Several months ago I had found this ammunition on the front edge of my property. There were some 500 rounds of long range 22 cal. bullets. My three labs scared the person off the property and it was after I had been receiving threats on my life on Hadley's Blog Site. The State Police found it was important enough, (after reading the comments from a Zookeeper stating I needed to be humanely"put down") to investigate the incident and things came to an immediate halt.
Over the last few days Hadley had been posting information about my upcoming Court Case and how Jim Rapp had lied under oath in order to get me arrested and we had video proof proving he had done so. I had then commented about how they were claiming they were going to have women crying on the stand stating they had witnessed the whole thing and I stated that was impossible because I had video proof no one was standing there but Jim Rapp and myself and that some of the people who had claimed they were going to get on the stand and state differently better be prepared because those same people were on the radio stating they were on the way.
Well this obviously pissed a lot of people off and now all of a sudden "about time" is back and now a new person called, "jodie." I received a very interesting telephone call last night informing me that "jodie" is not a person at all. OK, I'm game, who are they? They said, these people are laughing at you because you haven't figured them out yet. "jodie" stands for, JoDie!!! They were laughing at you because you'd never figure it out.
In my opinion, I will certainly watch my back when it comes to Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Jim Rapp and or Carrie Samis as these are the only people sick enough to make such said threats in my opinion and I'm stating this publicly should anything happen to me any time soon.
I am asking the FBI and others to step in and investigate who this person is as I saved their original comments before I started deleting their personal attacks against me. Keep in mind folks, these comments were originally posted on Zoo related issues once again and when I started deleting them they simply went anywhere they could to get their point across. I deleted those comments as well.
Stay Tuned............
Actually, why not talk WBOC into hosting "Survivor Salisbury Zoo"...
You could have two teams: the bloggers vs the Dream Team & Rapp.
Richard, Have you ever considered refraining from posting after taking your anti-psychotic meds? Seriouly, my friend, your ravings (while amusing) seem to surge until something finally kicks in gear, and then your posts start to resemble normalcy. Sooner or later we all get dragged through the door of enlightenment kicking and screaming, but please Man! You don't have to take us along for the ride. Boo!
Mr. A., alls I can say is I hope you and the Mrs. and critters stay safe.
And that whatever cockroach did this gets a dash of Raid.
Sally, forgive me for being so bold here but there are numerous No Trespassing signs on my property, even when you enter my driveway.
If you come onto my property, (especially now) and you don't belong, you've been forewarned. I've been through enough and I will protect what is mine and more so my family.
IMO, violence, (or the threat thereof) always begets "defense."
all kidding aside, you might be right, this could be a threat attempt by someone. But no professional hitman is going to be on your property with that collection of junk. 410 shell 22 shells, bird shot ond other associated garbage. He will most likely have a small caliber wheel gun. IE: revolver. You'll never know he was there and he won't leave any shell casings behind. I wonder if anyone in the Sewerbury Councel has Balls enough to even attempt to hire this out. Sounds more like they found someone to throw the bullets in your front yard to scare you in exchange for favors unspecified.
Does it look like I'm scared? Possibly you're not familiar with my Italian, Mafia heritage?
I'm very familiar with the amunition left there and based on the way it was left, (only the State Police and I know about this) we know what happened. We're also pretty sure we know who did it but we'll, (State Police) get them when the timing is right.
Look who's scared now!
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