DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, March 26, 2010
Lights Out For BP Solar In Frederick
The job cuts are part of a restructuring plan to decrease the cost of its solar energy products by moving in-house manufacturing to its low-cost joint ventures and regional supply partners as the cost of solar power continues to fall, BP Solar said. About 110 jobs in sales, marketing, research and project development will remain in Frederick.
“This was a difficult decision and we deeply regret the impact it will have on our employees and the community. We have a long history in Frederick and I am thankful for the support of all our colleagues, the community and local, state and federal officials,” Reyad Fezzani, CEO of BP Solar, said in a statement.
The company’s announcement, which came Friday, was “a big hit” to Frederick’s economy, said state Sen. David Brinkley, R-Frederick.
“They’re obviously going to be making the solar cells somewhere, but they’re choosing physically to relocate and not be here, and that’s indicative of, I guess, the environment — the business environment and the economy,” Brinkley said.
BP Solar began cutting back its 600-person work force in Frederick last year when it decided to shift its focus from manufacturing solar panels to designing and installing utility-scale solar facilities, outsourcing the production jobs to Europe.
The company also halted plans to build a $100 million addition to the plant in February 2009 because of global competition. It had spent $30 million on the partially built facility, which it said it would dismantle in December after it failed to find a buyer or tenant.
“I understand that future BP products will be manufactured exclusively overseas through existing joint ventures at plants in India and China and from new suppliers in Mexico and Poland. Just a few short years ago, we were looking forward to an expansion that would have doubled the size and number of jobs in Frederick,” U.S. Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., said in a statement.
“It’s devastating to get this news after watching the partially constructed new facility dismantled,” he said.
Closures to BP Solar’s manufacturing locations worldwide began in the first quarter of 2009, helping the company to reduce its unit costs by more than 45 percent.
Fezzani said that solar panel prices have dropped between 40 percent and 50 percent since the financial crisis began. That made the cost of solar power competitive with other electricity sources.
In a statement, Gov. Martin O’Malley said BP Solar had informed his staff of its restructuring plans Thursday, and that he had directed teams from the Department of Business and Economic Development and the Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation to reach out to the many employees affected by the layoffs.
“These state agencies will work closely with local officials and representatives from BP Solar to make sure impacted workers have access to all available resources, unemployment insurance, and job training,” he said.
BP Solar said all eligible employees will receive full pay and benefits for three months, followed by severance packages and help locating new jobs.
Solar-cell manufacturing in Frederick dates to the mid-1970s, when Hungarian expatriates Joseph Lindmayer and Peter Varadi established Solarex. The company, housed in the plant topped by a huge, slanted, solar-panel array, became the nation’s largest U.S.-owned solar cell producer by 1994, when then-owner Amoco Corp. sold a 50 percent share to Enron Corp.
BP acquired Amoco in 1998 and bought Enron’s share a year later.
The Daily Record
Scheduled Posts For Saturday
Start your Saturday morning off with Salisbury News Folks.
Health Care

Dear Mr. President:
During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ringtone.
While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer.
And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture", a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based in the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me".
Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.
MDOP At Wetipquin Boat Ramp
DATE: March 19, 2010
LOCATION: Wetipquin Boat Ramp, Wetipquin, Maryland.
NARRATIVE: On March 19, 2010, Deputies responded to the Wetipquin Boat Ramp, Wetipquin, Maryland for a report of a Malicious Destruction of Property that involved racial slurs and other graffiti spray painted onto signs and other Wicomico County Property. The Wicomico Bureau of Investigation (WBI) assumed the investigative responsibility due to the Racial, Religious and/or Ethnic nature of the crime.
Investigators from WBI were able to identify three female, juvenile suspects in this case, with the help of a Crime Solvers tip. All three juveniles were charged and released to the custody of their parents.
If anyone has additional information in reference to this investigation, please contact Wicomico Bureau of Investigation @ 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers @ 410-548-1776
Female juvenile , 14 year old, Wetipquin, Maryland.
Female juvenile , 16 year old, Wetipquin, Maryland.
Female juvenile , 17 year old, Wetipquin, Maryland.
