DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Maryland Municipal League Elected Salisbury Council Vice President Gary A. Comegys MML President For 2010-2011

Eleven regional vice presidents were also elected to the League's Board of Directors. Delmar Commissioner Carl L. Anderton, Jr. was re-elected as the regional vice president for the lower Eastern Shore. St. Michaels Commission President Michael W. Brady was elected as the regional vice president for the upper Eastern Shore. Baltimore Mayor Stephanie C. Rawlings-Blake was elected as the vice president for Baltimore City. La Plata Mayor Roy G. Hale was elected as regional vice president for Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles and St. Mary's Counties. Takoma Park Mayor Bruce R. Williams was elected as the regional vice president for Montgomery and Howard Counties. Emmitsburg Mayor James E. Hoover was re- elected as the regional vice president for Frederick County. Boonsboro Assistant Mayor Howard W. Long was re-elected as the Washington County regional vice president. Bowie Councilman Dennis Brady was elected as regional vice president for Prince George's County. Perryville Mayor James L. Eberhardt was re-elected as regional vice president for Cecil and Harford Counties, and Hampstead Councilman Christopher M. Nevin was re-elected as the Carroll County vice president.
'Progressives' Try To Mimic Tea Party
The new group called "One Nation" consists of 170 of the country's leading liberal leaders who say the coalition is to "counter the Tea Party narrative." Organizers have launched their movement under the moniker "all the change" they voted for, seeking to energize the base that elected Barack Obama in 2008.
The Washington Post reports that among the groups involved with One Nation are the National Council of La Raza, the NAACP, the AFL-CIO, and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) -- groups which together represent "the core of the first-time voters" who backed Obama, notes the Post.
Kristi Hamrick, president of Gary Bauer's Campaign for Working Families, points out that most attempts to mimic grassroots conservative movements often fail.
"That was amusing when extremists on the liberal left tried to duplicate things like The Rush Limbaugh Show...Focus on the Family, or even the Tea Party movement, because they fundamentally don't understand that the American people don't want what they have to sell," she contends.
Black Tea Party Candidates Erupt At NAACP
“I have not experienced the racism that the NAACP is touting,” Vernon Parker, an African-American tea party congressional candidate in Arizona, told Politico.
Parker, former mayor of Paradise Valley, told Politico that he has never felt out of place at a tea party rally because of the color of his skin.
“When I go to tea party events, people don’t look at me any differently,” he said. “They didn’t judge me on the color of my skin, quite frankly, they judged me on my principles."
Another African-American tea party candidate, Tim Scott, a GOP congressional nominee in South Carolina, echoed Parker’s sentiments in a statement to Politico.
“I believe that the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference,” Scott said.
“As I campaign in South Carolina, I participate in numerous events sponsored by the tea party, 9/12, Patriot, and other like-minded groups, and I have had the opportunity to get to know many of the men and women who make up these energetic grass-roots organizations,” Scott added.
“Americans need to know that the tea party is a color-blind movement that has principled differences with many of the leaders in Washington, both Democrats and Republicans.”
Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding Of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools
Boehner and other Republicans point to reports that the Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in the state.
"The fact that the high-risk pool insurance program in Pennsylvania will use federal taxpayer dollars to fund abortions is unconscionable," Boehner said in a statement on Tuesday.
“Just last month at the White House, I asked President Obama to provide the American people with a progress report on the implementation of his Executive Order, which purports to ban taxpayer-funding of abortions. Unfortunately, the President provided no information, and the American people are still waiting for answers."
President Obama pledged that under his health care plan “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”
GO HERE to read more.
Kratovil Reports $1.3 Million In Fundraising
Kratovil's campaign released his second quarter fundraising report on Wednesday, one day before a Federal Election Commission deadline.
Kratovil campaign spokeswoman Jessica Klonsky says the congressman is reporting that he has about $1.3 million in available campaign funds.
Harris reported Tuesday that he has about $896,700 in his campaign.
GO GERE to read more.
Live From Boston: Martin O’Malley’s Budget Bluster

ANNAPOLIS – The Bob Ehrlich for Maryland campaign today called on Governor Martin O’Malley to retract false statements he made this weekend in Boston at a National Governors Association meeting. During a panel discussion broadcast live on C-SPAN, Governor O’Malley denied ever “dipping into capital funds” or “borrowing from the future” in order to resolve his budget deficits as Governor. Video of Governor O’Malley’s comments is linked here.
Yet Governor O’Malley’s last three budgets indicate approximately $2 billion in fund transfers, according to analyses published by the nonpartisan Maryland Budget & Tax Policy Institute. Fund transfers include the Highway User Fund, PAYGO, and the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund, among others. Further, Governor O’Malley has indeed “borrowed from the future” by an additional $1 billion just since June 2009, according to Maryland’s Commission on State Debt.
“The chasm between Governor O’Malley’s rhetoric and reality is almost as big as Maryland’s fiscal crisis,” said Ehrlich Communications Director Henry Fawell. “The question is not whether Governor O’Malley raided special funds or borrowed from the future in hopes of papering over his budget deficit; the question is why he would repeatedly deny it when asked by a journalist. Governor O’Malley’s denials continue a troubling trend of making statements that simply aren’t true. As Governor, Bob Ehrlich will be honest with Marylanders about the state’s budget deficit, beginning with the need to lower taxes so that job creators can lift Maryland out of our four year economic downturn.”
