Now here's one of the most interesting items I have ever come across not only in my time going to Salisbury City Council Meeting but in my entire career to boot!
As many of you know, I have been involved in the manufacturing business most of my life so far. I have owned restaurants, upscale billiard rooms and numerous other business ventures over the past 25 years.
During all that time I have had to rely on numerous attorneys to help guide me through multiple processes and fortunately I have chosen very reliable attorneys and firms to get me ahead.
During that time I have "ALWAYS" received itemized billing to assure I was getting what I paid for. Forgive me for coming off simple here but what that means is that I received billing that clearly stated just how much time was spent on each and every item and what the law firm was billing me for.
The City of Salibury and attorney Paul Wilber are completely different though. Paul Wilber just sends the City a bill and this evening he clearly admitted to such. Lady Campbell raised attention to two different proposals being brought in front of the Council referencing this exact matter.
The first was the fact that this could not be brought forward as a resolution as this would not be legal to do so. She said it needed to be an ordinance and even Paul Wilber stated, "Legally the safest course is to go this route."
Now if Lady Campbell didn't bring this up, these funds would have been pushed right through and no one would have known what they spent this $38,000.00 on! Paul Wilber then said he didn't think there would be enough time to present the entire bill being itemized and that he might need even more time to do so. This proves once again that they do not itemize the bill and Paul also stated they weren't prepared for such a thing.
The Mayor said she is the one that reviews and aproves all of the legal bills and now you all know she has done so without ever being able to truly question what the City was actually paying for. This is NOT good! I'm not suggesting Paul Wilber ever cheated the City of Salisbury but if he ever did, who would ever know?
Gary Comegys then became upset with Debbie Campbell bringing this up and stated, "This is a nit to pick at to delay payments." NO IT'S NOT! This is how business is run and you people, (meaning most of the Council) have absolutely no clue what they're doing!
When you go to a store and purchase items, each one is rung up and you have a record of what you purchased. When you get a bill from Paul Wilber's Office you get one number and nothing is itemized. From the sound of this particular bill, Mr. Wilber spent quite a bit of time using this firm to go over the City's Budget and racked up a $38,000.00 bill in doing so and this was not expected and or in the Budget.
It's no wonder so many local attorneys are donating maximum funds to support certain candidates in the County Executive Race so they can hopefully become the County Attorney and deliver the same kind of billing! Gotta love that Good Old Boy system!
Well, what would be interesting is for Debbie Campbell to investigate this more.
If Mr. Wilbur is not billing accurately, and he sent that bill through US Mail, that is mail fraud. Which I believe is $250k and 5 years per act.
Or-- as they say in the movies "more than you guys had on Capone."
I'm confident people are reading "ALL" the posts on here. Just because it's no longer in the position you'd like, (and I do understand what you're saying) doesn't mean it won't get the readership and or impact.
I'd like you to also recognize this fact. Some of the best posts Hadley has put out there received the least amount of comments and or what would seem to be recognition. I don't believe the posts didn't get the readership it deserved. I believe they were controversial and people were afraid to comment about anything referencing the Mayor and or Chief Webster in fear that they would retaliate against them as they have done so to others time and time again, hence Joe Albero.
There are many stories to be told and not all of them will be top shelf for the entire day. Also recognize that I share multiple stories all day long and not just early in the morning and or late at night. It's different from Hadley and Duvall and it gives everyone something to look at throughout the day.
Excuse me BUT, what the hell does merchandising have to do with an itemized bill?
This post is about Paul Wilber and Barrie Tilghman working a deal out where NOTHING can be traced! I personally believe this is illegal.
As far as posts go, none of the other local Blog Sites have chosen to go this route and until you're paying me millions of dollars to deliver the news each day to you, while this Blog Site is FREE, like it or leave it. LOL ;-)
Might I also add, the Daily Times gets paid to deliver you news every day. I should say, you pay to read the Daily Times each day and this morning on the front page there was an article about Giant closing down. Once again this proves the Staff at the Daily Times is in fact reading this Blog Site and using it to deliver easy news a day late or more.
So in my opinion, if you like news a couple of days late and you like the Daily Times format, keep them in business by buying their newspaper. IN the mean time while you're visiting here for free, know you're getting the news that tells you the truth. There also wasn't anyone from the Times present at last nights Council Meeting either.
Seems to me they just sit up and read what the Blogs have to say and then report Barrie Tilghman's side of the story.
The Blog Sites are a luxury and a privilege and again in my opinion we're delivering this news because we truly care about what is really going on in Salisbury. My suggestion to some of you is, don't rock the boat.
Mr. A., I don't think anybody's knockin' the blog...
Think they're just sayin' this is a helluva important item and deserved t'be top, front and center for attention.
Gotta agree. And yeah, I liked that "headline news" format Delmarva Dealings had...could skim through fer the feel and go read the ones most important t'me if'n I was pressed fer time.
This is dang good stuff here. Are we gonna hear 'nother round o' "We trust the staff"?
If'n so, let's ditch all the poly-tishuns and just pay staff. If'n there ain't a-gonna be any oversight anyhoos, who needs 'em?
I'll keep payin' taxes to keep Mrs. Campbell, though. Talk 'bout yer public watchdogs!
Who Let The Dog Out? Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof!
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