DISPOSITION: Charged per Department of Juvenile Services and released to the custody of parents
Federal Flood Insurance Program Closed For Weeks
As insurance and real estate agents and homeowners feared, Congress left Washington without extending the federal flood insurance program.
Congress adjourned until April 12 after failing to agree on an unemployment benefits bill that included a provision with an extension of the National Flood Insurance Program.
As a result, the federal flood insurance program's authority to write new policies ends on Sunday, March 28 at midnight.
After that time, insurance agents will not be able to provide new or renewal flood insurance policies, which are required by lenders to close on some real estate sales.
Senator Tom Coburn, R- Okla., blocked the Senate from voting on the bill to extend the jobless benefits arguing that to do so would add to the deficit. Democrats argued that the measure qualified as emergency spending.
A similar impasse occurred at the end of February and the NFIP was closed for several days until Congress renewed it on March 2. But this time the hiatus will be longer.
Congress could reinstate the NFIP and other affected programs retroactively when it returns on April 12.
The NFIP expiration last month caused headaches for insurance agents and their customers as well as delays for some consumers waiting to close on the sale of a property within a flood hazard area.
While no new policies can be issued during a lapse in NFIP authorization, consumers with current flood insurance policies remain covered. Claims payments are not affected.
The NFIP has issued guidance for operating during an interruption.
FEMA is expected to issue updated guidance soon.
Find this article at:
“We can’t delay on taking measures to insure the safety of our Civic Center patrons,” said Pollitt. “Stopping traffic on Glen Avenue is the quickest, cheapest way to make sure that our patrons can cross over to the Civic Center in safety. When we own that parking lot, we shall make improvements and pedestrian safety will be chief among them. We need, however, to do something now.”
The old mall parking lot is not owned by Wicomico County but Civic Center patrons have been using it for overflow parking. Among the upcoming major events scheduled for the arena are Bill Cosby, the annual poodle show, high school and Salisbury University graduations and the Fernando Guerrero boxing match.
ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 26, 2010) – Governor Martin O’Malley released the following statement on the manufacturing restructuring plan announced by BP Solar today:
“Yesterday I, along with members of my staff and the Department of Business and Economic Development, was briefed on BP Solar’s restructuring plan. The closure of BP’s manufacturing arm in Frederick, MD will impact hundreds of workers and their families, and I have directed rapid response teams at DBED and DLLR to immediately begin reaching out to impacted workers and their families. These state agencies will work closely with local officials and representatives from BP Solar to make sure impacted workers have access to all available resources, unemployment insurance, and job training.”
“While Maryland’s unemployment rate remains below the national average, today’s announcement is a reminder for all of us that families in our state are not immune from the global economic downturn. At the state level, we are doing all that we can to create the conditions for further economic growth for our State, including emergency legislation that I signed yesterday to create jobs and strengthen Maryland’s unemployment trust fund.”
Background on Available Services:
The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, in partnership with the Department of Business and Economic Development, local Workforce Investment Boards from across the State, and local/county unemployment insurance offices, stand ready to assist the individuals impacted by the layoffs announced today by BP Solar.
With the cooperation of BP Solar officials, the response team will be offering rapid response activities at the Holiday Inn in Frederick, 5400 Holiday Drive, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the following dates:
March 30, 2010;
April 1, 2010;
April 6, 2010;
April 8, 2010;
April 13, 2010; and
April 15, 2010.
The response team will assist impacted workers by helping them apply for unemployment insurance, helping them with COBRA applications, assisting them with job placement and job searches, resume and cover letter writing, and by identifying local social service programs that may benefit these employees in their time of need.
Individuals from this layoff may be potentially eligible for Trade Act Assistance. If approved by the U.S. Department of Labor, these individuals could also receive additional UI benefits, training benefits, as well as other benefits as described in the Trade Act.
Editors Note: Governor O'Malley follows Salisbury News.
State Police Investigating A Homicide
Date of Occurrence: Friday, March 26, 2010, at approximately 10:30 a.m.
Resume: State Police Detectives are currently investigating a homicide.
On today’s date, State Police Detectives were following up on a missing person report in the Collins and Russell Development west of Milton. While they were searching the property surrounding the residence, some decomposed human remains were found.
The remains were turned over to the State Medical Examiner’s Office so the exact cause and manner of death can be determined.