Utter Hypocrisy
The Obama administration said this week that there is no reason to sue so-called sanctuary cities for refusing to cooperate with federal authorities, whereas Arizona's new immigration law was singled out because it "actively interferes" with enforcement.
"There is a big difference between a state or locality saying they are not going to use their resources to enforce a federal law, as so-called sanctuary cities have done, and a state passing its own immigration policy that actively interferes with federal law," Tracy Schmaler, a spokeswoman for Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., told The Washington Times. "That's what Arizona did in this case."
But the author of the 1996 federal law that requires states and localities to cooperate says the administration is misreading it, and says drawing a distinction between sanctuary cities and Arizona is "flimsy justification" for suing the state.
"For the Justice Department to suggest that they won't take action against those who passively violate the law --who fail to comply with the law -- is absurd," said Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and chief author of the 1996 immigration law. "Will they ignore individuals who fail to pay taxes? Will they ignore banking laws that require disclosure of transactions over $10,000? Of course not."
More from The Washington Times
Iowa Billboard Linking Obama, Hitler Removed

North Iowa Tea Party group drew criticism from other conservative activists
DES MOINES, Iowa — A billboard created by an Iowa tea party group comparing President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Lenin has been removed.
Kent Beatty, the general manager of the company that owns the billboard, says a North Iowa Tea Party representative called Tuesday night and asked that the sign in downtown Mason City be removed.
Beatty says his company replaced the sign Wednesday morning with a public service announcement.
GO HERE to read more.
State Police On Scene Of A Serious Motor Vehicle Crash
Gravel Hill Road and Morris Mill Road
Wednesday July 14, 2010, 12:30 p.m.
Delaware State Police are currently on scene at the intersection of Gravel Hill Road and Morris Mill Road south of Georgetown. The accident is reported to involve a dump truck and Jeep vehicles. Preliminary indications are that at least one person has been flown by State Police Helicopter however their destination is not currently known.

Original Occurrence:
Sunday July 11, 2010, 3:40 a.m.
20000 block of Dove Road Seaford, De
Brandon I. Smith-19, 32000 block Shops at Longneck Blvd., Millsboro, De
David D. Foreman-26, 18000 block Johnson Road Lincoln, De
Deronta V. Moore-19, 23000 East Middle Cord Circle, Seaford, De
Charge(s) and Bond Information:
Smith: $61,000 cash bail, Sussex Correctional Institute
Robbery First Degree
Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
Conspiracy First Degree
Malicious Interference Emergency Communications (911 call)
Foreman: $111,000 cash bail, Sussex Correctional Institute
Robbery First Degree
Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony
Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
Conspiracy First Degree
Malicious Interference Emergency Communications (911 call)
Moore: $186,000 cash bail, Sussex Correctional Institute
2 counts Rape First Degree
Robbery First Degree
Possession of a Firearm during the Commission of a Felony
Wearing a Disguise during the Commission of a Felony
Conspiracy First Degree
Malicious Interference Emergency Communications (911 call)
Delaware State Police on Tuesday July 13, 2010 obtained a break in the Seaford Home Invasion case. State Police received investigative information about a cellular phone stolen in this robbery investigation. Apparently the suspects had been using the victim’s stolen cellular phone. State Police also received information from a confidential source which assisted with the investigation. Delaware State Police conducted a search warrant on July 14, 2010 on the 23000 block of East Middle Cord Circle and located all three defendants. A search of the residence resulted in the seizure of a silver handgun alleged to have been used in the robbery. State Police also recovered jewelry belonging to the victims in this complaint.
The suspects were taken into custody and charged with the above listed offenses and remanded to the Sussex Correctional Institute.
See our original Post HERE.
Office Of The State’s Attorney For Worcester County
The following individuals have been served with indictments:
Tamar G. Cutler Brian L. Harmon
Richard L. Huffman Tyronn R. Lawson
Charles Lockwood Quincy J. Purnell
Terrance L. Purnell Sr. Christopher D. Chambers
Anthony L. Sterling Terry E. Waters
Carl E. Williams Rentay D. M. Purnell
Additional arrests are anticipated, as this is a continuing effort to quell the street level drug dealing occurring within Worcester County.

Despite the initial projection by the Oasis owner, Neil Hitchcock, that the facility would use about 4,400 gallons of water each day. But when it came time to pay the City’s sewer and water impact (“capacity”) fee he convinced the City officials that the facility would average only 875 gallons per day (gpd) because of different equipment. Apparently nobody in the Government Office Building realized that this difference was too good to be true – after all, this is a car wash, not an Orange Julius stand – so the fee was calculated and paid based on the lower volume.
Eventually, about two years later, it dawned on the City that the actual water usage was much greater than 875 gpd – sometimes about 20 times greater – and had averaged almost 7,000 gpd over a two year period. Why it took so long to realize that the City had been badly duped has not been explained. Because the City makes water meter readings quarterly, it is inexcusable. Although Barrie was in charge of the City administration for part of that period, Ireton is also chargeable with negligence on his watch.
