard it here first folks. This is a fact, Giant will close this November. The mega giant grocery store is calling it quits and will no longer attempt to compete with the super mega WalMart.
Let's see, great salaries, great benefits and a great retirement package to low salaries and next to no benefits! Once again the City Council and Mayor were and are clueless about this major loss to the North end of Salisbury and probably don't care. How many businesses will decide to close up shop because of piss poor management of the City?
Nevertheless, I guess it's time for another Peebles or clothing store. Maybe they should open a Bank of Delmarva Stock Store where the citizens of Salisbury can actually buy stock in a company they know for a fact will survive based on Government Officials alone?
Oh this is a prime location for outragedrichard to shine!
I helped build that store. It was designed by Superfresh to be a"showcase" store. I don't believe a year had elapsed and it was then sold to Giant. Now I'm hearing that Giant (or portions of it) will be sold by it's parent company. I wonder who if anybody will lease it. There was also some sort of quid pro quo involved in the original deal. Superfresh could only sell to Giant with the stipulation that no alcohol would sold in the Giant store. This deal was contrived by Walmart who may have been threatening litigation.
The SuperG drug store across the street from the south giant is also closing. Too much competition on that corner and high rent.
Nosweat, I won't argue with you about the lack of so-called gourmet items on the shelves. Seems as though Giant (at least for now ) is the place to go if you are looking for something a little more exotic. Walmart is rumored to be sticking its' toe in the water on this. According to an article I read in I think it was the March, or April issue of Gourmet mag, Walmart is preparing to start marketing gourmet items. Also I've heard Giant is in trouble. Every Giant employee is a union member. Want to build a Giant food store? Better be a union outfit. In my opinion this is the real reason we didn't get a Giant store in Berlin on rte. 50. No local outfits large enough to handle the job bothered to bid.They weren't union. Giant is too top-heavy with unions, and the union philosophy.
I always thought the Giant was convenient to visit after going to Walmart. I refuse to buy fresh produce at the Walmart - every time I have, I've ended up with a plague of fruit flies. I don't really like the South Giant too much either, guess I'll have to start going to the SuperFresh on College Ave more often...as a bonus, it's pretty close to the two health food stores!
Speaking of the health food stores, we need one of those on the north end of town. Having two in the same shopping center is kinda funny, although it is convenient to just walk up a few stores to get something one carries that the other doesn't.
Now that was a good one Joe Sa Troll!!!!
swampcritter2 said...
I helped build that store. It was designed by Superfresh to be a"showcase" store. I don't believe a year had elapsed and it was then sold to Giant. Now I'm hearing that Giant (or portions of it) will be sold by it's parent company. I wonder who if anybody will lease it. There was also some sort of quid pro quo involved in the original deal. Superfresh could only sell to Giant with the stipulation that no alcohol would sold in the Giant store. This deal was contrived by Walmart who may have been threatening litigation.
11:37 PM
This comment is one farce after another. The SuperFresh was most definately there for more than 1 year.
And county and state liquor laws are what prevented the Giant from selling alchohol there, as they already hold a license for the South store. WalMart had nothing to do with the loss of alchohol sales there.
You are about the most ignorant person I have ever confronted. First of all, IF I was in bad standing with the State of Maryland they could levy my accounts and or put leans on my properties, most of which are in Maryland and none of which have been levied and or leans placed on them.
So quit picking at straws and give it a rest.
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