Foul play is suspected and a suspect is currently in custody.
This investigation is ongoing and details will be released when they are confirmed.
Fidel Castro Applauds US Healthcare Reform
Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has publicly praised the United States Congress' passage of healthcare reform in an column published in the state-controlled multimedia outlet "Granma." Castro characterized the development as "an important battle, and a success of [President Obama's] government."
The "Reflections of Fidel" column proceeds in Castro's trademark elliptical style to list criticisms of Obama and the United States, later saying that he "harbor[s] no antagonism toward Obama." The essay begins by describing the American President as "a fanatical believer in the imperialist capitalist system."
GO HERE to read more.
Fatal Collision West Of Laurel
Location: Intersection of Sharptown Road and Mt Pleasant Road, Laurel, Delaware, Sussex County
Date of Occurrence: Friday, March 26, 2010, at approximately 2:21 p.m.
Resume: State Police and Emergency Medical Personnel are currently on the scene of a fatal collision at the intersection of Sharptown Road and Mt Pleasant Road west of Laurel.
This roadway will be closed while the collision is being investigated and motorists are urged to find alternate routes.
A complete release will be sent when details are confirmed.
Is the Tea Party Beginning to Fracture?
We are just a few weeks away from this year’s April 15th round of Tea Party rallies. Even though ObamaCare passed, it is evident that the left fears the Tea Party movement. They can’t defeat our ideas, so they are trying to get us to defeat ourselves.
Recent media reports are prodding Tea Party activists to quarrel among themselves just as the Obama administration begins to tackle its next great obstacle to making the United States a genuine People’s Republic. That issue? IMMIGRATION!
As an early supporter and ally of the Tea Party movement, former House Majority Leader Dick Armey and his FreedomWorks group have been supportive of this loose, right of center coalition of libertarians, movement conservatives, and Republicans. However, some members of the Tea Party movement, including Armey, support immigration reforms which others of us would characterize as amnesty for illegal aliens. Therefore, the left (through their allies in the mainstream media) are encouraging us to attack Armey rather than the leftist policies of the Obama administration.
Will it work? If so, the Tea Party movement is heading down the path of defeat and Barack Obama has won.
Landlords Investigated
GO HERE to read more.
Gas Prices
3 bucks a gallon, everybody blamed it on him and big oil.
Why is it now that gas is kissing 3 bucks a gallon under Obama
And nothing is being said by anyone or reported by the main stream media?
Illegals Venting

Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/photos/2010/mar/22/73110/
One Year Ago Today
Two Years Ago Today
Three Years Ago Today
Salisbury Volunteer Firefighter Arrested For Posession Of Marijuana (Back By Popular Demand)

When a Fruitland Police Officer approached Kara Wooten's vehicle they picked up on the odor of marijuana. Wooten admitted she was in fact in possession of a dime bag and was subsequently arrested for possession.
Wooten is a Volunteer Firefighter from Station 2 in Salisbury.
'Distinguished Scholar' Academic Aid Program Survives
With little debate, the budget committees in both House and Senate rejected the governor's cut, which would have saved $4.4 million over the next four years.
GO HERE to read more from the MarylandReporter.com.
Hard Core Reality: Debt Will Rise To 90% Of GDP
In its 2011 budget, which the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released Feb. 1, the administration projected a 10-year deficit total of $8.53 trillion. After looking it over, CBO said in its final analysis, released Thursday, that the president's budget would generate a combined $9.75 trillion in deficits over the next decade.
"An additional $1.2 trillion in debt dumped on [GDP] to our children makes a huge difference," said Brian Riedl, a budget analyst at the conservative Heritage Foundation. "That represents an additional debt of $10,000 per household above and beyond the federal debt they are already carrying."
The federal public debt, which was $6.3 trillion ($56,000 per household) when Mr. Obama entered office amid an economic crisis, totals $8.2 trillion ($72,000 per household) today, and it's headed toward $20.3 trillion (more than $170,000 per household) in 2020, according to CBO's deficit estimates.
That figure would equal 90 percent of the estimated gross domestic product in 2020, up from 40 percent at the end of fiscal 2008. By comparison, America's debt-to-GDP ratio peaked at 109 percent at the end of World War II, while the ratio for economically troubled Greece hit 115 percent last year.