But the real fault is that of the City’s highly paid “professional” administrators – John Pick, Pamela Oland and (PhD to be) Lore Chambers. How hard is it to compare the meter-reading of the water volume actually used to the projected 875 gpd? Many high school students could in 5-10 minutes prepare an “excel” spreadsheet to do that. An advanced degree is not required.
The City Council and the public were not informed of the situation in the normal course – even after the City in April, 2010 demanded payment of an additional impact fee of more than $200,000 and, more than 2 months later, turned off the water. After that occurred, the owner met with City officials, and Ms. Gardner sent her memo to John Pick but not to the Council, whose members (with possible exceptions) were kept in the dark until that memo was provided to them as part of the “briefing book” for the Council’s July 12 meeting a few days earlier together with a proposed agreement that (we understand) was negotiated mostly by John Pick. If approved, it would allow Hitchcock to pay the additional fee in monthly installments of $1,500 for 5 years, when the remaining balance would become payable, with interest at 5% annual rate.
Another aspect is why this matter was not presented to the City Council for discussion at its work session last week or even earlier, but instead held for disclosure and initial discussion at the regular meeting this week, and why there was no investigation about Hitchcock or his business until long after the problem occurred.
And then there’s the performance by Louise Smith at the Council’s meeting on July 12. When Ms. Cohen requested that the Council should discuss the matter at a work session as soon as possible, Smith tried to avoid that reasonable action and berated Ms. Cohen and Ms. Campbell for not voting to immediately seal the deal with Hitchcock. Ireton, attired in a T-shirt, exercised no leadership initiative (as usual).
This sorry scenario is further evidence that the City administration is inept and incompetent at the highest level. Mr. Pick and Ms. Chambers are receiving well in excess of $100,000 per year (the cost to the taxpayers is probably closer to $200,000 including benefits). Ms. Oland is well paid, and if her salary, etc., is included the total is probably about $250,000. Things cry out for immediate and comprehensive change, but Ireton is not up to that task. He can’t even appoint a fire chief after more than a year in office.
Louise Smith and Shanie Shields are so entrenched in their dislike of the two diligent members of the City Council that they oppose them on most significant matters and trash them as often as possible. Only the absence of Gary Comegys in recent months (and on July 12) has prevented greater absurdity by the Council.
I urge everyone to tell Ireton, Smith and Shields what you think. That can be done by sending an e-mail to:
Andy Harris Raises Over $371,000 In First Quarter

SEVERNA PARK, Md. – State Senator Andy Harris reported raising $371,323 in the second fundraising quarter with $896,742 cash on hand, improving on last quarter’s numbers by over $46,000. This brings the total raised for the 2009-2010 cycle to $1,456,820.
“Our fundraising success is proof positive that Marylanders have had enough of Nancy Pelosi’s Congress and their out-of-touch approach to governing,” said Andy Harris. “With this strong support it is obvious voters are ready to send someone to Washington with a real, proven record of fighting wasteful government spending.”
Harris outraised his opponent in both the last quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010 - the first quarter by over $76,000.
Andy Harris is a Republican candidate running for Maryland’s 1st Congressional District. Harris, a practicing physician, and his wife Cookie have five children. For more information, please visit www.andyharris.com.
Owner Of $250,000 Mega Millions Ticket Wanted
This particular store is along Dry Mill Road S.W. On June 29, someone bought a Mega Millions ticket worth $250,000. But so far, no one has come forward to claim the prize.
In case you have any balled-up lottery tickets stuffed in your pants pocket, here are the winning numbers: 3-4-15-27-37. (The ticket did not match the Mega ball, which was 35.)
Unfortunately for us, no one at NBC4 won the prize. But we were at the store when a customer walked off with $1,020 from a scratch-off ticket on Tuesday. The store owner says another customer won a similar prize last week.
That's pocket change compared to the prize we're told a lucky customer took home a few years ago, when the store sold a $9 million lottery ticket.
A New Blog Surfaces

Well, it seems someone else has taken on Mr. McGuire, (drives around with FUJA1 tags on his car) to task on THIS BLOG.
While it is very rare I ever link to another Blog, I think it's important for others to see who's behind calling all of my advertisers and lying to them about who I am and what I say. The person who owns this newer Blog seems to have the McGuire's pegged perfectly.
Now this is not a bash Post. I believe it's news, especially for those of you interested in seeing what some of these people are all about, political wise and other. Be sure to go to "Older Posts" and see the very interesting stories offered from the very beginning. It was created not long ago, so there really isn't that many "Older Posts" on there anyway.
I personally do not know who the owner of the Blog is and I really don't care. However, today they will see more hits than they have ever seen before, or ever will again.
NAACP Condemns Tea Party As Racist
Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com
The NAACP is condemning the Tea Party movement for what it calls “explicitly racist behavior.” Does the group have a point, or is it just vying for attention?
Oil Gushes Into Gulf As Cap Plan Is Halted Without Explanation
HOUSTON — The plan to start choking off oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico was suddenly halted as government officials and BP said further analysis must be done Wednesday before critical tests could proceed.
No explanation was given for the decision, and no date was set for when testing would begin on the new, tighter-fitting cap BP installed on the blown-out well Monday.
In the meantime, oil continued spewing into the Gulf.
The oil giant had been scheduled to start slowly shutting off valves Tuesday on the cap, aiming to stop the flow of oil for the first time in three months.
