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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mayor Ireton Believes Republican Congressman Andy Harris Wants The Mayors Parents On Vouchers

While a small group of uneducated finger pointing wet pants liberals picketed Congressman Andy Harris' Salisbury Office today, Mayor Ireton tried to grandstand the event by claiming he was there not as a public official but as someone who has been standing in Verizon Picket Lines supporting Unions. He stated that the President of Verizon makes more than $55,000.00 a DAY and that's not fair.

I say, B.S.! This is AMERICA and in Ireton's eyes, only democrats should be the breadwinners because they'll volunterily share their profits and give it back to the government. NOT!

Ireton went on to say that he too is a UNION worker and if people like Andy Harris keep voting the way he does, he doesn't want to see his parents in Ocean City on vouchers.

Wah, Wah, Wah! It's all Bush's fault, then it was all Reagan's fault. That was what the majority of protesters were saying. That is, until Palmer Gillis stepped up to the plate to challenge them right back. Gillis talked about regulations that put unskilled workers in the position of making the same amount of money as skilled workers on public school projects. This makes such projects at the Bennett Middle School costing taxpayers millions more than it should.

After listening to the finger pointing and blaming the republicans for everything wrong in this country right now, I finally stepped in showing support of Palmer Gillis. The crowd wanted more jobs, not tax cuts. I said, then get Americans off of Obama's 99 week welfare program, I mean UNEMPLOYMENT, sorry.

One woman said, where's the jobs. I replied, well, whenever I was out of a job in my youth my Mother, (God rest her soul) would wake me up at 6 AM and get me out the front door by 7 AM. She'd lock the door and say, you can come back in when you come home with a JOB!

America is FAILING because of these liberals crying the welfare blues. Americans have no pride any more. Their reply was, well, you had a very good Mother. I responded, what kind of Mother are YOU! I then went on to explain at the time my Mother was locking me out of the house, I WAS 16 YEARS OLD!

That's right, go to school full time and go directly to WORK! Mom was raising 5 kids on her own and there was NO SLACKING!

Each child was expected to go out and deliver a paycheck to support the WHOLE Family. Yeah, that was the America I grew up in. No welfare for the Albero Household. NO UNEMPLOYMENT! In fact, FOR THE RECORD, NO Albero has EVER been on Unemployment OR Welfare.

Yeah, it's all Bush's, Reagan's, Obama's fault, NOT! We, (as Americans) have to ALL come together for the betterment of our COUNTRY! It takes Families like the Albero's, (an many others like us) to stand firm and NOT give up. Jobs are out there, you just have to be hungry enough to WANT one. The problem today is, WHY! Why should someone who has been GIFTED with 99 weeks of Unemployment go back to work!

I blame ALL Americans for not standing firm and making their elected officials accountable. If anyone believes Andy Harris supports Obama with 99 weeks of unemployment, I'd say your NUTS. If you believe Andy Harris wants Jim Ireton's Parents on vouchers, you are nuts!

Finger pointing and passing off the blame is quite STUPID. Only LOSERS would sit there day in and day out pointing fingers and blaming each other. WINNERS do something about it. WINNERS get jobs because they EARN it. Even though we were flat broke as kids, we were NEVER homeless and we NEVER went hungry.

So my message to you Jim Ireton, grow up and stop pointing fingers. As the leader in a community, YOU SUCK! Oh, and if the voucher thing ever happens, go get a second or third job to support those who supported you!

"Why can one parent raise five children but five children can't raise one parent".

New Posts Will Fall Below This One Throughout The Day.


Anonymous said...

he's a patsy liberal Ireton who thinks other people's money should be given to all. Grow up and fend for yourself!!!!

Anonymous said...

So unemployment is welfare now?

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 1:54, IT IS TO ME!

Get off your ass and get a job.

Anonymous said...

Your dead right on the finger pointing, and the fact that Ireton stinks as a leader.
Butt....there are NO

Anonymous said...