"That level of debt is extremely problematic, particularly given the upward debt path beyond the 10-year budget window," said Maya MacGuineas, president of the bipartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
More from the Washington Times
[Editor's note: Think of it this way-- what if your credit card bills are 90% of your income? ]
The Great Grocery Smackdown
Buy my food at Walmart? No thanks. Until recently, I had been to exactly one Walmart in my life, at the insistence of a friend I was visiting in Natchez, Mississippi, about 10 years ago. It was one of the sights, she said. Up and down the aisles we went, properly impressed by the endless rows and endless abundance. Not the produce section. I saw rows of prepackaged, plastic-trapped fruits and vegetables. I would never think of shopping there.
Not even if I could get environmentally correct food. Walmart’s move into organics was then getting under way, but it just seemed cynical — a way to grab market share while driving small stores and farmers out of business. Then, last year, the market for organic milk started to go down along with the economy, and dairy farmers in Vermont and other states, who had made big investments in organic certification, began losing contracts and selling their farms. A guaranteed large buyer of organic milk began to look more attractive. And friends started telling me I needed to look seriously at Walmart’s efforts to sell sustainably raised food.
Really? Wasn’t this greenwashing? I called Charles Fishman, the author of The Wal-Mart Effect, which entertainingly documents the market-changing (and company-destroying) effects of Walmart's decisions. He reiterated that whatever Walmart decides to do has large repercussions — and told me that what it had decided to do since my Natchez foray was to compete with high-end supermarkets. “You won’t recognize the grocery section of a supercenter,” he said. He ordered me to get in my car and find one.
GO HERE to read more.
April 15 Is Not Barry’s Day
The Washington Post reports the IRS issued a lien to try to collect the money.
“We have made a demand for payment of this liability, but it remains unpaid,” the lien states. “Therefore, there is a lien in favor of the United States on all property and rights to property belonging to this taxpayer for the amount of these taxes.”
GO HERE to read more.
Folks, Where Do You Think The Daily Times Came Up With This One?
It is now up to the Maryland Senate to approve these measures. They need to be enacted as a passage -- although certainly not without discussion, debate and full understanding on the part of lawmakers --because provisions in some bills may be significantly weakened if certain companion bills are also enacted.
One of the bills, House Bill 1046, sponsored by Delegate Norm Conway, D-38B, Wicomico, would require a judge, not a District Court commissioner, be responsible for authorizing or denying pretrial release of a registered sex offender. But without companion legislation to make pertinent information about the defendant available, some offenders who pose a threat to the community could be erroneously released pending trial. Therefore, under this bill, someone accused --but not convicted -- of sexually assaulting a minor child could be held until trial if deemed by a judge to pose a threat to the community.
Eight bills have moved from House to Senate; they include provisions to disallow time off for "good behavior" on the part of inmates convicted of specific sexual crimes against children. Thus, someone convicted of molesting children under a certain age would no longer be able to earn an early release. Other provisions provide a longer period of monitoring for certain offenders, as well as adding restrictions on where they may work, live or loiter.
Provisions of the various bills include more clearly defining criminal acts that indicate a true threat, as opposed to offenses that, while clearly in violation of the law, do not necessarily pose a threat to innocent children (such as consensual acts between teenagers of certain ages).
We hope the Senate will continue the good work started by the House of Delegates, with a goal of better protecting our children.
The Daily Times
Health Care Fix Bill Taxes ‘Unearned’ Income, Capital Gains Rate Soars
The Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010 — the package of fixes House members require to make the Senate health care bill acceptable—includes a chapter titled “Medicare Tax.” That chapter provides for the government to level a 3.8 percent surtax on any “unearned” income for individuals making over $200,000 and couples making over $250,000.
Section 1411 of the bill, “Imposition of Tax,” also provides that the surtax would be applicable to any estates or trusts held by taxpayers falling into those brackets.
Unearned income is comprised of funds gained outside of a paycheck from an employer—largely from capital gains, dividends, annuities, and rental income.
Ryan Ellis, tax policy director at Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), said that while the designation of “unearned income” is nothing new in tax code, it is relatively novel to tax all of the money under that umbrella. “I can’t really think of an instance it has been taxed all at once,” he said.