BP was initially ahead of schedule on its latest effort to plug the leak. The cap was designed to be a temporary fix until the well is plugged underground.
GO HERE to read more.
Many Docs Don't Report On Addicted Colleagues
CHICAGO — Your doctor could be drunk, addicted to drugs or outright incompetent, but other physicians may not blow the whistle.
A new survey finds that many American physicians fail to report troubled colleagues to authorities, believing that someone else will take care of it, that nothing will happen if they act or that they could be targeted for retribution.
A surprising 17 percent of the doctors surveyed had direct, personal knowledge of an impaired or incompetent physician in their workplaces, said the study's lead author, Catherine DesRoches of Harvard Medical School.
One-third of those doctors had not reported the matter to authorities such as hospital officials or state medical boards. The findings, appearing in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association, are based on a 2009 survey of 1,891 practicing U.S. doctors.
Reporting a problem doctor can trigger important changes. Twenty-one years ago, a colleague smelled alcohol on a young physician's breath and anonymously reported him to the head of the residency program. A now-sober Dr. A. Clark Gaither is grateful.
"I wish I knew who reported me," Gaither said. "I'd like to give them a big ol' hug and thank them for saving my life."
Programs exist for retraining doctors with weak skills and getting addicted ones into treatment. But the survey results suggest doctors are not confident in the system, DesRoches said.
GO HERE to read more.
Maryland Congressional Race Shaping Up As One Of Most Competitive
In what's shaping up to be one the most competitive House races this year, Democratic freshman Rep. Frank Kratovil is fighting to keep his job. He's facing public anger at congressional spending, and an opponent who is trying to tie him to President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as their popularity has dropped. That could spell trouble in a district that Republican John McCain won by almost 19 points in 2008.
In an interview with CNN Friday, Kratovil dismissed polls that show he's extremely vulnerable, but acknowledged that voter anger about government red ink is part of a broader distrust with politicians running Congress.
GO HERE to read more and see video.
Mortgage Applications Sink To 13-Year Low
Demand for loans to purchase U.S. homes sank to a 13-year low last week, and refinancing demand also slid despite near record-low mortgage rates, the Mortgage Bankers Association said on Wednesday.
Requests for loans to buy homes dropped 3.1 percent in the week ended July 9, after adjusting for the Independence Day holiday, to the lowest level since December 1996, the industry group said.
Refinancing applications fell 2.9 percent, and the mortgage market index that reflects total loan demand also fell 2.9 percent.
Average 30-year mortgage rates edged up 0.01 percentage point to 4.69 percent, but were near the record low of 4.61 percent set in March 2009, based on MBA records dating back to 1990.
Rock-bottom borrowing costs are helping borrowers with pristine credit to buy and those who still have equity in their homes to refinance.
But high unemployment and foreclosures remain major hurdles, and worries that prices could dip further are also keeping many potential buyers on the sidelines.
GO HERE to read more.
These rules apply to comments:
1. Only positive statements about the candidate will be posted. Comments that attack the candidate or anyone else will not be posted, and that includes "sneak attacks" – for example: "Because I want higher taxes and more spending."
2. Long personal accolades will not be posted – the goal is to present the pertinent facts not a facade about the candidates. Short accolades (25 words or less) are OK.
PLEASE: if you do not plan to vote for the candidate, don’t send any comment for this post.
Montgomery County Dog Parks No Longer Free
Starting Aug. 1, permits will be required for anyone who uses a Montgomery County dog park. The permit will cost $40 and will be good for one year. For each additional dog, the cost is $5.
Once a dog owner applies for a permit, they will receive a colored dog tag, which must be attached to their dog's collar. Park Police can fine any pet owner who doesn't have a colored tag.
GO HERE to read more.
Arizona's Famed 'Sheriff Joe' Defends Immigration Law
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. — Arizona's "Sheriff Joe" Arpaio, known for his tough stance on illegal immigration, defended his state's new immigration-enforcement law Tuesday as he stumped for the Kansas secretary of state candidate who helped write it.
The Maricopa County sheriff told nearly 2,000 Kansas Republicans gathered at a rally in suburban Kansas City for Kansas secretary of state candidate Kris Kobach that Arizona needs the law because the federal government isn't doing its job. He said the law will allow his state to protect its residents.
"You can have all the laws on the book, but have to enforce the laws on the books," he said, adding that law enforcement in Arizona is under political pressure to look the other way when it comes to illegal immigrants.
"I want someone to say if you jump the fence, you go to jail. No one will say that," he added.
Arpaio said he was stumping for Kobach "to make sure a good guy is elected."
Kobach helped write the Arizona law directs officers to question people about their immigration status during the enforcement of other laws such as traffic stops and if there's a reasonable suspicion they're in the U.S. illegally.
"This should send a very clear message, a message that people in Washington don't seem to get," Kobach said. "Illegal means illegal."
GO HERE to read more.
Nats, O's Among Least Popular U.S. Baseball Teams
One reason for the paltry attendance numbers may be the Nationals' popularity across the country.
A new Harris Interactive poll ranks the Nationals as one of the least-liked baseball teams in the United States. The only teams less popular are the Houston Astros and the Florida Marlins.
GO HERE to read more.
You can see the full results of the survey by visiting Harris' website.