Unemployment is not welfare. It is not even enough to live on. It is easy to sit back and say all those things, but without any real information about the person it is just words.

Live in someone elses shoes for a moment and then maybe you will start to understand.

I'm not saying you are totally wrong but I am saying you are not totally correct either.

Anonymous said...

Unemployment was intended to just help until you get a job, somewhere along the line it has become a job until the benefits run out.

I agree there aren't many jobs out there, but if you really need to eat you can find a job doing something.

Even if I had to get a job flipping burgers to pay the bills at least I'd probably get to eat at work and take home most of my money.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Palmer!

Anonymous said...

Ireton screws over his own city employees. What a Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

This is CRAP!!!

Harris SUPPORTS labor unions, while I agree with Andy's stance on public sector unions, that being government unions, Congressman's Harris' stance on private sectors unions is one of support.

Ireton is the cheapest of cheap political entities. I thought he was raised in a house, not a Delaware trailier court.

Anonymous said...

He represents the Unions? What? I was under the naive impression that we elected him to represent the city and its ENTIRE population, not some special interest group. He just lost all credibility.

Anonymous said...

Great Post Joe, these spoon fed liberals want more,more,and more,they want and expect the Government to take care of them cut off all benefits and let them live in the gutter where they belong!!!

Anonymous said...

Its because of the liberal policies in Maryland and America why there is no jobs and has become a welfare state.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Jim is a teacher, but not the sharpest crayon in the box.

Anonymous said...

3:37 that's part of the problem Jim has no business being a teacher he is a disgrace to society.

FlyingYarmo said...

Interesting how the finger pointer in the photos was the Republican.
Shows how little YOU were listening and how little you actually care about facts.

Joseph Albero said...

FlyingFlamer, were you there? I listened to almost every word. Mind you, there was some Idiot there screaming at the top of his lungs. I wonder if he was even sober?

Nevertheless, do tell us, were you there?

Anonymous said...

Unemployment was a liberal's plan to tide folks over between jobs in difficult situations. Not supposed to be a living wage, just assistance. It is funded by a tax on employers.

That fund dried up long ago because of the unreasonable extensions that have become welfare. Tell the thousands of illegals that risk their life every week crossing our borders that there aren't jobs out there. Once translated they'd laugh in your face and say thank you for being to lazy to work.

Anonymous said...

unemployment is only partially funded by employers- the rest is from taxes- it, like welfare is public assistance that people have come to believe they are entitled to.

DawnR said...

The government encourages you to NOT work. If they would overhaul the public assistance programs to do what they were supposed to do (help in a tight spot, or give a hand UP) then I think we'd be a lot better off. If you quit your job you can get all kinds of help, while those of us who work and make $100 over the allowed amount can't get anything when needed. It's not really anyone's business what the President of Verizon makes.... the unions can be a blessing and a curse. By that I mean they protect those that don't deserve it as well as the ones that do. No accountability, just entitlement. I find odd jobs to supplement our income (I'm a stay at home mom of 3). I hustle and take whatever little job I can do at home. I don't always like them, but I do them. Very frustrating.

eduardo nunez said...

Unemployment is a form of insurance that your employer and you pay while you are working in the event you are laid off.

1) you cannot get unemployment if you a fired from your job.

2) you cannot get unemployment unless you were working.

Unemployment insurance is a benefit people and employers pay into to make sure people can pay their bills during temporary periods without work.

It is not welfare, to believe it is means you are uninformed, and to report that it is means that you are misleading.

Anonymous said...

Let a City employee protest and watch what happens, let them join a union and watch what the city does. Double standards.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 4:25, it is if your on it for more than 6 weeks.


Anonymous said...

Did the Mayor bus these people in from a carnival or something they look circus people.

Anonymous said...