Pelosi said last week that the new tax was a “victory” for her caucus, who disliked the Senate’s proposition for raising money – a steep excise tax on so-called “Cadillac” (high cost) insurance plans.
House Democrats, many of whom lean more liberal than their Senate counterparts, disliked the Cadillac tax, because it would affect a significant number of union members, whose leaders had bargained for top-notch health insurance plans instead of additional income.
In that way, Pelosi claimed, the tax would hurt the middle class and had to be partially replaced.
“One of the victories that we have in the House is that our members did not like the excise tax on insurance plans. We thought it hurt the middle class. There was a debate about that,” Pelosi explained at a press conference last Thursday. “So the higher end of that is left in the plan. I call it the platinum Rolls Royce piece of it. The rest will be covered by a Medicare fee on unearned income
GO HERE to read more.
Dingell: Obamacare Will 'Control' American People
Asked by Detroit radio host Paul Smith why if the bill’s insurance coverage is so important that the coverage isn’t implemented until 2014, Dingell said, “We’re not ready to be doing it. This has been going on for years.”
The process isn’t a speedy one, he says.
“The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re passing legislation that will cover 300 million American people in different ways, it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.”
He has harsh words for Republicans who opposed the bill.
“Our Republicans have spent a long time not participating, not helping, carping and delaying. But at the same time they have contributed nothing to this and have made no offer whatsoever as to what it is they want and stand for.”
An outright (and oft-repeated) lie-- the Republicans in the House have offered no less than SEVENTY bills-- most never saw the light of day-- Editor]
Russ Carnahan Claims Prayer Service With Coffin Was A Violent Threat
There is nothing the democratic-media complex will not do to lie about the tea party patriots or to prop up these leftists who are transforming our country into some kind of quasi-socialist state.
On Sunday night several members of the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition held a prayer vigil at Russ Carnahan’s office for the millions of babies that will be slaughtered under the democrat’s pro-abortion health care bill. We also prayed for the handicapped and the elderly who will be turned away as they face the death panels created by this bill. And, as we stood outside his office in the rain, we prayed for our country and for the democrats in Washington DC who were stealing away our freedom at that very moment.
We brought a coffin with us to represent the millions of Americans who will suffer from inadequate treatment and perish under Obamacare.Local reporters from KSDK News Channel 5 showed up to interview myself and others after our prayer service.
KSDK put together this report on our peaceful protest:
In St. Louis, people on both sides of the issue gathered to watch the vote. Those in favor of healthcare reform came to celebrate, those opposed came to mourn.
For the Tea Party protesters, it was a somber night. Jim Hoft says, “We’re sad about what’s going on tonight in Washington D.C.”
And so complete with candles and casket, they held a funeral, grieving over the heathcare changes to come.
Hoft says, “We believe they’re taking away our freedom and this represents death to part of what we’ve grown up with.”
And the tears here were very real. Cynthia Rice says, “It’ll change everything for us.”After our prayer service we took our coffin and went and prayed on the sidewalk outside of Russ Carnahan’s home.
We prayed for Russ Carnahan. We prayed that God would forgive him for taking away our freedom. We prayed for the babies who will never feel the warmth of the sun or a gentle spring rain. We prayed for the elderly who will die waiting for care because they couldn’t make it past the Obama death panels.
So obviously it came as quite a shock to see that the Carnahan people and the Democratic-media complex had twisted this innocent prayer vigil into some kind of threat against Russ Carnahan.
Of course, this is a complete lie.
Russ Carnahan is so frightened to meet with his constituents after his very unpopular vote that he is now lying about a prayer service. This is despicable. Russ Carnahan never said anything when his SEIU supporters beat, kicked and stomped on Kenneth Gladney in a parking lot outside one of his events. These were the same supporters he was sneaking into one of his staged town halls. Instead of apologizing for his supporter’s violence, he is making up stories about peaceful tea party protesters at a prayer service.
UPDATE: The Carnahans told reporters that the coffin was left on their lawn. This is an absolute lie. We had a prayer service and then left. The state-run media didn’t bother to follow up on this outrageous lie before they published their hit piece. The coffin is currently in a member’s garage…. Oh, and the protest was on SUNDAY not Wednesday.