Misuse Of State-Issued Credit Cards

But officials from the Comptroller’s Office that oversee the cards 7,500 employees hold say that abuse is rare, and the cards return millions in rebates to state coffers, streamline procurement, speed payment to vendors and generate less paperwork.
Major Post At 10:00 AM Today
Unlike the rest of the MSM, who doesn't have the time, resources or funding to provide such information any more, Salisbury News will deliver hard hitting facts about a recent event each and every one of you need to know about.
The buzz around Town this morning will be one in which I might expect yet another record breaking day. You'll see why citizens have had just about enough and can't trust our local government any longer.
Stay tunes Folks because this is a good one.
Get Your Elk Burger On At Fuddruckers


Many of the HUGE companies in both states (and in deregulated states across the country) have been experiencing this freedom of choice for quite some time. However, smaller businesses & residents also have this freedom, unless they are located in a municipality like Berlin that produces and/or sells its own electricity. For the past 2 years, I've been helping smaller businesses & non-profit organizations like The Salisbury School, Karen Davis State Farm, SonLife Community Church, The Salisbury Kennel Club & Somers Cover Marina save money on their electricity bills & have recently started working with residents to do the same thing. Whether you choose to have me work with you on saving you money on electricity costs or someone else, you need to know that you DO have this freedom to shop & choose. Also, make sure your rate is ALL-inclusive & fixed, which means you won't have any extra, erroneous charges. Times are tough & unfortunately, our government, on all levels, isn't helping by not giving us as much information as it should be. If anyone has any questions, they can feel free to contact me.
George "Wookie" Kreiner
Consulting Agent
Total Energy Consultants
DC Airports Get Super Cute Pet Bathrooms

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland Republican Party Spokesman Ryan Mahoney released the following statement today in response to Congressman Kratovil’s recent comments during a CNN interview:
“Rep. Frank Kratovil continues to insult the intelligence of First District constituents by claiming he is a moderate on the campaign trail after continually touting the party line in Washington. Kratovil’s votes for the Cap-and-Trade energy tax and the failed Stimulus epitomize the unpopular Democrat policies he supposedly opposes, and his vote to elect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House makes his claims of dissatisfaction with his Party‘s leadership fall flat. Kratovil’s election year double talk is exactly the kind of behavior that has voters so upset this year and it truly shows just how out of touch he is with his constituents.”
Kratovil’s Record vs. Rhetoric
Kratovil Supported The Pelosi Agenda 85% Of The Time
Rep. Kratovil has voted for the Obama-Pelosi agenda 85 percent of the time, as of June 28, 2010. (Washington Post, The U.S. Congress: Votes Database,” 6/28/10)
Kratovil voted for Pelosi for Speaker of the House of Representatives
Kratovil voted for the nomination of Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 111th Congress. (Pelosi elected by a vote of 255-174; R: 0-174, D: 255-0). (Election of the Speaker, CQ Vote #2, Jan. 6, 2009)
Kratovil Supported The Cap-And-Trade Energy Tax:
Cap And Trade Could Cause The Loss Of Up To 41,500 Jobs In Maryland. (Maryland Economic Impact On The State From The Waxman-Markey Bill, National Association of Manufacturers and American Council For Capital Formation, 8/12/09)
Kratovil Supported The “Stimulus”Failure”
Since The Stimulus Was Passed, Maryland Has Lost Over 16,600 Jobs. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,http://link.sc.states.gop.com/?65-853-2382-125-9815, Accessed 6/23/10)
CNN: “Meeting with a group of local business leaders Friday in Elkton to discuss issues like trade and taxes, Kratovil repeatedly referred to himself as an "independent" and sounded more like a visitor to Washington, instead of the incumbent. He talked about his "first impressions of Washington DC" and slammed the "process" his own Democratic leaders use to pass legislation as broken and too driven by politics.”… “Kratovil carefully dodged a question about whether he'd vote for Pelosi again to serve as Speaker of the House if Democrats retain control, saying he's focused on his own election and will wait to see who runs for Speaker.”
NAACP Condemns Racism In Tea Party
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Leaders of the country's largest civil rights organization accused tea party activists on Tuesday of tolerating bigotry and approved a resolution condemning racism within the political movement.
The resolution was adopted during the annual convention in Kansas City of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, spokesman Chris Fleming said. Local tea party organizers disputed claims of racism and called on the NAACP to withdraw the resolution.
It was not immediately clear how the resolution was amended during the debate, which was mostly closed to the public.
The original called for the NAACP to "educate its membership and the community that this movement is not just about higher taxes and limited government." It suggested that something could evolve "and become more dangerous for that small percentage of people that really think our country has been taken away from them."
"We felt the time had come to stand up and say, 'It's time for the tea party to be responsible members of this democracy and make sure they don't tolerate bigots or bigotry among their members,'" NAACP President Ben Jealous said ahead of the debate. "We don't have a problem with the tea party's existence. We have an issue with their acceptance and welcoming of white supremacists into their organizations."
Activist denies racism Tea party activist Alex Poulter, who co-founded a Kansas City-area group called Political Chips, disputed the allegations. He said the movement is made up of a "diverse group of folks who are upset with what is going on with this country."
Poulter said he has seen no evidence of racism within the movement.
GO HERE to read more.
New Stamps To Honor Negro League Baseball

A pair of 44-cent commemorative stamps will be dedicated in ceremonies at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City, Mo.
