In posts on Justice For All? and right here on my Blog Site, Iyeska brings up a very good point. If Barrie Tilghman is so crooked as well as Mike Dunn and others, why even try any more and or what can be done to stop it?
In my opinion there are three choices. Debbie Campbell, Davis Ruark and Charles Jannace. These are the three people that could in fact save the City of Salisbury and turn it back into the lifestyle so many of you chose in the first place.
Here's the question though? Can and will Debbie Campbell be able to afford to financially run for Mayor? IMO her regular job pays extremely well and provides a comfortable lifestyle she's earned and deserves. Big question, big toss up!
Then there's Davis Ruark. Look, this is an extremely honorable man who knows both sides as well as the fact that his Father used to be the former Mayor of Salisbury.
OK, here's a new one being thrown into the arena, Charles Jannace III, AKA Hadley from Justice For All? Today I enjoyed a very fine cigar at lunch time with Charles and to my great surprise the man said he might actually consider running for Mayor.
Some of his ideas were actually the best answers anyone has come up with in many years. We discussed turning the City over to the County, lowering taxes for everyone in the City Limits for starters. Creating one Fire Department and one Police Department. Talk about saving millions of dollars!
What really needs to be considered anyway is what's going to happen with the MDE and the WWTP. Dave Pushkar has admitted that the City is NOT cooperating with the MDE and is in fact stalling and not installing test wells that would prove the liner is in fact leaking and contaminating the river and soil below. The clean up will be in the multi millions of dollars and the City simply cannot afford it any more. There's a lot to discuss and consider but one thing I can assure you, Mayor Barrie Tilghman is through! Mike Dunn has seen his last term on the City Council.
You want things right in the City of Salisbury? You want to see changes for the better? Quit playing around any more and get these people out of Office! It's not a game any more Folks, things are getting serious in Salisbury and the favoritism towards developers has got to end. Barrie and Mike have made their small fortunes and once they are out of office the new powers to be can consider what lawsuits the City wants to take on with these people for illegal activities.
In the mean time, start asking these three people if they'll truly consider running for Mayor or for City Council! Start attending City Council Meetings and start telling these people how you truly feel. Prove to Mike Dunn he's full of crap when it comes to more than 100 people coming to him supporting the old mall project. Dunn wants to convince you that he's done nothing wrong with Sassafras. WRONG! He's a liar! VOTE Debbie Campbell, Davis Ruark or Charles Jannace III for Mayor. Try running up against these three Barrie!
Joe has ran 15 yards ahead with a Hail Mary that I threw up at lunch. If I was a City resident, which I'm not, and will not be in the foreseeable future, I'd run for Mayor and my platform would be to unincorporate the City and have the County assume all of it's assets and liabilities. On the other hand, if I was a property owner, which I could be in the foreseeable future, I would have standing to be the plaintiff that needs have standing to bring a suit to e.g. stop the City from giving tax breaks for land that isn't within its jurisdiction i.e. Sassafras.
Deborah Smith Campbell would be a great choice for Mayor. she is a life long resident of the Eastern Shore and cares about the city and our way of life as much as anyone I happen to know.
But you have to ask WHY?
She has been treated like crap by the current administration and others. She owns property on the bay down in Va. and I honestly believe she would rather be there than anywhere. If I were her I'd sell the house on Camden, move down there, buy a couple bottles of good red wine and enjoy the sunsets. At some point a person has to say; "I've have only a limited number of years left on this earth, I need to take care of myself and my family and not continue to kill myself for a bunch of people who really don't give a rats rearend about anybody but themselves."!
Watch your mouth about time or I will cut you off of this Blog Site, period. No discussion, this is final. You go on the attack one more time and you'll never come on here again.
I see this deteriorated to insignificance at a FAST PACE!
My pretty...GIVE ME THOSE SLIPPERS........
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