GOP Can Strangle 'Obamacare'-- Refuse To Fund Programs
In a Fox News interview on Sean Hannity's show, Gingrich discussed the thousands of pages of new law signed by Obama this week and what it means for America.
"My prediction is you're going to get a Republican Congress in 2010, in the election," the former House speaker said. "They're going to come in and they're going to refuse to fund any of these new offices.
"Then in 2012, you get a new president. And I think probably in February of 2013, they repeal the entire bill. Replace the good parts. Because there are some things – out of 2600 pages, there are probably 200 pages that are pretty good," he said.
Polls show a high level of opposition to Obama's plan among American people. One recent poll showed 49 percent believe it to be unconstitutional to require under penalty of law that consumers buy health insurance policies approved by the government.
Gingrich said the Obama campaign, however, is bigger than just health care, citing efforts by the Environmental Protection Agency to take over the economy through regulation of emissions.
"I think the average American has two feelings. One, that on the thing that matters most right now which is the economy, this administration is just gone. Everything they're doing makes it worse, not better," Gingrich said.
"Two, that this administration wants to use power in the rawest possible way, almost like a Chicago machine to fundamentally change America. Even if the American people are opposed."
More here
Interesting Comments
2* Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
3* I totally take back all those times I didn't want to take a nap when I was younger.
4* The letters T and G are very close to each other on a keyboard. This recently became all too apparent to me and consequently I will never be ending a work email with the phrase "Regards" again.
5* There is a great need for sarcasm font.
6* Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the f*** was going on when I first saw it.
7* How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
8* I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in.
9* I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
10* The only time I look forward to a red light is when I'm trying to finish a text.
11* Was learning cursive really necessary?
12* I have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger.
13* How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear what they said?
14* I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars teams up to prevent a dick from cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brothers!
15* Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. Pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
16* Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.
17* Shirts get dirty. Underwear gets dirty. Pants? Pants never get dirty,
and you can wear them forever.
18* I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.
19* Bad decisions and bad experiences make good stories
20* Is it just me or do high school girls get sluttier & sluttier every year?
21* You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you've made up your mind that you just aren't doing anything productive for the rest of the day.
22* There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far.
23* I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.
24* I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.
25* As a driver I hate pedestrians, and as a pedestrian I hate drivers,but no matter what the mode of transportation, I always hate cyclists.
26* Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is.
27* It should probably be called Unplanned Parenthood.
28* I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know notto answer when they call.
29* Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding their cell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey -but I'd bet my ass everyone can find and push the Snooze button from 3feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time every time...
Department Of Education Buys Shotguns
That’s not a typo, the Department of Education is buying riot shotguns.
The full purchase order is available online, here.
The U.S. Department of Education (ED) intends to purchase twenty-seven (27) REMINGTON BRAND MODEL 870 POLICE 12/14P MOD GRWC XS4 KXCS SF. RAMAC #24587 GAUGE: 12 BARREL: 14? – PARKERIZED CHOKE: MODIFIED SIGHTS: GHOST RING REAR WILSON COMBAT; FRONT – XS CONTOUR BEAD SIGHT STOCK: KNOXX REDUCE RECOIL ADJUSTABLE STOCK FORE-END: SPEEDFEED SPORT-SOLID – 14? LOP are designated as the only shotguns authorized for ED based on compatibility with ED existing shotgun inventory, certified armor and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts.
Sit back, relax and just give it a listen
Irish Blessing
“There is no government program that is as important or as empowering as a job,” said Governor O’Malley. “Progress requires that we focus the energies of this legislative session on creating jobs, saving jobs, and protecting jobs. To rebuild and restore our economy, we must help our businesses create and save jobs, and improve the conditions under which business can create or save jobs.”
Receiving the Governor’s signature today are three bills designed to create jobs and grow Maryland’s economy:
The Jobs Creation Recovery Tax Credit, which offers any Maryland business a $5,000 tax credit for every unemployed Marylander that it hires.
Unemployment Insurance – Tax Deferment, Trust Fund Solvency, and Cost-Neutral Modernization Act, which will assist employers in paying their taxes and return the trust fund to solvency more quickly by securing $126.8 million in federal funds without imposing any costs on employers.