"Get Connected"
Candidates Lunch and Learn Forums
The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce and Salisbury University's PACE group are planning a series of lunch and learn forums with candidates for elective offices in Wicomico County. The programs will be noon to 1 p.m. on Friday's in July and August at the Chamber Offices at 144 East Main Street. Each Friday several Wicomico County candidates (3 or 4) will be invited to come and give a 5 minute opening statement and then take questions from the audience. We only have one person each week from a given position in the County so there will be head to head debate. We hope this format will insure the best chance for the voters to gather information.
The program is open to chamber members and the general public. Please RSVP to the Chamber at 410-749-0144 or chamber@salisburyarea.com to insure adequate seating. Feel free to pack a meal and get educated on local issues over your lunch hour. For July 16 Joe Ollinger candidate for County Executive and David Macleod incumbent Council member from District 4.
Like Minded
On the opposite side of the road was an American Marine in a similar but less serious state.
The Marine was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the squad leader asked the injured Marine what had happened.
The Marine reported, "I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent. We saw each other and both took cover in the ditches along the road. I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein was a miserable, lowlife scum bag who got what he deserved.
He yelled back that Barack Obama is a lying, good-for-nothing, left wing Commie who isn't even an American.
So I said that Osama Bin Laden dresses and acts like a frigid, mean-spirited lesbian!
He retaliated by yelling, "Oh yeah? Well, so does Nancy Pelosi!"
And, there we were, in the middle of the road, shaking hands, when a truck hit us."
Jim Rutledge Disgusted By Barbara Mikulski's Vote To Tax Wounded Soldiers
U.S. Senate Candidate Jim Rutledge of Maryland is disappointed that Barbara Mikulski has now voted to tax wounded soldiers and disabled veterans. Liberal Democrats rushed to pass health care legislation and now hope to help fund it by taxing our veterans. Jim Rutledge said, "I'm disgusted that Barbara Mikulski had the opportunity to make this right but yet voted to tax those who have sacrificed their bodies in defense of this Nation."
The health care reform bill passed by Congress and signed into law by Obama provided for a new tax on medical devices. Americans for Tax Reform states that the tax would be applied to prosthetic limbs and even wheelchairs. Liberal Democrats like Barbara Mikulski hope to raise 20 billion dollars through these new health care taxes.
Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah offered an amendment to the health care reform bill that would have exempted veterans from this outrageous new tax. Unfortunately, Barbara Mikulski and other Liberal Democrats defeated the amendment. The medical device tax was one of many taxes that democrats tried to hide in the bill that was over 2000 pages long. In a statement by the Americans for Tax Reform Grover Norquist stated, "This is one of the many reasons Harry Reid and the Democrats did not want Americans to read the 2,500 page health care bill before it was passed."
The Rutledge for Senate Campaign believes Barbara Mikulski continues to support more taxes and bigger government at the expense of our wounded veterans. Our wounded warriors can now look forward to being taxed for the sacrifice they have made. Rutledge said, "Barbara Mikulski's refusal to exempt our veterans is a disgraceful."
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Martin O’Malley will join the Green Jobs & Industry Task Force, green industry business owners and stakeholders and members of his Cabinet on Wednesday, July 14 at 10 a.m. at Montgomery Park in Baltimore City to unveil a plan to create and retain green jobs, help existing businesses become more sustainable and promote the State’s natural resources. The Governor will participate in a roundtable discussion with small green business owners to discuss best practices in clean energy, environmental restoration and sustainable development.
Don't Take Marijuana To The Capitol
Sound logical? Not to the dozen people who were busted with marijuana while trying to enter the Capitol in the last year-and-a-half, according to The Hill. Most of the offenders were tourists, according to the paper, which discovered the arrests during a review of police reports.
GO HERE to read more.
“Today’s conference is about keeping guns out of the hands of abusers. Everyone here today knows how critical this issue is, but I want to underline why it’s so important for us to focus on,” said First Lady Katie O’Malley. “In my work as a judge, I have seen too many times the tragic results of what happens when domestic abusers have access to firearms.”
“Over the last year in Maryland, we have had 53 domestic violence-related deaths – and more than half of those deaths were by firearms,” she continued. “Studies show that the presence of a gun in a home is associated with three times the homicide risk of a home without a gun. That risk increases to eight times when the offender is an intimate partner or relative of the victim, and is 20 times higher when a history of domestic violence exists.”
“While there are still far too many deaths from domestic violence, my husband – Governor O’Malley – and the General Assembly are working together to make real progress to crack down on abusers, take guns out of the hands of violent criminals, and to make our State safer for all Marylanders,” she said.
Last year, the O’Malley-Brown Administration partnered with members of the General Assembly to pass legislation that removes guns from the hands of domestic abusers. This year, the O’Malley-Brown Administration partnered with members of the General Assembly to pass legislation allowing a victim of domestic abuse to terminate a residential lease with a copy of a final protective order.
“The legislation provides important new restrictions and reduces the risk of death or injury to those most vulnerable to attack, as well as to police officers,” said First Lady O’Malley. “These new laws are vitally important to us, since District Court judges enforce state law – not federal law. These important new state laws give Maryland District Court judges powerful new measures to protect victims in domestic violence cases.”