I know a lady unemployed. The only jobs that were avalable were part time..I ask her why not take two part time jobs that would be a full paycheck..she said no she still had so many weeks of unemployment left and then she would look for something.
Ill bet if she got hungry she would work anything that was available. My mom did.

Anonymous said...

Good response Joe ,but better yet, :425 get the hell out of the country!!!

Anonymous said...

Ireton need's to keep his nose out of the verizon thing and work on making the city of salisbury a better place. I know people who work in the government building and it's an absolute joke the people they have in upper level positions. The positive side is there will be job openings for the city because people have had enough and are moving on with there lives.

Anonymous said...

joe and anon 441,

you guys can't debate with 425 reasonably? did he make any false statements?

Anonymous said...

is liarton the pot or the kettle?

Anonymous said...

6:07 - it's more like is liarton on pot.

Anonymous said...


Can you help save Salisbury from Ireton -- by posting a recall petition form on this blog and having a sign up location at you office on the Downrown Plaza?


Anonymous said...

You can get fired and collect unemployment.

Anonymous said...

I'm with 5:02. Why did you castigate 4:25 for his remarks? They were factual. Why do you (4:41) suggest that he get out of the country? I really am confused about your reaction to 4:25.

Anonymous said...

1) Temporary...12 weeks
2) Mandatory drug fail, sorry, don't want to hear any whining too bad.
3) You have no kids, one, two, three or 12...don't care. One sum. You are an idiot if you don't realize that you can't afford more.
4) You have to arrive at an office at 0800 to sign your name. Too many WELFARE slugs up at 0300 causing trouble.

America is great because it gives everyone the same OPPORTUNITY, NOT HANDOUTS!

Anonymous said...

I was at the "protest" downtown today. Not one of these liberal idiots could form a logical thought. Thank God for Palmer Gillis who kept his cool and nicely tried to educate these people.

Anonymous said...

4:25 has no clue. People do not pay into unemployment the employer does NOT the employee. No money is taken out of an employees check to pay for unemployment. There are certain circumstances where you CAN collect unemployment even if you are fired or quit a job.

Anonymous said...

No government creates wealth. Government just consumes it.

Spencer said...

Well Joe I guess a lot of these people have never seen what kind of commitment it takes to have,open & operate a business. They are clueless about the time,effort & energy it takes to deal with all the real cost of ownership of a successful busines.

Joe how many hours did you put in your business to make them successful ......did you ever sit down and figure it out? I bet if these people who have time to protest spent half as much time looking for a job, or retraining for a new job, as they did whining and complaining they would be employed.....

Anonymous said...

2:10, you must not be looking. My daughter applied for three jobs recently. She got three call backs and turned two jobs down. She is working over 40 hours a week. She's 17. No, she isn't making 50,000 but she is earning an honest paycheck. The jobs are there. What's lacking is the humility to take a job that doesn't pay what we think we are worth.

Anonymous said...

The protestors and the unions are a bunch of idiots! Verizon pays these people very well. They are lucky to have jobs at all, especially as hard as some union people work (just the minimum and only within a very narrow union job description). Govt unions are a waste too. They allow for poor workers to continue. Do you know how many teachers have tenure who have been coasting for decades? The same ones who belly ache when there is a "performance" requirement push as part of their jobs to keep it. They don't want accountability...just do the minimum! City workers, County workers...same thing...wasteful and lazy! Look at the Dressers, Con Deisel's, etc. Where are they now? GONE! Allens? Hudsons? and several other large plants with unions??? GONE! They were driven right out of business by the same lazy union mentality! Are those jobs coming back??? NOPE! I.E. unemployment, no hope in sight, and a draw on the economy! Terrible cycle. Way to go Palmer!!! Send those clowns packing before some other company leaves the shore and there are less jobs!

Anonymous said...

Ireton thinks is knows best, but know's nothing, he is the laughing stock of Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

He didn't come as Mayor but as Ireton the newly annointed, I mean appointed spokesman for Unions!