Manufacturers, Distributors, and Factory Branches - Benefits to Employees of Dealers, which allows vehicle manufacturers to pay bonuses directly to dealership employees.
“Governor O’Malley and I share a belief that we must do more than simply survive this economic downturn, we must put ourselves in a position to thrive for years to come. We are committed to building an environment in our state that is conducive to creating jobs in every community,” Lt. Governor Brown said. “These bills will create jobs, put our neighbors to work and support the small businesses that are the backbone of our economy. I applaud the General Assembly for working with us to pass important legislation and thank Governor O’Malley for his forward-thinking leadership that has protected our priorities and preserved the progress we’ve made even during difficult economic times.”
“From the beginning of the session, the Senate’s top priorities have been to manage the state’s finances responsibly and to create and protect jobs. Yesterday we passed a balanced budget that protects critical state investments, and today we sign bills that will put Marylanders back to work,” said Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. “We got these bills to the Governor’s desk quickly because we are committed to working with the business community to create jobs and expedite our State’s economic recovery.”
“This legislative session has been focused on creating jobs and stimulating the economy,” said Speaker Michael E. Busch. “The job tax credit will provide businesses with a competitive advantage and confidence to reinvest in the economy, while providing job opportunities for out-of-work Marylanders. I commend Governor O’Malley, the Maryland House and Senate for passing these important jobs bills with bipartisan support.”
The Jobs Creation and Recovery Tax Credit offers any Maryland business a $5,000 tax credit for every unemployed Marylander that it hires. Capped at $20 million, this initiative could create 4,000 jobs throughout Maryland. The Jobs Creation and Recovery Tax Credit is part of a larger jobs agenda, which also includes an expansion of small business loan guarantees, the creation of a Sustainable Communities Tax Credit Program, and reforming the unemployment insurance trust fund.
The Governor also signed into law reform for the State’s unemployment insurance trust fund. The national recession has resulted in an unprecedented demand on the unemployment insurance trust fund. It has triggered a statutory increase in employers’ rates while businesses are still struggling with the economic downturn. The O’Malley-Brown Administration worked closely with small business leaders to craft a reform plan that will help both employers and workers alike as the State works to climb out of the recession. It will assist employers in paying their taxes and return the trust fund to solvency more quickly by securing $126.8 million without imposing any costs on employers.
Through the influx of federal funds, which will neither come from employers’ pockets nor cost them anything in the short or long term, unemployment insurance rates will return to lower levels sooner, and workers will benefit as employers feel less pressure to lay off more employees. Finally, by putting in place certain modernization measures required to access the $126.8 million, the bill will also make more workers eligible for benefits, the cost of which will be offset by other modifications to the system.
Finally, the Governor signed into law legislation that repeals a provision enacted during the 2009 Session that prohibits a vehicle manufacturer from providing bonuses directly to a car dealer’s employee. Under Senate Bill 18, a manufacturer may give the payment to the dealer for distribution to the employee, or to the employee directly, if information about the payment is made available to the dealer.
Business Owners And Insiders: Tell Us How The Unemployment Insurance System Really Works
While some are proclaiming the Great Recession over, nearly half a million Americans filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week, and the unemployment safety net is still at the breaking point.
ProPublica is teaming up with public radio's Marketplace and Public Insight Journalism to tell the real story of tough times for workers and businesses.
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The Stimulus ‘Loser’ List Loses Some Members
The list is here.
More than 60 stimulus recipients can take heart that they’re not “losers” after all.
The panel charged with watchdogging the federal stimulus program confirms that dozens of recipients wrongly appeared on a list of “two-time losers” for failing to file reports on their funds.
The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board’s list, posted on Recovery.gov earlier this month, included 389 awards to contractors and grantees ranging from rural health clinics to county governments. The list was based on information that was provided by the White House Office of Management and Budget and certified as accurate by federal agencies that awarded the funds.
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Highlighted Events This Weekend In Wicomico Schools
Wicomico County Reading Rally
Salisbury Middle
The 9th annual Wicomico County Reading Rally will be held at Salisbury Middle School from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 27. Middle school teams have read and discussed Reading Rally books, and now it’s time for the teams to compete for literary bragging rights based on the seven novels they have read this year. For more information contact Ellen Burton at eburton@wcboe.org or 410-677-5171.