In enacting these laws, Maryland not only comes into compliance with Federal Law, but also joins seven other states in which judges are required to order a respondent of a final protective order to surrender all firearms, and twelve states that require judges to order the surrender of all firearms during a temporary protective order. American women who are killed by their intimate partners are more likely to be killed with guns than by all other methods combined. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, compared to homes without guns, the presence of guns in the home is associated with a 3-fold increased homicide risk within the home. The risk increases to 8-fold when the offender is an intimate partner or relative of the victim and is 20 times higher when previous domestic violence exists.
In addition to the firearms legislation, the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention has distributed federal Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds for initiatives to aid in the fight to stop domestic violence and assist the victims of these crimes throughout the state. The forty-five grants to date total $2.3 million.
Dr. Eric Wargotz Criticizes Obama Appointment Of Dr. Berwick
Annapolis, Commissioner Eric Wargotz M.D., a candidate for the United States Senate, criticized President Obama's appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick. While our nation was celebrating Independence Day, President Obama was bypassing the Senate confirmation process to appoint Dr. Donald Berwick to be administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This is the latest in a long of abuses of one-party rule of which Senator Mikulski participates on a routine basis.
Dr. Berwick has a long record of supporting socialized medicine and the rationing of care that invariably follows. In a 2009 interview Dr. Berwick said, "The decision is not whether or not we will ration care - the decision is whether we will ration care with our eyes open." Dr. Berwick has served as a consultant for Great Britain's National Health Service.
By appointing Dr. Berwick, President Obama is contradicting his previous statement in June 2009 to the American Medical Association in which he said, "identifying what works is not about dictating what kind of care should be provided."
"The truth is that Obamacare will put the government in the middle of doctor-patient decision making." Dr. Eric Wargotz said, "With Dr. Berwick's appointment to the CMS, it is clear Obama plans to pay for Obamacare's $500 Billion cut to Medicare by rationing care."
Eric Wargotz received his M.D. from the Ohio State University College of Medicine. He completed his post graduate medical training, including Chief Residency, at the Veterans Administration Medical Center of Washington D.C. and the George Washington University Medical Center where he received the Frank N. Miller, M.D. Award for Excellence in Medical Student Teaching. Following completion of a Fellowship in the Department of Gynecological and Breast Pathology at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) he joined their staff. Dr. Wargotz is a former Governor's Appointee to the Board of Physician Quality Assurance.
2010 Wicomico County Girls Field Hockey Registration Is Now Open
Registration is being accepted at the Box Office located at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center (500 Glen Ave.) or online at www.wicomicorecandparks.org. The registration fee for residents is $60 and $65 for non-residents.
For more information contact program director Kelly Rados at 410-548-4900 ext. 108 or email krados@wicomicocounty.org. If you would like to learn about other upcoming programs offered by Wicomico County Recreation, Parks and Tourism sign up for email alerts at www.wicomicorecandparks.org.
Governor Re-appoints Donna Hill Staton and Charlene M. Dukes, Ed.D to State Board of Education; Re-appoints H. Victoria Goldsborough to Caroline County Board of Education
ANNAPOLIS, MD - Governor Martin O’Malley today announced appointments to local Boards of Education including the Boards of Education for Anne Arundel, Baltimore, and Wicomico Counties. In addition, Governor O’Malley announced the re-appointment of H. Victoria Goldsborough to the Caroline County Board of Education. Governor Martin O’Malley also announced the reappointment of Donna Hill Staton and Charlene M. Dukes, Ed.D and the appointment of student member, Gayon Sampson, to the Maryland State Board of Education.
“I am proud to announce the appointments to the local boards of education and the State Board of Education. Each appointee brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise that will serve as an asset to the Boards they will serve on, and continue the progress we have made in building the No. 1 ranked school system in America,” said Governor O’Malley. “We have worked hard to compile a list of individuals from across our State with diverse educational, career, geographic, gender and ethnic backgrounds to continue to help protect Maryland’s priorities.”
Background information on each of the appointees is below:
Anne Arundel County Board of Education
Solon K. Webb – Mr. Webb is being appointed to the Anne Arundel County Board of Education. Mr. Webb is a Management Consultant for Spearhead Electronic Devices and has over twenty years of experience in the Life and Health Insurance industry including Chief Operating Officer, President and Board Member of Blue Cross Blue Shield Affiliates, Monumental General and AIG/Medical Excess Insurance Companies. Mr. Webb is the founding member of the Parent Involvement Advisory Council for Anne Arundel County, a member of the Annapolis High School PTSA, and a member of the Annapolis High School Improvement Team, and the Annapolis High School Business Advisory Board, among other Anne Arundel County School groups. He has served as a substitute teacher at Bates Middle School and is the parent of two sons who graduated from Annapolis High School. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from the University of Maryland, University College.
