During the first Press Conference referencing the Raw Sewage Explosion that found its way into the Wicomico River, Barrie Tilghman explained how it happened at 1:00 AM. Soon after they changed their tune and I believe it was based on their not having the proper equipment to clean up this mess and that's why you see all this "Rental Equipment" on site right now.
We have two witnesses that clearly saw at 5:30 AM and another at 7:30 AM where those bails of straw were already covering the sewer drains in the morning. Now here's the most interesting point. John Pick sent me a letter stating it happened at 9:30 AM and the first reporter was wrong.
However, the Mayor clearly screwed her whole story up this evening as she voluntarily admitted that she received an emergency call from John Jacobs at 8:00 AM that morning. Once again I'm calling out for Dave Pushkar to investigate this whole thing because when John Pick looked at the Mayor when she stated this, the anger in his face was very clear as he knew she just screwed the whole thing up.
Folks, there's a serious cover up going on. Here's where she screwed up again. She said something like, fortunately this happened in the middle of the night where there was very little volume of sewage running through the system and she was confident it was less than 43,000 gallons that entered the River.
HELLO!!!! Since when is 8:00 AM the middle of the night? However, if it WAS 1:00 AM it would make more sense. Nevertheless, Pushkar better get on the ball before the Citizens go completely nuts over even more Barrie Tilghman's cover ups and lies.
Just look at John Pick's face while the Mayor lies. This was priceless!
My answer from Mr. Pushkar I'll post a more interesting one next!
Thank you for your email. The recent spill from last week is being investigated. As required by regulation, the Maryland Department of the Environment is expecting a written response from the City regarding the cause and other factors related to the spill. When that information is received, the Department will make a decision as to whether there should be any penalties levied against the City.
The City is not ignoring state law. The City is in the process of upgrading the wastewater treatment plant and this spill occurred while
crews were working to improve the pumps in the pump station.
Regarding your last concern, the Department is not responsible for posting signs when a sewage spill occurs. That responsibility falls to the owner of the facility that generated the discharge. There should be signs posted by the City at public access points warning of the current condition of the River.
I assure you that the Department has been monitoring the City's activities through this upgrade and if it is determined that this spill was avoidable, there will be another penalty issued to the City.
Thank you again for your email on this very important issue. I hope that I have addressed your concerns.
Dave Pushkar
David J. Pushkar, Division Chief
Maryland Department of the Environment
407 Race Street
Cambridge, Maryland 21613
My response from Mr. Caligiuiri.
Thank you for your message.
Our office has been working with the City of Salisbury and has been successful in obtaining federal funding to upgrade and repair some of these problems. However I agree that the problems seem to persist in an unacceptable level.
If you would be so kind to edit your original message to me in a way that it is addressed directly to Congressman Gilchrest, then I will use your note to get a formal update from the EPA and the MD Dept of Environment. I apologize for this inconvenience, however your message would have much more impact in this format. An email version would be fine.
Thank you, and I will begin some preliminary contacts in anticipation of your revised inquiry.
Tony Caligiuri
Tony Caligiuri
Chief of Staff
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
2245 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-0254 (fax)
410-490-7472 (mobile)
My cleaned up version I sent to Congressman Gilchrest. My first edition was not quite this polite.
Still heard nothing from Page Elmore. Amazing, I voted for that man a few years ago and he seemed to fall off the face of the earth after election, did nothing, then shows up for the "Crisfield Clam Bake" and wants us to vote for him again!!!!!!
Mr. Wayne Gilchrest
U.S. Congress
Maryland 1st District
Mr. Gilchrest,
For years I've been watching in disbelief while the city of Salisbury MD. dumps raw sewerage into our waterways with what appears to be little or no punitive consequences. Now once again this past week there is a 43,000 gallon spill. To add insult to injury it appears that we can not even get a straight answer on exactly when it started, how much was spilled, (they guesstimated) and when it was contained. Mr. Gilchrest there is a long history of sewer plant management issues in Salisbury, including holding ponds with unacceptable liners, spills and other accidents yet the city continues to annex properties and allow new housing construction to continue practically unabated. If the system is overloaded, would seem reasonable to halt further influx of fluids into that system until the system's capacity can be expanded safely.
How long is Salisbury going to be allowed to flagrantly pollute our waterways, threaten our fish, shellfish, birds and tourist industry , subject our citizens to such unsanitary condition and generally add to the already tragic deterioration of our bays and wetlands?
Gang, I got this response in 10 minutes after I sent my polite edition of my letter to Congressman Gilchrest. We may want to keep the pressure up at that level and higher.
Thanks again - the reason that your letter is helpful is that it serves as a catalyst to get specific answers for a constituent, which gives us better leverage to press for timely responses. We will use this and then share information as it becomes available.
Tony Caligiuri
Chief of Staff
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
2245 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-0254 (fax)
410-490-7472 (mobile
What's Tony's e-mail address?
Congressman Gilchrest's office is wonderful to work with. My office works with another one of his representatives, on a regular basis.
One thing I've noticed is that the reps actually CARE about the constituents. They also have expertise in the area they deal with.
AND he keeps tabs on what they're doing. It says a lot about a politician, what kind of people he hires and how they do their jobs.
I also want to know why they are testing the river UP stream in stead of DOWN stream
Most people know that the Wicomico River is Tidal, so there isn't really an upstream or downstream.
Still have not heard from my old friend Page Elmore. He walked up in my yard when he was campaigning, shook my hand and said I look like a good Republican. then he did his disappearing act. looks like we need a change in he house of Delegates.
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