Saturday, March 27, 7:30 p.m.
All Shore Band Concert
Easton High School
The 2010 All Shore Band Concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 27, at Easton High School. The concert features a Senior High and Junior High group with 49 Wicomico County students represented. The Junior Band is being conducted by Bennett Middle's very own Gary Hammer.
Wayne Gilchrest Opposes Compromise
According to an article in today's Baltimore Sun, Wayne Gilchrest was there to speak in opposition to the compromise that has been reached between developers and the main stream environmental groups such as the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.
With stormwater deal in jeopardy, House moves to impose compromise through legislation
By Tom LoBianco
As the deadline for tougher new environmental regulations nears, lawmakers are resorting to a last-ditch attempt to push through a compromise that would ease the rules for developers and relieve the concerns of many county officials.
The latest strategy takes the compromise stormwater regulations, currently locked in a joint General Assembly committee, and amends them to a House bill which had been introduced in case environmentalists, developers and county officials had been unable to reach a compromise.
Supporters have about two weeks to get the new stormwater measure to the governor’s desk.
Environmentalists, developers and lawmakers appeared to break an impasse earlier this year when they extended deadlines for complying with the new stormwater regulations and outlined alternatives for builders.
The compromise measure was submitted as an emergency regulation two weeks ago, but it has been tied up in the General Assembly’s Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review Committee for more than two weeks.
Senator Paul Pinsky, the Senate chairman of the joint committee, has said environmentalists got nothing out of the compromise measure, as first reported by Center Maryland. The Prince George’s County Democrat has indicated he might simply not bring the stormwater compromise before the committee for approval.
Maryland Department of the Environment Secretary Shari Wilson took to defending the compromise again Wednesday, saying that the amendment clears up an earlier problem about how developers could pay for alternatives to the strict new rules.
“The language was very brief and not well-defined,” Wilson said of the previous regulations, which would go into effect in May unless the compromise is approved.
The ultimate goal is to help the state reach a federally-mandated deadline of 2020 for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay. The stormwater regulations would significantly curtail the amount of nitrogen pouring into the Bay, according to state environmental officials.
“That said, it’s important to remember that the bulk of the reduction will come from retrofitting existing development,” Wilson said. “These regulations will decrease the additions of nitrogen and phosphorous from new development.”
Questioning from the lawmakers was fairly light during yesterday’s hearing, as the compromise has been agreed to by developers, builders, county officials and most legislative leaders. Many, but not all, environmental groups have also expressed support for the compromise..
Still some of the committee’s liberal members questioned portions of the compromise, including one that would open a window for localities to grant exceptions to the May 2013 deadline based on project financing structures.
“I am uncomfortable, I have a level of discomfort about this aspect,” said Delegate Anne Healy.
The Prince George’s County Democrat is the House chair of the AELR committee. The Senate and House chairmen typically alternate leadership of the AELR committee each year, with Pinsky being the lead chairman this year.
Interest in the stormwater regulations has grown over the course of the session as an early attempt at compromise failed and the threat of the stricter regulations taking effect loomed. Many county officials were particularly critical of the stricter regulations, warning that the rules could undermine their Smart Growth redevelopment efforts by making it prohibitively expensive to launch projects in older existing neighborhoods.
Staffers from Gov. Martin O’Malley’s office and the Maryland Department of the Environment lined the back of the committee room Wednesday afternoon.
The negotiations and subsequent compromise have also opened a rift in the environmental community. More moderate outfits including the Chesapeake Bay Foundation are supporting the compromise, and more liberal groups, including the Riverkeeper’s Alliance, are opposing the measure.
At the end of the bill hearing, former U.S. Sen. Joseph D. Tydings stood and said he would like to introduce environmentalists who had come to testify on the bill.
A handful of activists stood up, but Del. Maggie McIntosh, the committee chairman, said she would not be hearing testimony from either supporters or opponents on the matter. A handful of other environmental activists, including those involved in the negotiations of the compromise, did not stand.
“Last I checked, this is my committee room. Take a seat,” said McIntosh, who helped force all sides to the bargaining table to negotiate the compromise. At a so-called sponsor hearing, the chairman has greater discretion to limit discussion.