Deborah T. Ritchie – Ms. Ritchie is being appointed to the Anne Arundel County Board of Education. Ms. Ritchie is a Registered Nurse at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center where she has worked since 1985. Prior to that, she worked as a Nursing Assistant at Fair Field Nursing Center for nine years. She is currently the President of the Wye Oak Parent Teacher Association. From 2000 to 2006, she served on the Anne Arundel County Council of PTA’s as an Area Representative to Vice President and finally to President. From 2005 to 2006 she was the Parent Involvement Chair for the Maryland PTA, and from 2006 to 2007, she was the President-Elect. She served as President of the Maryland PTA from 2007 to 2009. Ms. Ritchie also has also served on several councils for the Maryland State Board of Education, including the Maryland Instructional Technology Advisory Council, the Commission on Civil Literacy, the K-12 Assessments Advisory Council, the Title 1/Headstart Advisory Council, and the English Language Learners Advisory Council, among others. She also worked with the State Department of Education and the Maryland State Education Association to develop and organize the Dropout Prevention Summit in 2008. Ms. Ritchie has also been highly involved in a number of committees and advisory boards for the PTA and Anne Arundel County Public Schools. She received her nursing degree from the Anne Arundel County Community College RN Program in 1987.
Katharine Scruggs (student member) – Ms. Scruggs has been appointed as the student member for the Anne Arundel County Board of Education. Ms. Scruggs is currently a student at South River High School and is expected to graduate in 2011. She is a member of the South River High School Literacy Committee and currently serves as a Peer Mediator, Manager of the Cross Country Team, and Editor of the Literary Magazine. She is also a member of the National Honor Society and Youth Rise. Ms. Scruggs also volunteers at her church and has donated locks of hair for cancer patients. She has been on the honor roll since 2004.
Baltimore County Board of Education
Michael H. Bowler – Mr. Bowler is being appointed to the Baltimore County Board of Education. Mr. Bowler has over 44 years of experience as a communications director, reporter, editorial writer, columnist, freelance writer and teacher. He recently was the Director of Communications for the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education where he served for three years. Prior to that, he served as the Education Editor and Columnist for the Baltimore Sun. He served in various roles and beats as a writer, columnist and editor for the Sun from 1970 until 2004. He began his journalism career as a Copy Editor for The Reporter Dispatch of White Plains, NY as a reporter and Copy Editor in 1965. He taught English and Social Studies from 1963 to 1964 in Oceanside, NY and has taught a number of journalism related courses in colleges across Maryland. He received his Bachelor of Arts in English from Columbia College in 1963 and received his Master’s in Journalism from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism in 1965.
George J. Moniodis – Mr. Moniodis is being appointed to the Baltimore County Board of Education. Mr. Moniodis is currently a Commercial Sales Associate for Coldwell Banker in Catonsville and has over 44 years of public affairs management experience, 35 of which were as Public Relations Director and Director of Government Affairs for St. Agnes Healthcare, the fourth largest hospital in the Baltimore area. Prior to his role at St. Agnes, he served as a Public Relations Consultant and a Public Information Specialist for the U.S. Army. Mr. Moniodis also worked at Bethlehem Steel as a Management Development Assistant and also served as a lecturer in Public Relations/Marketing for the University of Baltimore. He is a lifetime member of the American Hospital Public Relations and Marketing Society and is the Co-Founder and Member of the Maryland Hospital Public Relations Society. He is also a member of the Greater Catonsville Chamber of Commerce, the Baltimore Public Relations Council, the Greektown Community Development Corporation and the Consolidated Insurance Corporation. Mr. Moniodis is also the Director and President of Buddies, Inc. with the Baltimore Police Department Youth Organization. He received his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from the University of Baltimore in 1960. He received a certificate in Journalism, Radio & TV from the U.S. Army Public Information School in 1960.
Rohan Goswami (student member) – Mr. Goswami is being appointed as the student member to the Baltimore County Board of Education. As a senior at Loch Raven High School, he serves as Class President and President of the Debate Team and is a member of the National Honor Society and plays on the Badminton Team. He also volunteers at the Franklin Square Ambulatory Surgery Center and the Franklin Square Hospital Emergency Department. He also teaches Hindi to children and helps the soup kitchen at the Greater Baltimore Temple.
Wicomico County Board of Education
Marvin L. J. Blye – Mr. Blye is being appointed to the Wicomico County Board of Education. Mr. Blye has over 22 years experience in the accounting industry and recently began teaching Accounting courses at Wor-Wic Community College. He is a member of the Rotary International, Salisbury Club where he serves as the Foundation Chair, a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., a member of the National Association for Black Accountants, and a member of the Wicomico County Debt Affordability Committee Advisory Board. He received his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore in 1988, and received his Masters of Business Administration from Wilmington College in 1993. He is currently taking coursework at the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore to receive his doctorate in Organizational Leadership.
State Board of Education
Gayon Sampson (student member) – Mr. Sampson is being appointed as a student member for the Maryland State Board of Education. Gayon is currently a junior at Tuscarora High School in Frederick. He currently serves on a number of boards and organizations, including Executive Vice President of the Frederick County Association of Student Councils, Secretary of the Student Government Association, Class President, a member of the Multicultural Committee, the Model United Nations, the Mock Trial Team, Vice President of the BCWB Junior Board and President of the Youth Advisory Committee, among others. In 2007 and 2008, he worked as an office assistant for the Frederick County Department of Social Services, and in 2009, he worked as a Junior Safety Specialist at the U.S. Army Medical Command Installation at Ft. Detrick. He is the recipient of several awards including the Titan Character Award in 2009, the Black Frederick Rising Star Award in 2009, the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Award in 2009, among many others. He is a resident of Frederick County.